I have no idea how that fits in this thread, but here is the short version with the stronger words removed:
--The report clearly said she did not follow procedures/rules in multiple areas.
--I thought the comments about previous SofSs was somewhat gratuitous with out explaining if they (1) all had a separate private server, and (2) the relative volume. It is a big difference to occasionally forward an e-mail to a private account vs using your "personal server" as your primary comms. I am guessing her use was far in excess of her predecessors, but I don't know.
--But it does NOT touch upon what I would consider the most serious issues: her blatant security disregards for both SCI and SAP material. She can send all the state dinner menus she wants to her personal server, I really don't care. It does mention that even after there were some cyber security issues she continued to act above both the law and incredibly recklessly.
Bottom line when I read it: I was exceedingly disappointed that it was nowhere near as condemning as it should be. It makes it sound like procedural irregularities appropriate for a fine or slap on the wrist--not the gross negligent and willful disregard for highly sensitive material it is that puts US security superiority at very significant risk--a borderline treasonous act. Anything less than a long jail sentence is a joke.
Clear enough about how I feel?
Originally Posted by Old-T
Ok, thanks!
This is the wrong thread for discussing it but I couldn't get your attention in the other one ("Why Hillary Will Obliterate Drumpf") where flightr65 keeps cluelessly repeating a pack of desperate lies and laughable talking points that anyone with an ounce of experience in handling classified information (such as you seem to have) must find absurd and infuriating.
Borderline treasonous... long jail sentence... that sounds about right to me. What I find most disturbing is how this is part of pattern of behavior wherein she has put personal political considerations ahead of our nation's security. Like opposing the surge in Iraq (as recounted in Bob Gate's memoirs). Like blaming Benghazi on a youtube video two months before the 2012 election. I can overlook a lot of qualities in a potential Commander in Chief, but doing treasonous things to protect your own political ass isn't one of them!