Enlighten me!

Oh sh*t, did the simple Texan suggest feelings are involved in this community?

Physical flaws?? Beauty comes from within. I'm sure many of us could relay a personal story. Maybe I'm too much like Shallow Hal after Tony Robbins transformed him.

Many things have been brought up during this thread. I was in Dallas several months ago and had arranged to meet a lady. We had emailed and talked on the phone. Our appointment was set. During our time online and on the phone, she told me she secretly hopes for a "Pretty Woman" fairytale to become real life for her. She really liked the movie and had seen it several times.

I decided to surprise her. We had a dinner date set up and she was coming to my hotel so we could leave from there. I made time from work to go get some candles. I went on the internet and downloaded many video music clips from the movie. Set it up so they would play in a seductive sequence. I stayed up late the night before to get everything ready. The next day I rushed back from work, jumped in the shower, making sure I was clean, everything freshly shaved. Got dressed in my coat and tie. Knowing she gave men their fantasies, I was going provide hers, if even for only a few hours.

Checked to make sure all was in order with the music videos I'd prepared. I picked up the phone to call her. I discovered a voice mail from her left for me while I was in the shower. Ii said she had to cancel because her "monthly visitor" had arrived. I called her, we spoke a little. I invited her to join me only for dinner, but she declined saying she hadn't cleaned up to go and would rather pass. I told her I understood, and we agreed there would be another time the next time I was in Dallas.

I felt let down. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
Hell Tex. If you're all that, I'll go out with ya.

We can talk about drilling for oil in the Permian basin or working the cotton coop in Lubbock.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Hell Tex. If you're all that, I'll go out with ya.

We can talk about drilling for oil in the Permian basin or working the cotton coop in Lubbock. Originally Posted by NormalBob
lmao, we'll do it, but only if a couple of ladies join us. Shoot, I'll even let you pick 'em. When we're talking about drilling, we'll have to make sure they don't think it's about them. lol

Some guys just never know how to have fun.
Something about your avatar am-a-pleaser that just screams "I'm fun"
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
TY Montana. I know when to laugh and when to be serious.

Speaking of avatars, I need to find a short spinner for a little standing 69. Looks fun.

Back to topic, disrespectful name calling shows immaturity. The ones China speaks of in her description just adds to the reason providers don't want to see him.
Originally posted by am-a-pleaser:
"Did I answer the questions? Why the negative reactions? Rejection, hurt, past life experiences, general life attitude., sense of entitlement, pointing out another's flaws takes the focus from themselves, their self-image, attempt to inflict more hurt than they feel..

So, this guy from Texas has feelings and respect for others. Most on eccie have respect for others and tend to show it. A small minority do not. I can have a bad day, but I hope if I ever vent, my tone and choice of words will reflect my underlying good character."

Yes, you answered my questions very well. In fact, you seem to have efficiently and expertly summed up this entire thread in just these two paragraphs!

I would like to thank you and the others who contributed. Before I started this thread, I was not sure whether to think that:

A) The men who resort to the "wh*re" insults actually believe that we should have trouble living with what we do


B) The men don't necessarily look down on providers but simply want to insult this one, so they choose the one thing they have at their disposal

I think that you guys are right in saying that a man not of the opinion that a woman should feel ashamed of her provider status would not think to use that status as an insult.

I would also like to reiterate one last time that the insults hurled in my direction do not fluster me. I really just wanted to psychoanalyze them with your help. I am temporarily in this profession by choice. I am more than okay with what I do...what else do I need? Well, besides the guys who are also okay with what I do.
MajorHands's Avatar
"Well, besides the guys who are also okay with what I do. "

Of which I'm confident there are no shortages....
Wow am-a-pleaser...what a wonderfully thoughtful thing to do...tooo bad she had to miss out on seeing such a sweet and very creative gentleman!! nita..
  • Aguy
  • 05-04-2010, 04:05 PM
I think that these sort stopped growing up emotionally very early in life. I'd say somewhere around two and a half. They basically do what a two year old does when they don't get their own way. They throw a tempertantrum. Since stomping on the floor or pounding their fists on it doesn't work very well over the phone and if they did it in person you'd be laughing too hard to give them even a little bit of credence they resort to name calling and other abuse acts. I think some people are just born without any kind of empathy gene at all.

They have also found that many times they do get their own way when they act this way. Most people tend to try to be non confrontational and try to appease them instead of telling them to get lost. When someone stands up to them they have no concept that they may be the problem.

They are also the type that feels that they must be above someone else. However, instead of building themselves up the try to tear other people down lower than they are so that they can feel superior.
By the way, am-a-pleaser, I did forget to address the effort you put into that date. I agree with Anita...she definitely missed out that night.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Anita and China, she did miss out. I wanted to give her something she'd never expect. I know the amount of time and effort ladies put into this. Even before the date. But do guys realize how long it took to get ready for that 1-hour date? Many expect quite a lot.

If something happens, or the guys references give warning, or your aunt flo shows up, or just your intuition give you pause, by all means cancel. Better to be safe. I have good intuition. Sometimes I ignore it, and wish I hadn't.

China, thank goodness the immature guys show their true selves online rather than in person. They validated your reasons to cancel.
If ...your aunt flo shows up... by all means cancel. Better to be safe. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser

Aunt Flo is the essence of safe.

This is not a deal-breaker. (-: