Finally! Some transparency from the CDC about side effects of the clot shots

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Well.. Easter is a time of miracles, but lambs laying down with lions, voices from above and unexpected rational thoughts? Didn't see those coming...

Bill Maher Finally Gets Honest on Failures Pushed by the COVID ‘Experts’ Who Ruined Lives, Caused Excess Deaths, and Resulted in Mass Censorship of Independent Voices
by Jim Hoft Mar. 30, 2024 9:00 am
Well this was not expected.

Bill Maher dropped a stunning monologue on Friday admitting that basically EVERYTHING the so-called “experts” pushed on the masses during the COVID epidemic was bad advice, anti-science, caused excess deaths and ruined lives.

Maher even pointed out that those pushing the dangerous COVID rules have yet to publish their retractions or apologies...

...Bill Maher: get it that we didn’t know exactly what was happening at the beginning of COVID, and some mistakes were inevitable. But four years on, I’m tired of hearing, Well, we didn’t know. No, we didn’t. But some people guessed better than others. The people who got it wrong don’t seem to want to acknowledge that now.

Some people said closing schools for so long was pointless and would cause much worse collateral damage to the kids, and they were right. Thank you. Don’t be afraid. Four years ago, The Daily Beast ran a story with the headline, ‘Bill Maher Pushes Steve Ben and Wuhan Lab Conspiracy Theory,’ which was typical of the mainstream media at the time. Of course, it wasn’t a conspiracy theory, and it wasn’t owned by Steve Banon. Now everyone, including the Biden administration, admits there’s at least a 50/50 chance that the virus could have begun in the lab in Wuhan that was doing gain of function research on that virus. Duh. But I don’t see a lot of retractions being printed.

Yeah, when COVID hit, we did a lot of stupid things. Because America never reacts. It only overreacts. Ubers look like those Orthodox Jews who wrap themselves in saran wrap in case their plane flies over a grave.

We washed the mail. We played baseball in front of cardboard cutouts. And ate in parking lots or with inflatable dolls? They closed the ocean.

We banged pots and pans to show our love for nurses and our hatred for people trying to get a baby to sleep.

For two years, we had to get nostril fucked every time we left the house. Serious people talked about having sex through glory holes, and if you If you don’t know what a glory hole is, I wouldn’t look into it. We were told to wash our hands every five minutes and don’t ever touch your face, and If you absolutely must go to the beach for the sake of all that, totally wear a mask. Outside? Because the last thing you would want to do when a disease is afoot is get fresh air and sunshine and vitamin D. No, much better to stay locked up, stressed out, and day drinking.

And if you do get COVID, remember, natural immunity is always the worst kind.

So even if you’ve had the disease, you need a shot.

Yes, some very bad ideas were embraced as the conventional wisdom, ideas that haven’t aged well. And a lot of dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be correct. Maybe that’s why the powers that be never wanted a COVID commission. Why not? We love commissions, the Warren Commission, the AIDS Commission, the 9/11 Commission. The NFL even had a ‘Is ramming your head into another guy’s head, Bad for Heads Commission.’ Really?

So where’s the COVID commission? Because it seems to me we I haven’t learned a thing...
Mic Drop!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, seriously. Also, I see I have a user nipping at my heels, IGGY to you Originally Posted by Supra
Well, now you know someone who has contracted Covid, not in person though. I know several others on this forum have contracted Covid at least once. Very possibly others have had it without knowing. There have been over 111 million cases of Covid in the U.S. alone. 1.2 million deaths. How many more deaths would there have been without the vaccine is speculation but one estimate put the number at 20 million in the first year alone from Dec. 2020 through 2021.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jeez. I forgot that Jim Hoft might know the truth about this. Thanks for bringing him into the thread.

A real breath of fresh air, I tell ya.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Jeez. I forgot that Jim Hoft might know the truth about this. Thanks for bringing him into the thread.

A real breath of fresh air, I tell ya.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I included Jim Hoft as he is a publisher, editor and the lead plaintiff in Murtha vs Missouri @SCOTUS and has already prevailed in lower and appellate courts over government censorship around the covid. Wait! Whut? You were expecting Rachel MadCow or Nicole Wallace?!? I don't believe these two have any relevance on anything, anywhere, at any time.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't watch any of them, bro.

I get all of my political news and views from ECCIE.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Don't watch any of them, bro.... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Never claimed you did. But you know..., the thing..., birds of a feather. Come on man.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Perhaps you have heard this query before: What did you know and when did you know it? Obviously before the internets were widely used by many. So now we have to update that to: What did you know, when did you know it and when did you scrub/delete/hide it.

Case in point:

The link shown in the graphic decodes to: and results in:
ARCHIVED WEBPAGE: This webpage is for historical purposes and is no longer being updated. For the latest information, view the COVID-19 homepage.
Of note is worrying about the covid while your world is on fire. Also, that surgical masks and the like would not stop smoke particles. Too funny.(NOTE: The graphic above was not part of the site)

The point being, the CDC, Fauci in particular, advocated surgical masks early on. Actually, if you do recall, Fauci said surgical masks don't work, but shortly changed his tune, in a big way - for a while.

Later they realized how lame and unscientific it really was and hence we (re)discovered the miracle that is the KN95 mask, teamed up with googles, face shields, plastic shields at check out counters and hazmat suits. (just ask tiny)

In a nutshell: For a brief period of time they were hawking cloth masks for the covid but hawking KN95 masks for wildfire smoke in separate sections of their website, until they finally scrubbed surgical masks altogether.

But here's the kicker - they knew in 2009 that surgical masks wouldn't work to stop a sub-micron viron (H1N1 was the novel virus at the time).

I realize I have to net it out in smaller words for some. Cloth masks don't work morphed to, cloth masks do work to, no wait - you need a KN95 mask to, you always needed properly sized and properly fitted KN95 to even have a half a shot since 2009.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Perhaps you have heard this query before: What did you know and when did you know it? Obviously before the internets were widely used by many. So now we have to update that to: What did you know, when did you know it and when did you scrub/delete/hide it.

Case in point:

The link shown in the graphic decodes to: and results in:Of note is worrying about the covid while your world is on fire. Also, that surgical masks and the like would not stop smoke particles. Too funny.(NOTE: The graphic above was not part of the site)

The point being, the CDC, Fauci in particular, advocated surgical masks early on. Actually, if you do recall, Fauci said surgical masks don't work, but shortly changed his tune, in a big way - for a while.

Later they realized how lame and unscientific it really was and hence we (re)discovered the miracle that is the KN95 mask, teamed up with googles, face shields, plastic shields at check out counters and hazmat suits. (just ask tiny)

In a nutshell: For a brief period of time they were hawking cloth masks for the covid but hawking KN95 masks for wildfire smoke in separate sections of their website, until they finally scrubbed surgical masks altogether.

But here's the kicker - they knew in 2009 that surgical masks wouldn't work to stop a sub-micron viron (H1N1 was the novel virus at the time).

I realize I have to net it out in smaller words for some. Cloth masks don't work morphed to, cloth masks do work to, no wait - you need a KN95 mask to, you always needed properly sized and properly fitted KN95 to even have a half a shot since 2009. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
There were a lot of "mistakes" made during the Covid pandemic, expecially early-on when little was known about the virus. Mistakes that were made were due to being conservative. 20-20 hindsight found errors made. Better safe than sorry. The CDC still recommends, as of May 2023, the wearing of masks to protect yourself against Covid.

Key Messages:

- Masking is a critical public health tool for preventing spread of COVID-19, and it is important to remember that any mask is better than no mask.

- To protect yourself and others from COVID-19, CDC continues to recommend that you wear the most protective mask you can that fits well and that you will wear consistently.

- Masks and respirators are effective at reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, when worn consistently and correctly.

- Some masks and respirators offer higher levels of protection than others, and some may be harder to tolerate or wear consistently than others. It is most important to wear a well-fitting mask or respirator correctly that is comfortable for you and that provides good protection.

- While all masks and respirators provide some level of protection, properly fitting respirators provide the highest level of protection. Wearing a highly protective mask or respirator may be most important for certain higher risk situations, or by some people at increased risk for severe disease.

- CDC’s mask recommendations provide information that people can use to improve how well their masks protect them.
There were a lot of "mistakes" made during the Covid pandemic, expecially early-on when little was known about the virus. Mistakes that were made were due to being conservative. 20-20 hindsight found errors made. Better safe than sorry. The CDC still recommends, as of May 2023, the wearing of masks to protect yourself against Covid.

Key Messages:

- Masking is a critical public health tool for preventing spread of COVID-19, and it is important to remember that any mask is better than no mask.

