FBI Secret Society, Is this true?

Munchmasterman's Avatar

Context is everything. Your "mindreading" skills only prove what an asshole you are.
@ 30 texts a day, running your mouth, presenting your trump-sucking opinion as fact. You get more desperate by the day.
Now we see more and more of your "if this, then that" statements and fox slanted "facts". The country felt hannity's tongue on it's ass as he declared the NYT to be lying... which he had to swallow shortly after that. He then cut to a car chase trying to get the taste of shit out of his mouth.

My post was in response to an assholish and incorrect text by ballflies. The only proof given is these two don't like trump. Since you seem to think someone can't be fair if they don't like someone, you disparage all defense attorneys while implying judges can't give a fair trial to people that appear to be guilty.
There are many other examples. Secret Service agents, people in the military, etc.
Who said Page was a spy? I didn't say anything about him. He hasn't been charged.
Stop trying to demand proof when only probable cause is needed to get a warrant.
Stop deflecting the fact the released "memo" is nothing but a political ploy that has already been shot down by political appointees of trump. Appointees who were against the release.
And stop trying to present your opinions as facts.

The attempt to discredit is against the FBI and the investigation of trump.
Deflection and an attempt to discredit PROOF of the Anti-Trump environment within the upper management and supervision of the FBI AND the DOJ!

Let's put it back where it belongs .... if PAGE IS A RUSSIAN SPY .... why wouldn't he know about an FBI "secret society"? And if PAGE IS A RUSSIAN SPY .... why wouldn't he "push" back against the FBI who HE KNEW was trying to cull him from the Trump Team and persecute the Trump Team for having a RUSSIAN SPY working for them?



Major melt-down occurring.
Stop shouting, bitch. How can I ignore the fact you think your opinion means anything in this issue? The judges who have issuing authority aren't complaining. Probable cause to get a warrant. Proof for a conviction. The legal system involved knows what the facts are involving the warrants. If you want, I can send you some links that detail some warrant related facts. Maybe you could send me some that back your position.




Falsification of a Government Document
Obstruction of Justice
Abuse of Official Authority
Official Oppression

Just for starters ... and just like what you've been accusing Trump of doing! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're full of shit. I'm not going to ask you to show where I've accused trump of the crimes you claim un-named federal employees have committed.
Because you won't and you can't
You lie as a justification to make unfounded accusations.
You are one lying, hypocritical, and twisted douche-bag.

Context is everything. Your "mindreading" skills only prove what an asshole you are.
@ 30 texts a day, running your mouth, presenting your trump-sucking opinion as fact. You get more desperate by the day.
Now we see more and more of your "if this, then that" statements and fox slanted "facts". The country felt hannity's tongue on it's ass as he declared the NYT to be lying... which he had to swallow shortly after that. He then cut to a car chase trying to get the taste of shit out of his mouth.

My post was in response to an assholish and incorrect text by ballflies. The only proof given is these two don't like trump. Since you seem to think someone can't be fair if they don't like someone, you disparage all defense attorneys while implying judges can't give a fair trial to people that appear to be guilty.
There are many other examples. Secret Service agents, people in the military, etc.
Who said Page was a spy? I didn't say anything about him. He hasn't been charged.
Stop trying to demand proof when only probable cause is needed to get a warrant.
Stop deflecting the fact the released "memo" is nothing but a political ploy that has already been shot down by political appointees of trump. Appointees who were against the release.
And stop trying to present your opinions as facts.

The attempt to discredit is against the FBI and the investigation of trump.

You're full of shit. I'm not going to ask you to show where I've accused trump of the crimes you claim un-named federal employees have committed.
Because you won't and you can't
You lie as a justification to make unfounded accusations.
You are one lying, hypocritical, and twisted douche-bag.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I think that in both tone and wording, you response is incredibly unfriendly. Is this how we treat our fellow Americans these days?

