To all the Veterans on the Board

You are borderline psychotic. Did you NOT just read that I'm CURRENTLY EMPLOYED, CURRENTLY OVERSEAS and that you have OUTED one of YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES in the past?
I truly believe you'll find ALL THE ANSWERS if you read the above post carefully! Originally Posted by DTorrchia
You're afraid I'm going to OUT you?

That's your excuse LOL?

Oh come can do better than that.

Let's just have a simple yes or no to the challenge....will you meet at a lawyer's office and speak to the CIA guy or not?

Yes or no
DTorrchia's Avatar
You're afraid I'm going to OUT you?

That's your excuse LOL?

Oh come can do better than that.

Let's just have a simple yes or no to the challenge....will you meet at a lawyer's office and speak to the CIA guy or not?

Yes or no Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
You've already been told. The meeting will take place. Lawyers have nothing to do with it. Nor does the UT Registrar, or NASA or any other idiotic schemes you come up with. I have all the proof I need. That means the meeting can take place just between us. I'm sure we'll find a way to work out who's gonna retract what on the board once we meet. Don't you think?
You've already been told. The meeting will take place. Lawyers have nothing to do with it. Nor does the UT Registrar, or NASA or any other idiotic schemes you come up with. I have all the proof I need. That means the meeting can take place just between us. I'm sure we'll find a way to work out who's gonna retract what on the board once we meet. Don't you think? Originally Posted by DTorrchia

I guess that's a are not willing to sit with me in front of witnesses and look up and call the CIA guy I worked with.

That pretty much sums it all up.

All bluster and no action.

I should have expected nothing different from a deputized member of the Williamson County Sheriff's office.

See ya when I see ya.

Have a good time picketing in front of the abortion clinics nut ball.
Are you agreeing to speak to the retired Station Chief I worked for or not?

And after he verifies I worked for him what will you do?

Why are you afraid to tell me your name?

Why won't you meet me in Europe to meet my partners? I offered to pay your ticket. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Mr. TAE, why would want somebody to know that you are now a pimp (sort of), if DT goes and talks to people you use work for? He's going to tell them what you do. All the things you claim to have done and now you have lowered yourself to this level and you want those people to know that. With all these skills you claim to possess, you could make a shit load of money working as a mercenary or in the black market rather than pimping females that are probably not very smart.

Secondly, if you know who DT works for and that's he's undercover and you have all these connections, wouldn't it easy to find out his real name? I could, but there's no value in it. It's a waste of time. I don't do anything unless there's money in it. If DT is undercover here, then he must be at the bottom of the barrel to get a gig like these and a waste of money unless he's seeing providers too then it can be fun, but it has to be unofficial otherwise he's committing a crime which makes any evidence he collects null and void. The amount of time that DT has been 'undecover' here, he should have nailed the majority of the providers by now. I'm not saying that's he's not or is what you claim he is, but I'm like, so what. Is not like this is something that will one day put him in charge of the sheriffs dept.

I think DT would have to be extremely stupid to meet you Europe.
In my world, he wouldn't be coming back, if he did something that dumb.

My 2 pennies.
DTorrchia's Avatar
KP, asking a guy like TAE to use common sense is like asking asking a pig to grow wings and fly. It's just NOT going to happen.
Everybody on this board sees this for what it is. He's mad that I got the drop on him, called him out on all his BS and can PROVE it and he's frustrated that he has no clue who I am.
HE himself doesn't believe I'm LE! You know how I know? What "provider" would contact a possible LE through PM and provide him with his full name, date of birth etc etc AFTER he supposedly suspects that person to be LE???That's what TAE did and I have the PM to prove it. So does ANYONE here really think that he HIMSELF believes I'm LE? Of course not!
As you stated Kingorpawn, what pimp would want LE to go and question his past supervisors at his "CIA" job? It's a pathetic smokescreen. If you read back over the "Occupy What?" thread you'll see he didn't make that accusation UNTIL I brought up my knowledge about the magazine article and what I truly discovered about his past. That's a matter of record on this board. Anyone can read the thread and see when the first time was that the LE accusation from him surfaced. He was hoping to shut me up and intimidate me into not revealing what I learned about him and his constant lying about his "covert ops" and "man of action" days.

