Draw the prophet

  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 08:49 PM
Except that, you know, the weirdo Christians and anti-muslim people aren't committing mass murder every day, right, amadan?

They're not better except for that piece, right?

No, as in they're both about as useful as a hobo's used codom

Familiarize yourself with that great expression "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

I don't care about somebody's "hate and bigotry". It's when they try killing others that I take exception.

You're "harfing" again, you clueless idiot. I never said their violence was justified. I'm just saying that you can go fuck yourself too.

Oh yeah! That's the ticket.

Conviction trumps all, doesn't it. It doesn't matter how stupid your belief is, if you are willing to kill for it, Shanm is impressed by you, snookums. oooohhh you got me there. I'm impressed!

keep "harfing" motherfucker

The "will power" to believe that it is OK to decapitate gays, Christians, Jews, atheists, etc. doesn't impress me.

What an exemplary post. Thank you! Originally Posted by ExNYer
Got anything more than clueless equivocation?

We already knew you were a clueless chump. Stop sending us further confirmation damnit!
Here comes this old bitch again. If you want to get down to it, muslims like ISIS are doing exactly what their holy book tells them to do. Christianity went through an enlightenment. Islam has not. That's why christians don't stone people, etc. They can't get away with it anymore. No one is defending islam or muslims. Religion is a cancer. You see the fruits it bears in these very incidents. You have people on the right, convinced their god is superior and america and free speech and all the rest of it. And on the other side, they're convinced their way is the one true way. One side following a book written by goat herders who didn't now where the sun went at night and the others following a book written by the 7th century middle-eastern version of L Rob Hubbard. People are killing over these fucking fairytales. Innocent people are dying because of these convictions. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I've told you before, ass wipe, I'm NOT a Christian. I'm atheist.

I just know who the bigger threat is.

And you and Shanm like to pretend everyone is equally bad. They aren't.
Got anything more than clueless equivocation?

We already knew you were a clueless chump. Stop sending us further confirmation damnit! Originally Posted by shanm
Do you even know what "equivocation" means, amadan?

Point to an example of it in that post. If you can.
  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 09:05 PM
Do you even know what "equivocation" means, amadan?

Point to an example of it in that post. If you can. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Here, I highlighted the parts in red for you.

Except that, you know, the weirdo Christians and anti-muslim people aren't committing mass murder every day, right, amadan?

They're not better except for that piece, right?

Familiarize yourself with that great expression "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

I don't care about somebody's "hate and bigotry". It's when they try killing others that I take exception.

Oh yeah! That's the ticket.

Conviction trumps all, doesn't it. It doesn't matter how stupid your belief is, if you are willing to kill for it, Shanm is impressed by you, snookums.

The "will power" to believe that it is OK to decapitate gays, Christians, Jews, atheists, etc. doesn't impress me.

What an exemplary post. Liberal guilt doesn't get much guiltier than this.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Equivocating, as in "harfing" (whatever the fuck that means) or dancing around the actual argument by dropping a bunch of unrelated pigeonshit words.

That clear enough for you? or should I use dictionary.com.
Here, I highlighted the parts in red for you. Originally Posted by shanm
Highlight all of it? Why don't you just admit you misused "equivocating". You tried to look smarter than you actually are and it backfired on you.

Equivocating, as in "harfing" (whatever the fuck that means) Originally Posted by shanm
Why are you asking me what harfing means? You are the idiot using it.

Equivocating ... or dancing around the actual argument by dropping a bunch of unrelated pigeonshit words. Originally Posted by shanm
Close enough. But here is another one

"the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication."

So, using EITHER definition, point out in my post an ambiguous phrase (or pigeonshit word) that conceals a truth or dances around an argument. In your response, point out what that argument is and why the phrase is ambiguous.

If you can.
  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 09:29 PM
Highlight all of it? Why don't you just admit you misused "equivocating". You tried to look smarter than you actually are and it backfired on you.

Why are you asking me what harfing means? You are the idiot using it.

Close enough. But here is another one

"the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication."

So, using EITHER definition, point out in my post an ambiguous phrase (or pigeonshit word) that conceals a truth or dances around an argument. In your response, point out what that argument is and why the phrase is ambiguous.

If you can. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Go and read what I wrote in the other thread. It's quite obvious that you've never used or even heard the word outside the internet.

Why does it not surprise me that you decided to quote the dictionary.com definition of the word.

