
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 01-02-2016, 09:12 AM
Ignorant Fucks huh? Yeah. Editing a thread does NOT push it to the top. It takes a fresh post to do that. Originally Posted by Whispers
Little Monster's Avatar
Settle down please. no challenge issued. I would gladly meet your for a beer sometime but I do not want to have anything to do with this.

I agree that's it's ignorant fucks that makes the world the way it is. but guess what? the ignorant fucks have us outnumbered by about a thousand to one. Originally Posted by budman33
Settle down?? nobody's getting excited chief, that's the way I talk, quit taking everything so personal.
That's a matter of opinion. Mine is that it's still offensive. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Spice, just wondering... is the final determining factor in choosing what breaks the rule and what doesn't the mods opinion on it's offensiveness? I get that it is an actual term that CAN be interpreted in a certain way, but is that the issue here.. or a question of who can possibly be offended by it? Is it breaking the rules because it has the capacity to actually offend someone whom it applies to? Isn't that a matter of opinion of the OP based on his interpretation of the word? I just ask because there are various "opinions" that are constantly expressed on here like insults towards physical appearance (though not particularly racial) but still with prejudice and of a disrespectful nature. I am just trying to understand where the determination is made on "opinion" and "offensive".
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Spice, just wondering... is the final determining factor in choosing what breaks the rule and what doesn't the mods opinion on it's offensiveness? I get that it is an actual term that CAN be interpreted in a certain way, but is that the issue here.. or a question of who can possibly be offended by it? Is it breaking the rules because it has the capacity to actually offend someone whom it applies to? Isn't that a matter of opinion of the OP based on his interpretation of the word? I just ask because there are various "opinions" that are constantly expressed on here like insults towards physical appearance (though not particularly racial) but still with prejudice and of a disrespectful nature. I am just trying to understand where the determination is made on "opinion" and "offensive". Originally Posted by JadeRose
I wasn't speaking as a mod there I was speaking personally. When I'm speaking as a mod it'll be in red italics. It's just makes things easier since I'm an active member as well as a mod.

I think I've already laid out the reasoning and criteria for the guideline and removal of slurs. Obviously there will always be a certain amount of subjectivity because humans are involved, but everyone knows the "n" word and the like are offensive. We can come up with all the linguistic and contextual arguments we like but it doesn't change a thing.

There was a case in Houston where a guy was using a British equivalent and ,once it came to our attention what it meant, it was removed as well.

What you're referring to regarding insults of other varieties is a valid point regarding the subjectivity in interpretation but let's not confuse or compare calling someone "fat" with calling someone the "n" word.

When it comes to non-racial insult guidelines, mods are given broad discretion in how to interpret and enforce them. It's a gray area. Racial slurs are not a gray area.
fun2come's Avatar
BTW, the word "Neger" is not offensive ... just in case you ever come across that one.
Now the other word is

On another side note: The British have such a great vocabulary and multiple meanings to words ..... My favorite is: "I am pissed" (and it does not mean upset - as I learned)

Now Censorship is what the topic is ... I hate it ...
But accepting that certain words are taboo on this board, then why not simply change them to non-offensive words. Would that be acceptable?

I understand pics cannot be changed that easily...
Little Monster's Avatar
That's a matter of opinion. Mine is that it's still offensive.

The "a" vs "er" doesn't change centuries of history.

Centuries of history C'mon chief we're talking about a slang word not, we're not talking about burning crosses in peoples yards.

If you're a white guy go walk through a predominantly black neighborhood yelling it from the top of your lungs and see what happens. Methinks your linguistic and contextual arguments may fall on deaf ears. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp

Ok if any man of any color walked down the street screaming any word he would receive a very unpleasant reaction, and it wouldn't have anything to do with what he was yelling, everyone would be getting pissed cause they want him to shut the fuck up. But using it in a conversation among people whom one is familiar with I find to it non offensive and that is just all there is to it. As I said before I won't be using the term on here anymore because I was told not to and it's as simple as that
Whispers's Avatar
If specific words are not allowed it seems an extremely easy "fix" to specify those words in a guideline. The board seems cloaked with some antiquated beliefs for the nature of the subject matter. Words that were banned from the airwaves for a long time have become fairly normal these days.

Help us out here Spice. What other words are we forbidden to use?

If an AA Admin locks a review that is over a year old bumped by a member that uses the word but ignores that aspect I tend to believe that it is not as cut and dry as you are saying Spice.

KNOWING a problem exists that you can search and find in less than a munite and go take care of, but stating that it takes someone RTMing the post to get you to act tells me that "so long as you don't see it you are OK with it".....

That attitude doesn't seem to match the message you tend to deliver at times that some of the shit actually matters.

I guess the first measure of something being offensive is the RTM. No RTM no Problem?

I'm curious...... How many RTMs do you get over the "N" word as compared to "whore"? I would think the number of members here would find more offense to the "W" word over the "N" word.....
budman33's Avatar
white people can't comment on the N word. period. Sad fact but true. History made it offensive. We can't fix it here on a hooker board of all fucking places. Just don't use it. problem solved.

