Deep State Liz is delusional!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Pelosi supports Lynne Cheney!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

insincere endorsement
bambino's Avatar
insincere endorsement Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
She said Lynne, who is Lizzy’s mother. Pelosi’s as fucked up as Biden.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Guess you won’t be voting for either then, eh?
bambino's Avatar
Guess you won’t be voting for either then, eh? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Are you?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Guess you won’t be voting for either then, eh? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

lizzie cheney is the neocon her dickless daddy dick always want to be.

so that's a NO!
bambino's Avatar
lizzie cheney is the neocon her dickless daddy dick always want to be.

so that's a NO! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Funny how YR is now supporting Republicans!!!!!! Maybe he’s seeing the light.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Funny how YR is now supporting Republicans!!!!!! Maybe he’s seeing the light. Originally Posted by bambino

he's a karma camilion he'll support anyone who he thinks is a globalist socialist

boy georgie would be so proud

he's a karma chameleon he'll support anyone who he thinks is a globalist socialist

boy george would be so proud Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We all are according to the providers

We cum and goooooo
We cum and gooo-oooo-oooooo
bambino's Avatar
he's a karma camilion he'll support anyone who he thinks is a globalist socialist

boy georgie would be so proud

BAHHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Maybe Boy George will be a headliner at Splash Day?
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2021, 05:42 PM
Liz Cheney had an op-ed out today. I figured Bambino in particular might enjoy it considering where it's published,

She writes this,

Finally, we Republicans need to stand for genuinely conservative principles, and steer away from the dangerous and anti-democratic Trump cult of personality. In our hearts, we are devoted to the American miracle. We believe in the rule of law, in limited government, in a strong national defense, and in prosperity and opportunity brought by low taxes and fiscally conservative policies.

There is much at stake now, including the ridiculous wokeness of our political rivals, the irrational policies at the border and runaway spending that threatens a return to the catastrophic inflation of the 1970s. Reagan formed a broad coalition from across the political spectrum to return America to sanity, and we need to do the same now. We know how. But this will not happen if Republicans choose to abandon the rule of law and join Trump’s crusade to undermine the foundation of our democracy and reverse the legal outcome of the last election.

I agree with most of that. Time for Republicans to stop bashing Republicans. Trump's not a Republican.
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2021, 05:46 PM
Here's what the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal has to say today about "purging Liz Cheney,"

This should be a hopeful moment for House Republicans. While they’re playing defense in the minority for now, their prospects for picking up the five net seats they need to regain the majority in 2022 are excellent. That is, unless they devolve into internal brawling over the 2020 election.

Yet that’s precisely what they seem to be doing as some Members try to oust Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney from the GOP House leadership. Ms. Cheney easily survived an earlier effort to dump her, 145-61, after she was one of 10 House Republicans to vote to impeach Donald Trump after the events of Jan. 6.

But she continues to rankle some in the GOP House conference by refusing to go along with Mr. Trump’s demand that Republicans agree that the 2020 election was stolen. On Monday Mr. Trump issued a statement that “The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known.

Ms. Cheney responded on Twitter : “The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.”

This has angered some in the House GOP, and on Tuesday Axios caught House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on a hot mic saying “I’ve had it with her.” But Mr. McCarthy knows Ms. Cheney is right. The election wasn't stolen, yet Mr. Trump wants an endorsement of his stolen claim to be a litmus test for every Republican candidate. He’s the one who wants to refight his losing campaign.

The better part of political prudence would be for Ms. Cheney to ignore Mr. Trump. But Mr. Trump won’t ignore her. He issued four statements on Monday and three of the four were attacks on fellow Republicans, including one on Ms. Cheney. She may be ousted because she is daring to tell the truth to GOP voters—and at personal political risk.

Even as President Biden proposes the largest expansion of government in decades, Mr. Trump is spending his energy settling scores in his own party. He’s thrown his loyal Vice President over the side because Mike Pence refused to pull an unconstitutional stunt to invalidate the pro forma Electoral College count on Jan. 6. As ever with Mr. Trump, everything is always about him.

Republicans will look foolish, or worse, to swing voters if they refight 2020 in 2022. They can truthfully say that Democrats used lawsuits to exploit the pandemic to change the election rules in some states. They can also say Democratic judges on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court let Democrats get away with it. Democrats did a better job of exploiting the pandemic election rules than did the GOP.

But there’s no evidence any of this was decisive, as Mr. Trump lost the popular vote in a rout and the Electoral College by a similar margin to what he won in 2016. Mr. Trump lost even as Republicans gained 12 seats in the House. The election was close, but not as close as others in American history.