More importantly however, the ONLY PERSON who's been found to reveal any information in relation to escort boards or the hobby, is TAE himself. HE is the one that outed one of his own providers to her parents after she quit his business.
On the other hand, he cannot name one instance in which he found that I shared information from this board to any non-hobby related individuals or entities. He's the only one between the two of us to have "outed" anyone. That's why I believe there's a better than average chance that he will try to throw someone else under the bus in an effort to avoid his legal problems.

He's also quite simply embarrassed (note how he's ducked the question as to me posting the link to the magazine story in over 6 posts now) that I found out that this "man of action" not only never was a "covert ops" guy but instead was the stereotypical Nerd who was picked on in college.
THAT is why he has contempt for all soldiers, THAT is why he has contempt for actual CIA employees. You see, TAE was a "contract worker"....hired for research, analysis and things like that. There's actually nothing wrong with that and I would never have called him out for his job.
Where he got himself in trouble was by posting his contempt for soldiers. Then he started bragging about covert ops etc etc. So I started digging. Low and behold, he never was an actual CIA employee. In fact, if you go to his "Intel" website, he speaks with contempt of the "low level case officers who've written books about their careers in the CIA". In other words, he has contempt for the "doers" because he considers himself an intellectual "thinker". Again, you have to go back to the story in the magazine to understand. He had a bad experience with a few "alpha male types" in college. It ruined his self esteem and from that point on he had nothing but contempt for ANYONE that is confident and actually goes out and DOES the work that he studied and analyzed for a living. You can read his research papers, his "intel" website, his postings here on Eccie and anything else you care to dig up and you will always find the same. Contempt and hatred for the guys on the ground, guys on the front lines. He considers them "thugs".....and holds himself out to be superior to them because of his "graduate school" credentials. In reality all of that is a mask. He's insecure, vulnerable and weak, physically as well as mentally. Oh he's book smart alright but he doesn't possess one single ounce of common sense. So physical and mental weakness in addition to no common sense=no job opportunity as a "doer" only as the guy in the rear who's the "analyst". Again there's nothing wrong with that as long as you yourself can accept that role. He couldn't. It ate at him that others were out doing while he was "thinking" so he developed this false persona as a "covert ops, man of action". It was all BS. I don't know if he was this way prior to his run in with the guys in college but after that he certainly never attained any real confidence. It's why he always talks down to people and even though he's now an escort business owner, he STILL considers himself morally and intellectually superior to others around him. THAT is what led to his public downfall here. No government conspiracy, no "LE" conspiracy....just his own never ending need to cover up his own insecurities by attacking Veterans, active duty military or ANYONE that exhibits any type of confidence and is willing to stand up for themselves. It's actually rather sad.
Hopefully, he'll get over it.
DTorrchia's Avatar
I don't think he will. At 52, he sees himself sinking faster than the Titanic and he's trying desperately to cling to any lifeboats which continue to pass him by.

To see how he views real life, actual CIA employees and Officer's, here's an excerpt in his own words from a failed website he tried to create:

"Even worse, though perhaps less disingenuous, are the slew of works by low level field officers who seek celebrity through the public's facination with their profession. These works are usually marred by the egotistical nature of their authors' avocation. Case officers are by nature men of action, not thought. (Notice how he implies that HE is a man of thought on his own website while here on ECCIE he pretends to be a "man of action" much like the men he maligns in this rant about real CIA officers) They are paid to persuade, cajole and threaten others into doing what they were not brought up to do. They are not contemplative, self-critical, or even honest by nature. It is too much to ask that they be asked to put forward anything less than a self-serving, un-critical version of their careers."