I pray that we rise above this hatefulness and come together as brothers and sisters in the same glorious United States.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think that in both tone and wording, you response is incredibly unfriendly. Is this how we treat our fellow Americans these days? Originally Posted by friendly fred
Not everyone. Just deflecting, ignorant, loud mouths like Munchie.

He doesn't have a clue about what he's talking about so to deflect from his lack of knowledge and understanding he attacks anyone who questions the "excerpts" he posts as being "gospel" and "the facts"!

I guess he actually believes his rhetoric and name-calling will frighten me away from posting .... which further demonstrates his lack of maturity and intellect .... that shit quit working on me long before Munchie could stand up and pee at the same time!

Just look at him ... he's talking about an investigation into an alleged Russian spy with the last name of "Page" and starts meandering around in a news clipping about the FBI SUPERCOP who was fucking around on his wife with an FBI lawyer with the same last name .... trying to convince himself (he can't be trying to persuade anyone else) that the first time "secret society" came up is in a text message between two FBI agents who have been fucking each other!!!! So Munchie thinks the FBI lawyer just made it up? On what basis does a dumbshit like Munchie DRAW THE CONCLUSION that she was just "kidding"? (ONLY because its fits his ridiculous narrative!!!)

Trump was right in 2016: HillariousNoMore is a crook and his offices at his residence were being tapped. Trump (or whoever let me know) gets an A+! The crooked agents get an F! Munchie gets a "ZERO"! A ZERO FOR A ZERO.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
See how stupid you are?
Again, context bitch. The article was used to support my "proof" statement and shoot holes in yours. Which it did.
You make something up about the meaning of a phrase (out of 7000 texts and the subject matter doesn't appear again) and expect me to prove you're wrong.
Then without telling your asshole in chief, the one who wants the investigation over 2 months ago, you inform me this won't be over by the super bowl.
No shit sherlock. Fox and the trumpies want the probe shut down now.And duh, of course there are copies of everything the judge used for the warrant. And since the FBI knows that, and still went to the White House, could it be because it was a valid warrant and they didn't want a punk ass bitch such as yourself casting doubt (for nothing other than political reasons) on the bureau?
You're saying they (trump's appointees) knew it was a bad warrant, knew there was documented proof it was bad (3 sets at your last count), and still went to ask trump not to release it.

Don't worry. I'll still be here to see what happens. I want to see how much more shit you make up.
And how many more mega melt downs you have.

BTW It's "copy and paste" douche-bag.
Still deflecting I see .... when one mentions "the weight of the evidence" .... it's not measured in POUNDS .... or KILOS .....

it's measured in value and integrity ...

.... and black letters have as much value as blue ones.

You have neither "value nor integrity" as a poster. Just cut and paste!

I'm willing to "wait and see" what the FISA Judge has to say about the "evidence" he was presented (he has a record of it ... and the follow up "EVIDENCE" ....

if you think this shit is over by the end of the Super Bowl you really are FULL OF SHIT and ARE PROVING IT!

Oh, BTW, the FBI/DOJ has a COMPLETE COPY of the DOCUMENTS they provided to the FISA Judge (just like the Judge does) and when they went to the White House to ask the POTUS not to declassify the memo THEY KNEW WHAT THEIR FILE SAYS ....

Of course, you'll be long gone from this thread!!!!! When the truth emerges.

I guess you don't text much, do you?

Here's one: What's an upper echelon FBI supervisor doing exchanging texts with a "Russian Spy"? Or was he? He was exchanging texts with girlfriend.

I've looked through your pointless article and see nothing in it about a "Secret Society"? Why is that?

