What would be a fitting punishment for the guy who killed that family?

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
This guy is beyond criminal not even wild animals kill for the thrill. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The Honey Badger do! Also most housecats (BM excepted).

I have no sympathy if torture was on the table. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
....and this sets you apart from the unwashed masses HOW? I doubt many people give a shit about his suffering but we would grieve for American society if this asshole were subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.

....for some silly reason I suspect you would tick the box on the questionnaire attached to the fundraising letter you might receive from Democrat Underground or some such AGAINST, not FOR, waterboarding as an interrogation method? Nicht wahr? Probably also AGAINST lynching, George Zimmerman excepted. Have you ever been tortured for punishment? Let me tell you from first hand experience what a sadistic bastard with a bottle of coke and a fat 1960's metro yellowpages can do to a handcuffed man would be a thing you would never forget. Torture is horrible and rarely excusable when it's done to get life-saving information but it's never excusable for punishment's sake in a civilized society.
Which is the tyranny you speak of? Allowing someone to be judged by a jury of their peers and sentenced by the guidelines set forth in law, or allowing the general consensus of the public to convict, and sentence someone? Neither. I speak of the evil and tyranny inflicted on those kids in just a few short moments.

The fact that you said he "got away with it", when legally, he did nothing of the sort, just proves that you're a Nancy Grace type...you don't care about the law...all you care about is what you "know" is right, and the law, then, becomes wrong...
I have no issues being lumped in with Nancy Grace. She's a fine woman providing a valuable service to victims of crime. In case you forgot laws are written based on what individual people think is right or wrong. Based on their religious beliefs. So yes what I know is right based on evidence not politically withheld in a court of law hidden from already biased juries will always lead me to go with my own morality. You sound like you grew up in a utopian Peter Pan world where the law is never wrong. In fact if you were as law abiding as you project you probably wouldn't be on this hooker site now would you?

This guy, if convicted, gets sentenced according to what the law dictates and allows...anything more, or less, is an abortion of the tenets of our legal system and cannot be suffered...
Wouldn't be the first time now would it? The legal system is nothing but a crap shoot and no everyone is NOT a winner. You believing otherwise negates your stories of living in oppressed countries or under repressive regimes. Based on my experiences I simply cannot believe you.

Wait...is this another "the negro has suffered injustice at the hands of the law for years, so you don't know what you're taking about" argument? You would say that because it's what transparent people with an ax to grind would say. This isn't about a black man's perspective because many people have suffered injustice at the hands of the law and not just in the USA. I like though how you tried to caricature me. Nice try I like that but you may want to choose another black guy to try that on. Highly educated over here bro.. ;-)

P.S.-You can stop with the limited perspective schtick...I've been face to face with "evils" you can't possibly imagine...in countries with governments I wouldn't even classify as anarchies, that could rationalize it...ohh really...like I said your Utopian peter pan like legal views throw this whole argument out of the window from my perspective. Sometimes the law gets it right and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes the law is written with the sole purpose of oppression don't make me give you a world history lesson. Originally Posted by Wakeup
See comments in red and have a good day.
The Honey Badger do! Also most housecats (BM excepted).

....and this sets you apart from the unwashed masses HOW? I doubt many people give a shit about his suffering but we would grieve for American society if this asshole were subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.

....for some silly reason I suspect you would tick the box on the questionnaire attached to the fundraising letter you might receive from Democrat Underground or some such AGAINST, not FOR, waterboarding as an interrogation method? Nicht wahr? Probably also AGAINST lynching, George Zimmerman excepted. Have you ever been tortured for punishment? Let me tell you from first hand experience what a sadistic bastard with a bottle of coke and a fat 1960's metro yellowpages can do to a handcuffed man would be a thing you would never forget. Torture is horrible and rarely excusable when it's done to get life-saving information but it's never excusable for punishment's sake in a civilized society. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Hey Einstein we're already doing it in case you haven't noticed. You don't think those kids ordeal wasn't torture. Kids don't know nothing about that mafia style bullet to the back of the head. We reason that they died quick but we don't know exactly how much pain they felt before passing away. They were terrorized and tortured in my view a simple death for this guy is NOT a moral equivalent given what he took and the manner in which he did it. You're one of those people that like to eat meat as long as you don't have to go to the slaughter house to see the brutality in which we slit the animals throats or de-gut them before we eat.
Wakeup's Avatar
I have no issues being lumped in with Nancy Grace. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Quit reading after that...
Quit reading after that... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Not true
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
It's like Raphael and Rambro had a baby and named him Zanzibar...after some cartoon they saw, I suppose. One knows not where to start.

