Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) Involved in Seditious Overthrow Plot

Chung Tran's Avatar
Is there a better, alternative way to pound some sense into you? Originally Posted by lustylad
Lusty, you are swimming in vulgarity with your friend Sapper. Aren't you late for your 3:00 nap?
lustylad's Avatar
As for Lusty, I'm laughing. We already went over every item in that article. You seem so proud to have found it. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why don't you pretend I'm obtuse and go over every item in the WSJ article all over again? (If you can.)

I honestly thought this thread was too fucking dumb for me to search for all the facts earlier. Your stubborn clinging to such a laughably false and defamatory dim-retard narrative changed my mind.

And I say that as someone who is neither a Trump supporter nor sympathetic to the Jan. 6 rioters.
texassapper's Avatar
I do get it, Sapper. The first intelligent post you've made this afternoon. Which is why you and waco are so annoying. You typically choose to post jackassery to be insulting, but you can be so much more. Like your stupid racism shit in my Herschel Walker thread. Deliberate jack ass fuckery.

As for Lusty, I'm laughing. We already went over every item in that article. You seem so proud to have found it. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If you had actually read closely.... you will note I mentioned it yesterday.... I even underlined, italicized, and bolded the relevant point that they didn't enter the Capitol building. But the goalposts have been moved now, so it doesn't matter that the guy in charge of the forces on the 6th said there was nothing suspicious in his actions...

I mean he probably doesn't know what he's doing, amiright?
lustylad's Avatar
Instead of accusing Rep. Loudermilk of sedition, the OP should have started this thread by demanding the Jan. 6 Committee apologize to him!

(That is, if the OP had any common sense and decency.)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why don't you pretend I'm obtuse and go over every item in the WSJ article all over again? (If you can.)

I honestly thought this thread was too fucking dumb for me to search for all the facts earlier. Your stubborn clinging to such a laughably false and defamatory dim-retard narrative changed my mind.

And I say that as someone who is neither a Trump supporter nor sympathetic to the Jan. 6 rioters. Originally Posted by lustylad

how ironic and more than a bit arrogant that both CT and WTF think they know more than the WSJ one of the more respected publishers there is and one of the least biased.

while i think you can't make a case legally (not like that ever bothered the Democrats) that Trump directly told anyone to riot, by doing so these idiots gave the Dems a political weapon. the Jan 6th riot was no different at all than the "summer of love" nonsense and for some to claim one was an insurrection and the other not is either bias or stupidity as undermining the Rule of Law also happens to fit the definition of a sedition/insurrection.