president veto

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11 hours of grilling by the best the publicans have, and after when TG was asked what new was found he said....Nothing.
lustylad's Avatar
Lusty, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not here on the odd occasion to WK for anyone. If you write something egregious enough and I'm in the mood to post, I'll take a swipe at it.
That said, I do like the way you sometimes give some of these clowns the business. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Take a swipe any time. That's what the forum is for. I know you're not a WK, nor do I need one. I only thanked you for saving me the trouble of looking up the right link on the sequestration issue. The libtard clowns on this board like to knowingly post lies - just to watch you jump through hoops to prove them wrong. After which they (being libtards with zero integrity) try to weasel out of the original lie, as WTF is doing here.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Take a swipe any time. That's what the forum is for. I know you're not a WK, nor do I need one. I only thanked you for saving me the trouble of looking up the right link on the sequestration issue. The libtard clowns on this board like to knowingly post lies - just to watch you jump through hoops to prove them wrong. After which they (being libtards with zero integrity) try to weasel out of the original lie, as WTF is doing here.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Good on ya.
lustylad's Avatar
11 hours of grilling by the best the publicans have, and after when TG was asked what new was found he said....Nothing. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Hey dumbass, watch where you post. This isn't the Hillary thread.
lustylad's Avatar
lustyturd was trying to pass off this as all Obama's point, which you now have agreed with is that it was bipartisan.

Thank you two numbnuts for playing two are playing "gotcha " Instead of "Got it" Originally Posted by WTF
Bullshit! You asked the question who wanted to put those automatic spending caps in the Budget Control Act of 2011. Sewer rat chimed in right on cue saying "There you go. Republitards." You failed to correct him. Then you called me wrong about the caps originating in the Odumbo White House - a historical fact that we're still waiting for you to acknowledge and admit you were wrong to deny. So quit lying about making a bipartisan point. You don't have a bipartisan bone in your body.
Hey dumbass, watch where you post. This isn't the Hillary thread.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
No it was a watch you kiss duckbutters ass. Then him yours.
Ducbutter's Avatar
No it was a watch you kiss duckbutters ass. Then him yours. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Aww, don't be butt hurt I'va. If you ever write anything intelligent I'll complement you too.
Forgive me if I don't hold my breath. You're already 0 for 19,649. I'm sure you'll reach 0 for 19,650 with your next post.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2015, 06:45 PM
No it was a watch you kiss duckbutters ass. Then him yours. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

I thought they were going to give each other a reach around...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2015, 06:52 PM
Bullshit! You asked the question who wanted to put those automatic spending caps in the Budget Control Act of 2011. Sewer rat chimed in right on cue saying "There you go. Republitards." You failed to correct him. Then you called me wrong about the caps originating in the Odumbo White House - a historical fact that we're still waiting for you to acknowledge and admit you were wrong to deny. So quit lying about making a bipartisan point. You don't have a bipartisan bone in your body.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Let me correct , again , a few things you are trying to distort.

1) I do not have to have a bipartisan bone in my body to have made the correct assertion that the action taken was bipartisan. Which was a counter to your point....which 2) was not really where the idea originated but who to blame. That was wtf you were trying to do, assign blame and not just assign blame but incorrectly assign blame. Where it originated was a diversion, a Straw-man by you...

For example...
If I come up with an idea that you suck ducbutters dick and post a video of it and you do so, would your defense of doing something so stupid be that it was my idea?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2015, 07:10 PM
Yes, we agree that it was bipartisan. I've not read this entire thread so I don't know if that was your original position, nor am I particularly interested. I'm happy to give you the benefit of the doubt.
What I was addressing was this demonstrably false comment from you:

"That is not true but hardly worth debating. "

And your story now is that you, being the sly devil you are, have tricked me into stating the position I already held.
Brilliant! Originally Posted by Ducbutter
I did not know you were going to enter the thread....but my question then was Who were the leaders? lustylame instead of answering a straight forward question that was leading him to the correct answer of assigning blame to all ....tried and divert it to the White House.

I then posted a link showing the bipartisan vote....and anyone with half a brain could have also seen ( by following the link i provided) just where the suggestion came from and been much more honest about the assignment of blame.

And just who was the leaders of the Budget Control Act of 2011? Originally Posted by WTF
Ducbutter's Avatar

I thought they were going to give each other a reach around... Originally Posted by WTF
Like the one you gave me here:

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
It was beyond stupid and mean-spirited. I won't stand down. WPF proves again what creep he is.
Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I'm just joshing with ya Ducbutter

I guess you ignored this in the headline.

I like Ducbutter's posts. I treat all posters the same, he was not posting for sympathy.
Originally Posted by Ducbutter View Post
Stand down COG. I debated taking that shot myself. No offense was meant nor taken.
Thanks Db , none was meant.
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  • WTF
  • 10-24-2015, 10:04 PM
Like the one you gave me here:

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
It was beyond stupid and mean-spirited. I won't stand down. WPF proves again what creep he is.
Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I'm just joshing with ya Ducbutter

I guess you ignored this in the headline.

I like Ducbutter's posts. I treat all posters the same, he was not posting for sympathy.
Originally Posted by Ducbutter View Post
Stand down COG. I debated taking that shot myself. No offense was meant nor taken.
Thanks Db , none was meant.
__________________ Originally Posted by Ducbutter
First you could have quoted better...

Next, yes exactly like that reach around

...lastly , lustyladyboy tried to basically change my point of equal culpability to shifting all the blame to the WH...which is why i said it was not worth arguing. My contention that all were to blame or i suppose none is the more factual/valid point

So what it appears we had there Duc wasyou thinking i was saying lusty was wrong in his contention when in fact i was saying he was wrong in my contention. See he did not answer my question. ..
Aww, don't be butt hurt I'va. If you ever write anything intelligent I'll complement you too.
Forgive me if I don't hold my breath. You're already 0 for 19,649. I'm sure you'll reach 0 for 19,650 with your next post. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
you will notice that E'va,(small dick) WTF(dipshit) and sewer rat (AKA) woomby-tunes are all reach around buddies
Aww, don't be butt hurt I'va. If you ever write anything intelligent I'll complement you too.
Forgive me if I don't hold my breath. You're already 0 for 19,649. I'm sure you'll reach 0 for 19,650 with your next post. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Pucker up duckbutt so you can get in the brown. Declared yourself a win again, you fuckers are a hoot.