So your claim is an FBI lawyer is making up shit to her lover? And your "proof" is NOTHING! Munchie you constantly prove you are a MENTAL MIDGET! Originally Posted by LexusLover

As long as you call me a mental midget I'm safe. Your powers of projection are well known.
10000 posts in a year or over 27 posts a day.
All to say nothing. Although you did "monitor" a rescue.
Get a life you fucking loser. Have yourself a good cry to calm down. Just remember that even though you have to work Valentines Day night, all you're missing out on is posting time. You can still patronize the illegals at the spa during the day.
LexusLover's Avatar
See how stupid you are? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Talk to yourself about yourself much, Munchie!

That's all you got? When you get caught being a dumbass you start the huffing and puffing bullshit ... speaking of "losers" .... you're a fucking joke....but not the humorous kind.

Do you have your own "secret society" of admirers?

They must be real "secret" about it!

Just recognized a problem you have: no pussy lately and Austin!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You just wrote a large testament to the fact you can't fix stupid.

The name of the FBI attorney is Lisa Page.

What a moron.

Not everyone. Just deflecting, ignorant, loud mouths like Munchie.

He doesn't have a clue about what he's talking about so to deflect from his lack of knowledge and understanding he attacks anyone who questions the "excerpts" he posts as being "gospel" and "the facts"!

I guess he actually believes his rhetoric and name-calling will frighten me away from posting .... which further demonstrates his lack of maturity and intellect .... that shit quit working on me long before Munchie could stand up and pee at the same time!

Just look at him ... he's talking about an investigation into an alleged Russian spy with the last name of "Page" and starts meandering around in a news clipping about the FBI SUPERCOP who was fucking around on his wife with an FBI lawyer with the same last name .... trying to convince himself (he can't be trying to persuade anyone else) that the first time "secret society" came up is in a text message between two FBI agents who have been fucking each other!!!! So Munchie thinks the FBI lawyer just made it up? On what basis does a dumbshit like Munchie DRAW THE CONCLUSION that she was just "kidding"? (ONLY because its fits his ridiculous narrative!!!)

Trump was right in 2016: HillariousNoMore is a crook and his offices at his residence were being tapped. Trump (or whoever let me know) gets an A+! The crooked agents get an F! Munchie gets a "ZERO"! A ZERO FOR A ZERO. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Munchmasterman's Avatar
See above post.

Like I said, you can't fix stupid.
Talk to yourself about yourself much, Munchie!

That's all you got? When you get caught being a dumbass you start the huffing and puffing bullshit ... speaking of "losers" .... you're a fucking joke....but not the humorous kind.

Do you have your own "secret society" of admirers?

They must be real "secret" about it!

Just recognized a problem you have: no pussy lately and Austin! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I do not think there is some type of clandestine group meeting in an unknown location, thinking up ways to subvert American Democracy.

What I do believe is there are multitudes of career FBI and Justice department personnel who have a vested interest in keeping the Washington Swamp intact and functioning.

Hillary would have served their purpose quite well. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What about the Bilderberg Group? That's suppose to be some secret group that meet every few years. If they do exist, I am not sure what they talk about and frankly I don't give a shit, nobody should. Nobody has or should have more power than the people.

LexusLover's Avatar
You just wrote a large testament to the fact you can't fix stupid.

The name of the FBI attorney is Lisa Page.

What a moron.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
What did I post? Talking about "stupid" .... where did you write "Lisa"?

What did you do little pecker ... read what you cut and paste?

From Austin and No Pussy! Or have you switched over to Austin Fare?

Make your letters bigger. It makes you look smarter!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
What about the Bilderberg Group?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If anyone actually believes groups of Federal agents and officers from various agencies (as well as state and local agencies and their officers) don't have "off the book" meetings and discussions ...... JUST LIKE HOBBYISTS DO ON ECCIE and EVERY MAJOR CORPORATION, FIRM, BUSINESS, AND/OR OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES ....

then that "one" doesn't have any business voting or driving!

Which means they are qualified to register as a Democrat these days based on the "recruiting" by the DNC of illegal aliens!

The friggin' "alleged journalists" wringing their hands about the idea ... do the same fucking thing ....

... they just don't call it the "Secret Society" ...