When you're dropping a bunch of pigeonshit unrelated arguments (putting words in my mouth as you like to say; do I need to point those out?) in order to avoid having the actual argument (as in, avoid committing oneself to the argument), THAT is also called equivocating.

But you wouldn't know that would you? what's the last literary piece you read? Clifford the big red dog?

Only an ignorant POS like you would think that a simple word like equivocating indicates that I'm trying to "sound smart".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Only an ignorant POS like you would think that a simple word like equivocating indicates that I'm trying to "sound smart". Originally Posted by shanm
Yeah. It will take a lot more for you to sound smart. But it's nice to know you're trying. Don't give up! I know you have a looooong way to go, but keep trying. Baby steps.
  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 09:43 PM
Yeah. It will take a lot more for you to sound smart. But it's nice to know you're trying. Don't give up! I know you have a looooong way to go, but keep trying. Baby steps. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thank you for that enlightening piece of wisdom. Now I can see the years (and years!) of experience have been very positive for your intellect. OldCumGuzzler
Go and read what I wrote in the other thread. It's quite obvious that you've never used or even heard the word outside the internet.
Really? How so? Explain.

Why does it not surprise me that you decided to quote the dictionary.com definition of the word.
Lying by omission? Actually, I gave you the choice of either definition (mine or yours) and you failed on both counts.

When you're dropping a bunch of pigeonshit unrelated arguments (putting words in my mouth as you like to say; do I need to point those out?) in order to avoid having the actual argument (as in, avoid committing oneself to the argument), THAT is also called equivocating.
Identify the pigeonshit words and the avoided argument. Or shut up. Originally Posted by shanm
I've already read what you wrote in your other posts. That's not an answer. Those posts didn't make sense then and they don't make sense now.

I asked you to point to a SPECIFIC word or phrase THAT I WROTE that shows I was equivocating. And you still haven't. Telling me to re-read YOUR posts isn't an answer.
  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 09:59 PM
I've already read what you wrote in your other posts. That's not an answer. Those posts didn't make sense then and they don't make sense now.

I asked you to point to a SPECIFIC word or phrase THAT I WROTE that shows I was equivocating. And you still haven't. Telling me to re-read YOUR posts isn't an answer. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Usually I don't play into ignorant pieces of shit like you telling me what to do, but you're a special kind of idiot, so I'll entertain it just this once.

Except that, you know, the weirdo Christians and anti-muslim people aren't committing mass murder every day, right, amadan?

They're not better except for that piece, right?

There it is. Something I never said. In your reply to me. You're implying that I said it (the pigeonshit argument) even though it has nothing to do with what I said and nothing to do with the argument (in order to avoid debating what I originally argued) I.e EQUIVOCATING

Familiarize yourself with that great expression "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Pigeon shit, pigeon shit, pigoen shit

I'm tired already. There's a reason I highlighted your entire argument.

I'll make it simple for you once and for all. You're making up bullshit arguments (and putting words in my mouth) in order to deflect from the actual argument. i.e you're equivocating. Is that clear enough for you?

Equivocation is also a logical fallacy, not just a word. You're making up "pigoen shit" arguments because, as usual, you've got nothing. Please educate yourself you ig'nant motherfucker.

I don't care about somebody's "hate and bigotry". It's when they try killing others that I take exception.

Oh yeah! That's the ticket.

Conviction trumps all, doesn't it. It doesn't matter how stupid your belief is, if you are willing to kill for it, Shanm is impressed by you, snookums.

The "will power" to believe that it is OK to decapitate gays, Christians, Jews, atheists, etc. doesn't impress me.

What an exemplary post. Liberal guilt doesn't get much guiltier than this. Originally Posted by ExNYer
It's the 21 Century. We should be able to portray an image of the Prophet. Even a flattering one. Walk out of the caves and face the sun.
It's the 21 Century. We should be able to portray an image of the Prophet. Even a flattering one. Walk out of the caves and face the sun. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Has anybody published any of the pictures, or portraits, as it might be, that were on display?

While I can't draw a line, my idea of a "portrait" of the "Prophet" would be a man with his dick up the ass of a (forbidden topic), and holding the severed head of one of those who did not wish to convert.
LexusLover's Avatar
....my idea of a "portrait" of the "Prophet" would be a man with his dick up the ass of a (forbidden topic), and holding the severed head of one of those who did not wish to convert. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That WAS their "Prophet" ......


That WAS their "Prophet" ......


Originally Posted by LexusLover
Perhaps yours!

But not "OURS!"
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sha-na-na sent out an email that he likes to have his ass equivocated regularly.