Republicans should find a way to speak this truth to voters in 2022—and quickly turn to running on an agenda for the future that will check Mr. Biden and his cradle-to-grave entitlement state. Purging Liz Cheney for honesty would diminish the party.
bambino's Avatar
Here's what the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal has to say today about "purging Liz Cheney,

This should be a hopeful moment for House Republicans. While they’re playing defense in the minority for now, their prospects for picking up the five net seats they need to regain the majority in 2022 are excellent. That is, unless they devolve into internal brawling over the 2020 election.

Yet that’s precisely what they seem to be doing as some Members try to oust Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney from the GOP House leadership. Ms. Cheney easily survived an earlier effort to dump her, 145-61, after she was one of 10 House Republicans to vote to impeach Donald Trump after the events of Jan. 6.

But she continues to rankle some in the GOP House conference by refusing to go along with Mr. Trump’s demand that Republicans agree that the 2020 election was stolen. On Monday Mr. Trump issued a statement that “The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known.

Ms. Cheney responded on Twitter : “The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.”

This has angered some in the House GOP, and on Tuesday Axios caught House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on a hot mic saying “I’ve had it with her.” But Mr. McCarthy knows Ms. Cheney is right. The election wasn't stolen, yet Mr. Trump wants an endorsement of his stolen claim to be a litmus test for every Republican candidate. He’s the one who wants to refight his losing campaign.

The better part of political prudence would be for Ms. Cheney to ignore Mr. Trump. But Mr. Trump won’t ignore her. He issued four statements on Monday and three of the four were attacks on fellow Republicans, including one on Ms. Cheney. She may be ousted because she is daring to tell the truth to GOP voters—and at personal political risk.

Even as President Biden proposes the largest expansion of government in decades, Mr. Trump is spending his energy settling scores in his own party. He’s thrown his loyal Vice President over the side because Mike Pence refused to pull an unconstitutional stunt to invalidate the pro forma Electoral College count on Jan. 6. As ever with Mr. Trump, everything is always about him.

Republicans will look foolish, or worse, to swing voters if they refight 2020 in 2022. They can truthfully say that Democrats used lawsuits to exploit the pandemic to change the election rules in some states. They can also say Democratic judges on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court let Democrats get away with it. Democrats did a better job of exploiting the pandemic election rules than did the GOP.

But there’s no evidence any of this was decisive, as Mr. Trump lost the popular vote in a rout and the Electoral College by a similar margin to what he won in 2016. Mr. Trump lost even as Republicans gained 12 seats in the House. The election was close, but not as close as others in American history.

Republicans should find a way to speak this truth to voters in 2022—and quickly turn to running on an agenda for the future that will check Mr. Biden and his cradle-to-grave entitlement state. Purging Liz Cheney for honesty would diminish the party. Originally Posted by Tiny
The WSJ is just the RINO division of the MSM. Liz, Murkosky, And that homo in Illinois are going down. How much do you want to bet?
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2021, 06:03 PM
The WSJ is just the RINO division of the MSM. Liz, Murkosky, And that homo in Illinois are going down. How much do you want to bet? Originally Posted by bambino
I know she's going down. I don't like it. What I dislike more is that we're potentially looking at 6 trillion additional spending, higher taxes, and, if Biden gets his way over the next 10 years or so, a decimated oil and gas industry.

America is headed for progressivism and a one-party state if you banish people like Liz Cheney. OK, Murkowski and Kizinger have their problems. But people like Liz Cheney are bedrocks of small government conservatism. I'd hate to see them go.

If you're going to kick the "RINO's" out of the party who more or less agree with the WSJ's editorial positions, Republicans aren't ever going to have a majority again.
bambino's Avatar
I know she's going down. I don't like it. What I dislike more is that we're potentially looking at 6 trillion additional spending, higher taxes, and, if Biden gets his way over the next 10 years or so, a decimated oil and gas industry.

America is headed for progressivism and a one-party state if you banish people like Liz Cheney. OK, Murkowski and Kizinger have their problems. But people like Liz Cheney are bedrocks of small government conservatism. I'd hate to see them go.

If you're going to kick the "RINO's" out of the party who more or less agree with the WSJ's editorial positions, Republicans aren't ever going to have a majority again. Originally Posted by Tiny
Why don’t you like it? It’s up to the people in Wyoming. And she’s out. Along with Murkosky Kinsinger and others.
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2021, 06:14 PM
Why don’t you like it? It’s up to the people in Wyoming. And she’s out. Along with Murkosky Kinsinger and others. Originally Posted by bambino
Hopefully Wyoming and Alaska won't be in play. I don't know how competitive Kizinger's district is.

I do know that in 2015 all four Senators in Arizona and Georgia were Republicans. Now none are. And Trump's responsible. If he keeps claiming massive election fraud and blackballing Republicans who don't like him, like Jeff Flake, the party is most likely fucked.