Theres ALWAYS a fox in the hen house..

Yes that is against the rules and if it can be proven than action will be taken. So far I don't see any reason to start an IP witch hunt. The MISS1234 ladies seem to be behaving themselves and so far have given me no reason to believe they have more than one persona here. Hell they are making things interesting!!

Most that try the dual or multiple handle trick here are eventually busted and if that is the case here (and as i stated I don't believe it is at this point) the same will happen here as well.

So if I get this right , a offense like being rude is worth pursuing , even though it's a 2 point offense ? But a instant banning offense such as multiple handles , is not even worth looking into ? Hmmmmmmm nice priorities !
MISS1402's Avatar
Remember, we are all supposed to be adults here and as long as thing are reasonably civil and no pointed insults are fired, you may all continue the debate club. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
yay! So, DH play nice please.
Yes that is against the rules and if it can be proven than action will be taken. So far I don't see any reason to start an IP witch hunt. The MISS1234 ladies seem to be behaving themselves and so far have given me no reason to believe they have more than one persona here. Hell they are making things interesting!!

Most that try the dual or multiple handle trick here are eventually busted and if that is the case here (and as i stated I don't believe it is at this point) the same will happen here as well.

So if I get this right , a offense like being rude is worth pursuing , even though it's a 2 point offense ? But a instant banning offense such as multiple handles , is not even worth looking into ? Hmmmmmmm nice priorities ! Originally Posted by DIE HARD
DH, I will help you even though this one is pretty obvious to most. Being rude is easy for most to identify and is also easily proven.

Multiple handles, on the other hand are much more difficult to prove and are not an instant banning offense. When we find a person with multiples we ask which one they want to keep and ban the other(s). No points, we just eliminate the extra ones. If you continue to register multiple handles, then more severe consequences take place.

I know that right now your feelings are hurt, but continue to challenge Staff in open threads and, well you know the results. It is pretty easy to bully some people here into doing things that are against our posting guidelines, but that won't be the case with me. I don't bully very easily. I would suggest you find someone else to pick on.

Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 09-17-2012, 11:45 PM
I think we are getting value from this. It is worthwhile seeing what some ladies really think.
I think we are getting value from this. It is worthwhile seeing what some ladies really think. Originally Posted by Qziz
Except for as of now we don't know who these "ladies" are . Or if they are even "ladies" but we will . The good thing about information is once you have enough , you can put together pieces . The outing of the hobbiest they did , and the amount of times seen , if true is going to reveal this .
trynagetlaid's Avatar
What's up with all these MISS handles and no reviews or pics?
Multiple "Miss xyz" handles all recently joined, all anonymous, all intelligent, all stirring shit up does indeed make things interesting but it doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to see what's what.

There's that which can be proven but even more importantly there's that which requires basic common sense.

However is it important enough to give two shits about? Nope.

If threADS are no issue then this shouldn't be either.

Coed has recently changed faces so either deal with it or don't.
I think we are getting value from this. It is worthwhile seeing what some ladies really think. Originally Posted by Qziz
You mean Marco right, or some of his ladies K************ feel.

There is indeed a fox in the hen house and his name is Marco and he's outing guy's for stuff they did or didn't do (don't know or care either way) truth has never been his thing. It's always just lies or revenge or just plain dickery. I guess two can play that way. Feel free to pm me for a complete list of his ladies to avoid.

Hell I might even just slip them into normal conversation here and in another forum

Sorry Miss Marco feel free to continue with your games. What he doesn't get is in the end it only ends up hurting his business and the ladies who are stupid enough to keep working with him. How many agencies have to fail for this jack wad to get a clue. Now he secretly works with ladies behind the scene as he tries to recruit for his new agency.

Ladies don't be that stupid, he will out you in the end, he will fuck up your business because guy's won't want to come see you if you are even rumored to be involved with him.

Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
MISS1402 said: Funny story, I had this client (dretec) ask me if I would consider BBFS once we got to know each other better. I told him YES YES YES! he saw me every other day for the next 2 weeks. In the end, he finally realized that it was NEVER going to happen... It's like taking candy from a baby! lol...
This is the epitome of hookernomics.
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 09-18-2012, 10:57 AM
Sigh, I always get snookered by Marco's imitation of smart girls. Should have known.

MISS1402's Avatar
lol, who is Marco? Regardless, I am anti-agency myself so I could care less.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 09-18-2012, 11:27 AM
lol, who is Marco? Regardless, I am anti-agency myself so I could care less. Originally Posted by MISS1402
MISS 1402, I love your avatar. You're a cutie.
Let's meet sometime!
MISS2868 has a prettier one .
MISS1402's Avatar
Don't be rude DH, that's not very nice.
How can it be rude it's the same person ?