... or do they? It's UTR and not discussed AT WORK!

What's WRONG in this instance ... they didn't leave their "shit" back at the meeting, and it appears they may have done some plotting and scheming in those meetings ... if nothing else ... fucked each other!
LexusLover's Avatar
See above post.

Like I said, you can't fix stupid.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You are absolutely correct about yourself ... not even with all the stupid fixing resources in Austin .... and look at what the water does to YOU ....YouRong and Speedo!!!!

That's the same town that infested their lovely lake with what amounts to large water rats to get rid of the weed infestation in the lake! The list is an endless string of mindless events. Including protecting nonexistent salamanders in Barton's Creek!

You are the poster (and posting) example for Austin Stupid!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-03-2018, 10:50 AM
So Munchie thinks the FBI lawyer just made it up? On what basis does a dumbshit like Munchie DRAW THE CONCLUSION that she was just "kidding"? (ONLY because its fits his ridiculous narrative!!!)

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
On the basis of the context of the whole texts.

Even the Dumbass Senator from Wisconsin back off that stupid charge.

Greene: I’m just wondering if you feel you might have jumped to conclusions here.
Johnson: No. All I was connecting is -- I have all kinds of people come in front of our committee, giving us information. And I had heard that there were off-site meetings. So, I was just connecting the dots there. It could be a joke; those off-site meetings could be completely harmless.
LexusLover's Avatar
On the basis of the context of the whole texts. [/SIZE][/B] Originally Posted by WTF
Since when did you start looking at "contex of the whole" of anything! ... When it suits your "theory"!

Don't tell me you're still believing you can read people's minds!

Quit "cherry picking" what others say when it suits you and then pretending to look at the "context" when it suits you! Are you in Austin now? Munch much?

You are a typical Liberal/Anti-Trump/Internet Hooligan! VVVVVVVV
LexusLover's Avatar
If anyone actually believes groups of Federal agents and officers from various agencies (as well as state and local agencies and their officers) don't have "off the book" meetings and discussions ...... JUST LIKE HOBBYISTS DO ON ECCIE and EVERY MAJOR CORPORATION, FIRM, BUSINESS, AND/OR OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES ....

then that "one" doesn't have any business voting or driving!

Which means they are qualified to register as a Democrat these days based on the "recruiting" by the DNC of illegal aliens!

The friggin' "alleged journalists" wringing their hands about the idea ... do the same fucking thing ....

... they just don't call it the "Secret Society" ...

... or do they? It's UTR and not discussed AT WORK!

What's WRONG in this instance ... they didn't leave their "shit" back at the meeting, and it appears they may have done some plotting and scheming in those meetings ... if nothing else ... fucked each other! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Glad you shit in this thread too, WTF = WhatThaFuckDoIKnow!

Above is what I said about the phrase "secret society"!

Totally different from your bullshit editorial comment on what I posted ... and what I said is purely factual in reality ....

deny it dipshit!

Are you agreeing with YouWrong that there are NO SHARKS ALONG THE GALVESTON BEACHES? You're as bad as he is! Austin?
Since when did you start looking at "contex of the whole" of anything! ... When it suits your "theory"!

Don't tell me you're still believing you can read people's minds!

Quit "cherry picking" what others say when it suits you and then pretending to look at the "context" when it suits you! Are you in Austin now? Munch much?

You are a typical Liberal/Anti-Trump/Internet Hooligan! VVVVVVVV Originally Posted by LexusLover
It's hilarious that WTF is still on his context rant. Next it will be a "nuanced" rant. What I find strange is that supposedly 50K text message over 5 months were lost. And now they are found! That was just between Lisa Page and Strzok! That's 10K a month. And that was just their FBI cell phones. They must have been texting night and day. And they had personal phones they did not use because of the affair.

Let me put it in a way WDF can understand it: if they were suppose to be joking they should of put a smilicon after it.