- To protect yourself and others from COVID-19, CDC continues to recommend that you wear the most protective mask you can that fits well and that you will wear consistently.

- Masks and respirators are effective at reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, when worn consistently and correctly.

- Some masks and respirators offer higher levels of protection than others, and some may be harder to tolerate or wear consistently than others. It is most important to wear a well-fitting mask or respirator correctly that is comfortable for you and that provides good protection.

- While all masks and respirators provide some level of protection, properly fitting respirators provide the highest level of protection. Wearing a highly protective mask or respirator may be most important for certain higher risk situations, or by some people at increased risk for severe disease.

- CDC’s mask recommendations provide information that people can use to improve how well their masks protect them. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
They knew a great deal about Covid-19 they just went through great lengths to assure the majority of people didn't. Those that had a clue were spreading disinformation.
Was Truman correct to drop the bomb? Same ambiguity, just different topic. Who knows...old news. I think we all know that administering bleach or UV light directly into the lungs might be a bubble or two off the charts.
  • Tiny
  • 04-01-2024, 07:04 PM
hence we (re)discovered the miracle that is the KN95 mask, teamed up with googles, face shields, plastic shields at check out counters and hazmat suits. (just ask tiny) Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Hell yeah! I'd even argue for using an N95 mask. If I had one of those when I was in Houston recently I probably never would have caught COVID from that stripper. I remember getting off of a plane somewhere in Mexico around June of 2020, and I had some huge red imprints on my face from wearing a surgical grade N95 mask for 9 hours straight. It was part of my stockpile I started in 2005 after SARS. Yeah, wearing it was painful, but I damn well knew I wasn't getting any stinking COVID as long as I had it and my aviator goggles. I say no pain, no gain.

Those were the good old days. DFW and IAH airports looked like ghost towns. And nobody looked at you funny when you were wearing a mask and goggles.
eyecu2's Avatar
They knew a great deal about Covid-19 they just went through great lengths to assure the majority of people didn't. Those that had a clue were spreading disinformation. Originally Posted by Levianon17

While I can agree that some information was not shared as to the actual effectiveness of masks, no mask offered zero protection against coughs or sneezes, whereas a mask at least would stop droplets that may or may not contain the virus from entering immediately into the skin or mouth etc., so it's not really realistic to think that viruses just show up without a transmission mechanism. That could be droplets, saliva, or perhaps hand touches to transmit whatever mechanism is transporting the virus. Viruses don't float around by themselves, typically. They have a carrier mechanism that masks are effective at stopping.

Clearly we're not talking about the boy in the plastic bubble effective, but while they may not be 100%, or maybe even 25% or 15%- they are better than zero.

I think it did prove out that mask wearing and social distancing reduced transmission of diseases in general, but not have been as effective as claimed originally.

Hindsight is always 20/20, so to error on the side of caution doesn't seem to be all that nefarious to me. I do feel bad for the people who lost loved ones during this time, or students that missed out on social activities etc. They'll be playing catch up for a while
While I can agree that some information was not shared as to the actual effectiveness of masks, no mask offered zero protection against coughs or sneezes, whereas a mask at least would stop droplets that may or may not contain the virus from entering immediately into the skin or mouth etc., so it's not really realistic to think that viruses just show up without a transmission mechanism. That could be droplets, saliva, or perhaps hand touches to transmit whatever mechanism is transporting the virus. Viruses don't float around by themselves, typically. They have a carrier mechanism that masks are effective at stopping.

Clearly we're not talking about the boy in the plastic bubble effective, but while they may not be 100%, or maybe even 25% or 15%- they are better than zero.

I think it did prove out that mask wearing and social distancing reduced transmission of diseases in general, but not have been as effective as claimed originally.

Hindsight is always 20/20, so to error on the side of caution doesn't seem to be all that nefarious to me. I do feel bad for the people who lost loved ones during this time, or students that missed out on social activities etc. They'll be playing catch up for a while Originally Posted by eyecu2
Actually what floats around in the air are environmental toxins. Since the blue surgical masks people often wore contain chemicals within their fibers that's not particularly good to breath in over a prolonged period of time either. At the beginning of the Pandemic for most people the wearing of masks in public seemed like a logical approach. The reality, masks really didn't do anything in terms of preventing viral transmission.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
They knew a great deal about Covid-19 they just went through great lengths to assure the majority of people didn't. Those that had a clue were spreading disinformation. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I'd like you to provide proof to support your statements.