The closest TAE ever came to a "mission" was on behalf of some EX-CIA employees who asked him to look in on an old, retired former Officer who was living in Austin.
Here's TAE in his own words on that:

In some functions, I am satisfied that I was working on behalf of the "community" without any government involvement at all. In particular, one assignment I undertook in 1992 involved monitoring a figure who was an employee in the 1950s, and a frequent assassin. I assumed that in that role that I was acting on behalf of the informal community rather than the bureaucracy in Langley." -DTorrchia's translation of the above: While constantly bragging on the internet about his interest in "intelligence" someone asked him to drop in and check on this old CIA officer that was living in the same town as TAE. TAE jumped at the chance and then spent countless hours listening to stories from this old, retired CIA officer.

As you can see, he was never a CIA employee and because he couldn't get in, the best he could do was get hired on for analysis on a "contract" basis. He therefor insults almost anyone that actually has had a career as an actual CIA officer.
It's par for the course with him. Don't have what it takes to serve in the military? Malign veterans and active duty military personnel who have or do serve. Can't get into the CIA? Malign any actual CIA officer as goons and thugs, incapable of thought.
This is what TAE does. It's the only thing he CAN do. His failures and shortcomings prevent him from doing anything else.

The funny part is that while he writes
disparagingly of real CIA officers, the website he created in an effort to make himself appear as an "intellectual", is a failure. Like most other things he's attempted since college, no one's buying into it. Very few hits, very few readers, just incomplete thoughts and ramblings, not much different than what he's posted on so many threads on this site.

Good thing I turned down a job with the CIA 20 yrs ago.
I might have been sitting next to him.

I watched a lot of James Bond flicks in those days.
Mr. TAE, why would want somebody to know that you are now a pimp (sort of), if DT goes and talks to people you use work for? He's going to tell them what you do. All the things you claim to have done and now you have lowered yourself to this level and you want those people to know that. With all these skills you claim to possess, you could make a shit load of money working as a mercenary or in the black market rather than pimping females that are probably not very smart.

Secondly, if you know who DT works for and that's he's undercover and you have all these connections, wouldn't it easy to find out his real name? I could, but there's no value in it. It's a waste of time. I don't do anything unless there's money in it. If DT is undercover here, then he must be at the bottom of the barrel to get a gig like these and a waste of money unless he's seeing providers too then it can be fun, but it has to be unofficial otherwise he's committing a crime which makes any evidence he collects null and void. The amount of time that DT has been 'undecover' here, he should have nailed the majority of the providers by now. I'm not saying that's he's not or is what you claim he is, but I'm like, so what. Is not like this is something that will one day put him in charge of the sheriffs dept.

I think DT would have to be extremely stupid to meet you Europe.
In my world, he wouldn't be coming back, if he did something that dumb.

My 2 pennies. Originally Posted by kingorpawn
The retired Station Chief in question has agreed to take the call of any attorney representing the anonamous person "D'Torchia."

I've chosen this retired officer because he's very much in the public eye and has very conservative politics. You can see him on Fox News and so forth so there won't be any argument about his credentials.

He and I disagree on almost every issue under the sun, but that's normal in intelligence work. We never let our ideological differences interfere with work. That's normal.

Of course he knows I'm operating an escort service. Given the other things he and I did together that's absolutely no surprise to him LOL.....

As far as "pimping" goes. The definition of a pimp is that he has sex with all the girls and takes all their money. That's not what I do. Nor is it what Marley, Krissy or Marco do either. There were two male operators on review boards in Austin when Craigslist was operating who were pimps, but once Craigslist became unavailable they dissolved.

D'Torchia's activities with the Wilco Sheriff are typical of what they do...

They meet-up with a zealous citizen who wants to play "cops and robbers..."

The citizen will sometimes open a P411 account and see two providers in order to get favorable references...

Then the citizen is deputized, and uses his P411 account to lure Austin providers to Williamson County.

