Yssup Rider's Avatar
Looks like you're fighting this battle by citing questionably biased sources and argue based on apples to oranges comparisons. But good job anyway. If I wasn't so "bored," I'd get off into questioning about the integrity of sources like "Skepticalscience.com," but that's not the issue. I'd appreciate it if more of our resident dungflingers took as academic an approach to a debate as you.

I tip my hat to you Madame. You've certainly put some work in. But that doesn't mean you're right, regardless of how shrill our resident colony of howler monkeys bellow. I'd wager that most of them haven't even read the OP.

And at least you didn't offer the standard RWWtard defense of Faux News ... "I'd fuck her!" LOL.

I respect the time you've put into this. I just think you, like so many Faux News fans are incapable of objective thought when it comes to objectively acknowledging its many errors, omissions and downright lies. (I'd love to read your defense of Ann Coulter.)

Rather than deconstructing your biased "evidence," which as even the simplest here can see (ahem) is based for the most part on picking through opinions and semantics, I'll simply say well played and leave this until the next time you trot out the RWW talking points. Certainly you must be aware that your "evidence" is shaky at best and really just presents opinions, not facts. (Gallup Polls, for example.)

The rest of you can go fuck yourselves.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are a fucking hypocrite who goes to those Hispanic immigrant slave sex parlors when you aren't buttfucking Austin faggots!!!

(I just read your latest reviews which you made after you accused me of fucking Asian slaves, you asshole) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You're a liar.

When poor old Rioseco called someone a "tormented soul," he was really talking about you. He just didn't understand it.
rioseco's Avatar
So what you're saying is that we should focus oil production on domestic sources, so we can raise more money to wage war in the Middle East.

Makes perfect sense.

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously, even in your own circus tent? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup, why don't you show us the part where I suggested "more war in the Middle East"
You are spinning and twisting my words to suit your own needs.You insult me yet when I return fire you will start whinning again about profanity, insults and attacks.
Get a grip boy, you are really one tormented soul.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Read it again, rio. Tell me what you were trying to say. I'm all ears, little guy.

"Tormented soul?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You're a liar.

When poor old Rioseco called someone a "tormented soul," he was really talking about you. He just didn't understand it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are the liar, and a faggot.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-02-2015, 10:59 AM

A far cry from 35. FIVE

Exxon (moving its World Headquarters into the The Woodlands, Texas, area) has estimated BRINGING 15,000 employees to the area in the first phase of the "campus." The increased injection of employees will generate "support" businesses and employees to provide "services" and "products" to those new employees in the area. Real estate sales are already in the works for buying houses for the new employees in the area and securing land for commercial use.

All of that spin off activity creates jobs, apart from the actual ongoing construction. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Jesus fucking H Christ you are trying to compare Exxon (moving its World Headquarters into the The Woodlands, Texas, to the Keystone Pipeline and the jobs created! Try and comprehend what you should really be comparing it to it terms of jobs. A fucking mall being built.

http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/03/10/experts-keystone-xl-pipeline-may-create-fewer-jobs-than-most-expectAn independent review by the agency, made public Jan. 31, found that while the project would create about 2,000 short-term construction jobs over two years (or 3,900 if construction took only a year), actually running the pipeline would provide just 50 long-term positions. It also would support another 40,000 "indirect" or "induced" jobs across the country during construction, ranging from canteen cars serving food along the pipeline route to factories manufacturing construction equipment for the project.
“That’s a similar amount of construction work to what’s necessary to build a medium-size mall, and after it’s built, far fewer permanent positions,” says Anthony Swift, staff attorney for the National Resources Defense Council, which has vocally opposed the pipeline. “Keystone XL has been pushed as this national jobs creator. It’s not.”
rioseco's Avatar
Read it again, rio. Tell me what you were trying to say. I'm all ears, little guy.

"Tormented soul?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yssup, you read it again !

I did not say make or save money for war against anyone.
Do you not see how the wealth of the Middle East makes it easy for rogue governments to prop up terror ?
That is how they buy explosives and guns. It is the oil money, lil buddy. It is how jihad is funded.
Do you think the money comes from pistachio sales in Iran ? Do you think it comes from their huge industrial base in Syria ? ! How much sand do they export from Palestine ?
We do not have to spend our dollars there ! This is not meant to make war. It is not offensive posturing. It is defensive.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The vast majority of pipeline welders make their living moving from one short-term construction job to the next, just like roofers. Except it takes longer to build a pipeline than roof a house, and the pay is better. BTW, pipelines are safer for the public and the environment than transporting by rail.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
I certainly won't say that Fox hasn't made any errors in a report or two.... Originally Posted by Cherie
I just think you, like so many Faux News fans are incapable of objective thought when it comes to objectively acknowledging its many errors, omissions and downright lies. (I'd love to read your defense of Ann Coulter.) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

This is why assup's posts are such a waste of time and unworthy of serious attention. Even after Cherie acknowledges that Fox makes errors, assup still calls her a "Faux News fan" incapable of acknowledging what she just acknowledged. Then he says he would love to read her "defense of Ann Coulter." WTF does that mean? Nobody I know would be foolish enough to defend everything Ann Coulter has said or written, carte blanche. I'm certain Cherie wouldn't either. But don't tell that to assup. His feeble mind sputters whenever it encounters ambiguity, nuance or complexity. That's why he desperately needs to pigeonhole all of us as RWW's who swallow everything we are spoon-fed by Roger Ailes.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously you didn't read the OP, IBJunior.

You've just joined this thread to point fingers and fling insults.

Read the entire OP and your Ann Coulter mystery will be revealed.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yssup, you read it again !

I did not say make or save money for war against anyone.
Do you not see how the wealth of the Middle East makes it easy for rogue governments to prop up terror ?
That is how they buy explosives and guns. It is the oil money, lil buddy. It is how jihad is funded.
Do you think the money comes from pistachio sales in Iran ? Do you think it comes from their huge industrial base in Syria ? ! How much sand do they export from Palestine ?
We do not have to spend our dollars there ! This is not meant to make war. It is not offensive posturing. It is defensive. Originally Posted by rioseco
Actually, I think most of us find your posturing offensive, rio.
rioseco's Avatar
Actually, I think most of us find your posturing offensive, rio. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

And you wonder why you were voted DOTY 2015
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not at all. I know how, why and probably can figure out who.

Do you watch much wrestling?
rioseco's Avatar
Not at all. I know how, why and probably can figure out who.

Do you watch much wrestling? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Why, are you still a fan of Captain Isano, Bobby Boucher ?

I watch MMA. I know you don't like it when I use acronyms that you can't decipher.
Mixed Martial Arts........got it ?