Does communication require it? NO.
Can you not express yourself without it? I hope you can.

WTF folks, lets just move along.
1234NiceGuy's Avatar
Again, OP, would you just shut the fuck up about the mod staff? It's like you have mod envy. Every day, you're whining and crying about the staff.

It's like everywhere I look, every day, Wah-spers is crying about something.

People come on this board for enjoyment and entertainment.

Here's the deal, Wah-spers. We don't give a shit.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 01-02-2016, 01:15 PM
Again, OP, would you just shut the fuck up about the mod staff? It's like you have mod envy. Every day, you're whining and crying about the staff.

It's like everywhere I look, every day, Wah-spers is crying about something.

People come on this board for enjoyment and entertainment.

Here's the deal, Wah-spers. We don't give a shit. Originally Posted by 1234NiceGuy
Waaaah-spurz takes obsession to the absurd. And if you think about it, that defines the stooges as a group doesn't it?

1234NiceGuy's Avatar
It's hilarious, because it's not all that serious. Obviously, the guy is missing more in his life than just sex. It seems more like he has no control over anything else. So he stews on little shit, like what mods do on a message board. That way, he feels like he as some sense of control in his life.

I'm no shrink, but it's pretty obvious he needs control, else he wouldn't be harping on what the mods (who have e-control here) do all the time.
budman33's Avatar
Settle down?? nobody's getting excited chief, that's the way I talk, quit taking everything so personal. Originally Posted by Little Monster
no worries, I just didn't want to feel in any way responsible for you walking through Austin and getting beat down by yelling the N word.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
If specific words are not allowed it seems an extremely easy "fix" to specify those words in a guideline. The board seems cloaked with some antiquated beliefs for the nature of the subject matter. Words that were banned from the airwaves for a long time have become fairly normal these days.

Help us out here Spice. What other words are we forbidden to use?

If an AA Admin locks a review that is over a year old bumped by a member that uses the word but ignores that aspect I tend to believe that it is not as cut and dry as you are saying Spice.

KNOWING a problem exists that you can search and find in less than a munite and go take care of, but stating that it takes someone RTMing the post to get you to act tells me that "so long as you don't see it you are OK with it".....

That attitude doesn't seem to match the message you tend to deliver at times that some of the shit actually matters.

I guess the first measure of something being offensive is the RTM. No RTM no Problem?

I'm curious...... How many RTMs do you get over the "N" word as compared to "whore"? I would think the number of members here would find more offense to the "W" word over the "N" word..... Originally Posted by Whispers
Lol I hear you. If I wrote the guidelines they'd be 50 pages long with footnotes and addendums! I'm not sure if that's good or bad, probably bad...

Problem is, most members don't even read them as they stand now, and they work as written for probably 99% of cases, so don't hold your breath for a revision.

What an AA admin does is irrelevant. Unless they're a mod of an area they're no different than any other member, admins serve a different function. "Drive-by modtarding" is frowned upon. So no, I wouldn't expect anyone but the mod of an area to do anything of the sort, AA or otherwise.

Also, whether or not an RTM comes across our desks is immaterial to whether or not a violation exists. If I'm reading a thread in my area and see a violation it's now my responsibility to act on it, RTM or no. RTMs are useful solely because it informs us of possible violations mods may not have noticed.

We're all volunteers here, no one has the time to just track down and systematically remove old shit that slipped through the cracks unless it involves a member's RW privacy and security. It's just not that important otherwise. We just move on down the road and do better next time.

We get plenty of RTMs about the word "whore". They are summarily ignored. That some ladies find it offensive is unfortunate but it's not against the guidelines. What members find more or less offensive is immaterial.
RandB fan's Avatar
If specific words are not allowed it seems an extremely easy "fix" to specify those words in a guideline. The board seems cloaked with some antiquated beliefs for the nature of the subject matter. Words that were banned from the airwaves for a long time have become fairly normal these days.

Help us out here Spice. What other words are we forbidden to use?

I WIKI'ed this for you:



I'm curious...... How many RTMs do you get over the "N" word as compared to "whore"? I would think the number of members here would find more offense to the "W" word over the "N" word..... Originally Posted by Whispers
If you want a list that can be interchanged here you go...


Here are some historic slurs to think about:

Philistine- enemy of Gods word
Sold down the river- Duh racist context toSlavery
Spade or calling "A Spade, A Spade" Are we talking ducks, shovels, or 17th century literature?
Gyp- rip off or racist slur to brown skinned immigrants
Indians thought to be from Egypt.
Bugger- dirty sodomite
Peanut gallery- Where blacks where forced to sit. refer to Jim Crow era.
Cake walk/ Take the cake-- slavery era cake-walk strutting competitions amongst blacks where the winners got cake.

maybe a list might help?


offensive Eastwood style!!!

budman33's Avatar
Ok I give... What the fuck is a Pizzle?