This is how one of Marco's girls, who now has her own agency, got arrested there.

The Wilco Sheriff doesn't care if the charges will stick in court; he only wants to make the arrest. Almost all the Austin providers arrested in Wilco have their charges dropped for lack of evidence. The MINT girl had this happen to her and then had to spend a lot money to get the arrest expunged. It's a game, and part of it is the sadistic pleasure the hobby-hating deputy gets when the provider is hauled off to jail crying......

D'Torchia can't explain why he has no reviews, has excuses for not seeing anyone or telling me his name, holds social/political views consistent only with a hobby/abortion hater, etc. etc.....

At a minimum it's very strange that someone who claims to be on the other side of the world almost all the time spends so much time on a site like this posting with providers he's totally unavailable to see......

Deputized private citizens do not behave professionally because they've never been trained, and in Wilco LE is so incompetent and corrupt that anything can and does happen.

As far as myself harming D'Torchia in Europe or anywhere else.....

This is kinda funny actually. He's spent huge amounts of time researching and posting on me as though I'm his obcession. He hates me.

Guess what?

I don't care.

I don't hate him.

And here's another principle all real professional soldiers know....

"Revenge is a waste of time."

As I've posted before, D. Strierr once said to me, "The best revenge is outliving all of your enemies. If you're in the right time takes care of everything."
DTorrchia's Avatar
Your tactics are predictable and sad. Now you think by bringing other escort agencies' names into our discussion that you can drum up some much needed support?

1. I have no problems with ANY escort agencies, including yours. I just have a problem with you personally. It's YOUR actions we're talking about here. It's YOU outing a former employee to her parents and intimidating/threatening two others. And yes, those types of actions from YOU put YOU in the "pimp" category. That's what we're talking about.
That has NOTHING to do with the other names you brought up. Nice of you to try to drag them into this discussion though when they had NOTHING to do with what we were talking about. I addressed you specifically. You know it and I know it. Be a man for ONCE and don't try to drag others into your messes.

2. As far as my "obsession" with you. I told you in PM the quickest way you can get me to go away and never hear a peep out of me again. Take back the disparaging remarks you made toward military Veterans, take back the disparaging remarks you made toward me and stop attacking Veterans and active duty personnel when their opinions differ from you by insinuating that they were either not veterans at all or that they're thugs, unintelligent and other names you've called them. Cease in those actions and you'll see me quiet down considerably. Until then, I'm not going anywhere. Now, what kind of LE would be willing to make a deal like that?

3. Your pathetic attempts to make me out to be Wilco LE are just that. You, MR. CIA, with all your "CIA connections" can't come up with ONE SINGLE PROOF that I'm part of LE. Not one!, LOL.
To make things worse, your "reasoning" makes no sense at all.
So one "Mint" girl got arrested in Wilco. Ahmmmm and how MANY girls have gotten arrested in Travis County?? There's been posts written about some of the girls going to court for hobby related arrests in Travis County. So what's your point? That escorts occasionally get arrested in Wilco and Travis County? DUH!!!!!!
I noticed what you DIDN'T bring up though. The fact that I've never contacted or made any arrangements with a "Mint" girl on this site. EVER!
In fact, you can't name ONE provider on this site that I've ever asked to come to an outcall ANYWHERE, much less having asked one to travel to Wilco. Come on TAE, name one, JUST ONE! Yeah.....didn't think so.......

So let's see:
a) You have no proof to back up what you're saying.
b) You can't explain why you've never brought up your concerns about my being LE
UNTIL I revealed my knowledge of the magazine article describing how you lost your
c) You can't explain how if you REALLY BELIEVED that I was LE then WHY you would
PM me your full name, your DOB, your private e-mail account AND offer to PAY ME me to go
to Europe with you
, all of this AFTER you accused me of being LE here.
d) You can't explain why, with the thousands of registered users here on ECCIE there's such a small percentage that actually DO post reviews. You can't explain that even though you're a "verified provider"??? Strange don't you think?!
Yeah, but you believe I'm LE huh??