Maybe here: Among my after-school jobs in high school I worked at both an auction barn and an abattoir {which we called the packing house in those days...our baseball team was the Packers). That was when sledge hammers were used; strictly a cattle operation. Still a carnivore; I do prefer halal now. It's just better. My favorite job, though, was driver/dj on a soundwagon going to country little junctions on Saturday afternoons, spinnin' 45's, pattering on the PA, and handing out samples of hair care products for negroes. Sta-Glo, Baby...it glows on yo pompadour.

You shoulda heard just what I seen while doing that...not quite as much blood as at the abattoir but buckets of blood nonetheless. A time or three. All in a day's fun.

I loved that job ... but I got fired for hollerin' at pretty girls over that PA thing...the most fun at the abattoir was sneaking in after work and shooting rats with my .22.

...You ever killed a hog, Zanzibar? That was just what you did as a kid if you got raised in the time and place I was. Usual household chores and all that, but seasonal. I wonder what happened to that big ol' black cauldron we had for hog-killing time.
Wakeup's Avatar
Not true Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Just because you and Nancy Grace believe it, doesn't make it true...

P.S.-How did that whole Casey Anthony thing work out for you?
Just because you and Nancy Grace believe it, doesn't make it true...

P.S.-How did that whole Casey Anthony thing work out for you? Originally Posted by Wakeup
It was actually quite sad and frustrating. Casey got away with murdering her daughter in cold blood. I have a little relative that looks just like her kid so I was very frustrated. To my point people commit evil acts all the time and the system let's them off the hook.
I will also let you in on a little secret into my mind. I think some people that defend the system at all costs and think it's perfect and shouldn't be challenged to some degree are the same type of people with capacities to also commit similar crimes. They hope the system will work for them in a similar get off the hook fashion if needed.
Wakeup's Avatar
That's twice now...with mob mentality court cases, where the legal system got it wrong and you're right...

Like I said...it's not the system that's broke...it's obviously people like you...
That's twice now...with mob mentality court cases, where the legal system got it wrong and you're right...

Like I said...it's not the system that's broke...it's obviously people like you... Originally Posted by Wakeup

Curious to know your opinion. Was the US. wrong for going after Osama Bin Laden and giving him a "double tap" to the forehead without giving him his day in court?
Don and WU this sums me up in a nutshell. Especially the last comment in this vid.

Wakeup's Avatar
Curious to know your opinion. Was the US. wrong for going after Osama Bin Laden and giving him a "double tap" to the forehead without giving him his day in court? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Going after him? No, he was a criminal, he should have been pursued.

Not trying him in court? Not knowledgable enough to say. The laws concerning the apprehension and treatment of international terrorists are not my purview. I would have preferred him to see his day in court, but if no laws were broken during his capture and death, I have no problem with it.

Why would my views about justice be any different concerning him than anyone else?

P.S.-You don't double tap the head...
Russ38's Avatar
I will also let you in on a little secret into my mind. I think some people that defend the system at all costs and think it's perfect and shouldn't be challenged to some degree are the same type of people with capacities to also commit similar crimes. They hope the system will work for them in a similar get off the hook fashion if needed. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Of course Zani.....fuck all that legal shit....just drag'em out to the "soccer field" and blast'em one by one in the back of the skull based off hearsay....maybe you stayed too long in one of those third world shitholes you keep mentioning or maybe should of took up residence.....We have a "system" in place here and although it's not perfect, it's that "system" that separates us from people like yourself......
Going after him? No, he was a criminal, he should have been pursued. You like playing semantics I see but lets get down to brass tacks.

Not trying him in court? Not knowledgable enough to say. The laws concerning the apprehension and treatment of international terrorists are not my purview. I would have preferred him to see his day in court, but if no laws were broken during his capture and death, I have no problem with it. - People like you are interesting to me because for some odd reason you believe every despot criminal deserves a fair trial before the courts while denying their victims their inalienable rights. What's even more interesting is that you assert that if the Soldiers committed some crime in the capture of Bin Laden it would bother your conscience. Lol amazing you are. I wouldn't be caught dead in a fox hole with you and I'm sure 99% of US soldiers would feel the same way.

Why would my views about justice be any different concerning him than anyone else? Let's just say that in my world fairness should always be commensurate with the nature of the crime. Cops unfairly beat a teen during arrest a fine, suspension, or maybe firing depending on gravity of the offense. Murder 3000+ people you get the Seal double tap justice. No courts needed.

In this diagram let's use Mao as the example since he's the foremost offender. Each blood drops represent 1 million people. Care to share with me what a fair trail would accomplish. If people faced the firing squad or some other form of inhumane treatment for their inhumane acts then I'd be all for fair "trials" as you put it in every single case.

Here's a better view of that diagram

P.S.-You don't double tap the head... It's widely known in all military circles that Osama was double tapped to the head with this weapon. Originally Posted by Wakeup

See comments in red.