Listen Mr. CIA/SOVEREIGN CITIZEN/TAE/Kennedy Assassination Expert/Failed website psychological warfare writer/....all you have to do is read my prior posts. I listed where I've hobbied, hell, if you knew how to read you would know that I lived in a hobby related house for 2 years while dating a provider! LMAO......
But yeah, I'm a "hobby hater"......

As far as you wondering why someone from halfway across the world would log on here and call you on your BS? Read #2 above.
As long as you continue on with your BS, I'll just keep calling you on it whenever I see it. The good news is, February's only two months away. You've been itching to meet with me so you can prove all these things in person. I've been kind enough to agree to your request. So what exactly are you bitching and moaning about?
Oh that's right, you rarely ever actually HAVE a point. Just more grandstanding, hoping I'll go away before then. Not going to happen!

PS: Here's another thing David H.Strier (can you at least spell his name right, I mean after all it was YOUR "assignment" to monitor him, not mine) supposedly said to you:
"It's not true that you can get anyone to do anything. With most people you can, but there's always that one guy who just won't go along."
-- Col. David H. Strier, CIA officer, assassin to TAE (according to TAE)

Maybe I'm just that "one guy" TAE.

I've chosen this retired officer because he's very much in the public eye and has very conservative politics. You can see him on Fox News and so forth so there won't be any argument about his credentials. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Again, why would this retired officer waste his time with something this small.
I love Fox News they have the best looking chicks and they are currently showing two of my favorites. So maybe I have seen this 'guy'.

For somebody to have done those things you claim and then gets involved with petty stuff like this seems strange to me. The guy is better off hanging out with the Fox News babes.

Again, for the deputies to get off just arresting providers and then most of the providers getting the charges dropped seems like a waste of time and money when they got bigger criminals to go after.

Unfortunately, it doesn't make any sense. Good luck.

It would nice if you focus on lowering your girls prices.

My two pennies.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Again, why would this retired officer waste his time with something this small.
I love Fox News they have the best looking chicks and they are currently showing two of my favorites. So maybe I have seen this 'guy'.

For somebody to have done those things you claim and then gets involved with petty stuff like this seems strange to me. The guy is better off hanging out with the Fox News babes.

Again, for the deputies to get off just arresting providers and then most of the providers getting the charges dropped seems like a waste of time and money when they got bigger criminals to go after.

Unfortunately, it doesn't make any sense. Good luck.

It would nice if you focus on lowering your girls prices.

My two pennies. Originally Posted by kingorpawn
Can't disagree with you there! Gotta love the Fox news babes, lol!
Can't disagree with you there! Gotta love the Fox news babes, lol!
Originally Posted by DTorrchia
I love Megan Kelly, but there a lot more than just her. Fox News knows how to pick them.
Attached Images File Type: jpg courtney_friel1.jpg (32.1 KB, 66 views) File Type: jpg courtney_friel3.jpg (106.7 KB, 72 views)
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You guys have me confused. I understand that the Fox news girls are the metaphors for whores.

Who is LE?

By the way, the South seized federal installations in Feb. of 1861 and followed with the attack on Ft. Sumter in April 1861

I'm an American before I'm a Texan. And while I saw no combat other than a wet, fat guy trying to pull on a tight t-shirt at one of the post pools I worked at, someone had to watch over the officer's wives.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You guys have me confused. I understand that the Fox news girls are the metaphors for whores.

Who is LE?

By the way, the South seized federal installations in Feb. of 1861 and followed with the attack on Ft. Sumter in April 1861

I'm an American before I'm a Texan. And while I saw no combat other than a wet, fat guy trying to pull on a tight t-shirt at one of the post pools I worked at, someone had to watch over the officer's wives.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Speak of the devil. The movie Shenandoah is on in 5 minutes on Cinimax. I first saw it in the theater. Still one of my favorites.