My rights versus your rights

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Someone tell FuckZup that everyone here knows that he doesn't care a shit about gay rights or gay people. It is a facade for his socialist, anti-American beliefs.
  • shanm
  • 04-03-2015, 06:55 PM
Someone tell FuckZup that everyone here knows that he doesn't care a shit about gay rights or gay people. It is a facade for his socialist, anti-American beliefs. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you have a problem speaking English? No one can understand what the fuck you are talking about.

Uh keep telling yourself how clever you are admiral. Nobody else will. Originally Posted by timpage
pretty much. It's a common trait of all Klan err...clan members
  • shanm
  • 04-03-2015, 07:15 PM

As for above, I noticed you snirked but how no response. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

If I was a lawyer or a congressman (men?) then a typo is important. Okay, maybe a doctor.... but I am not any of those. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
True. BUT, apparently, you are a Professor. Is that still true? Or have you morphed into something else? You went from a JD to a professor and now what?
Or are you saying that proper composition and/or sentence structure is not important for a PROFESSOR? Much less a history professor! Was your dissertation on "how to be a stupid, bumbling pillock, and make a complete ASS of yourself"? Because that's the only thing I would consider you an expert in.

I don't know who you think you're fooling with this charade. It's clear you are "not" anything!
It's clear you are "not" anything! Originally Posted by shanm
With one notable exception, JD is an Idiot. And a damn good one at that!
cptjohnstone's Avatar

True. BUT, apparently, you are a Professor. Is that still true? Or have you morphed into something else? You went from a JD to a professor and now what?
Or are you saying that proper composition and/or sentence structure is not important for a PROFESSOR? Much less a history professor! Was your dissertation on "how to be a stupid, bumbling pillock, and make a complete ASS of yourself"? Because that's the only thing I would consider you an expert in.

I don't know who you think you're fooling with this charade. It's clear you are "not" anything! Originally Posted by shanm
sorry that is reserved for eva
sorry that is reserved for eva Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Hey no stones you fucking twerp you have the right to remain stupid...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
By the way, I don't want everyone to conform to my idea of morality. But, what we should all expect is that gays, blacks, whites, Hispanics, pacific islanders, etc. all deserve, and have an inherent right, to be treated fairly and most importantly, equally. But you get to choose whether or not they can own a small business, based on their targeted demographic. And history has shown that human beings, left to their own impulses, generally have a problem with that concept in the absence of the rule of law.

Why is this such a tough call? It's not. As I have explained. Go down the street, someone will want your money. Why don't your sympathies lie with the folks who are being treated badly rather than those trying to justify that treatment by calling it religion? Why does someone have to give up their Constitutional rights to the free practice of their religion when they go into business. They are not mistreating anyone. They are declining to participate in an event which that violates their beliefs. I have asked this before and nobody answers me....what sort of religion is it that encourages its adherents to discriminate against people based on who those people love? I agree. It's stupid. If I had a bakery, I'd take the order. But that's not the point. We are supposed to be free. Forcing someone to participate in an activity like this, or close their business is a clear violation of the First Amendment. If they said ,"We will not serve gays" it would be different. But all they are doing is saying they don't want to be part of an activity or event. Why would we want to sanction and encourage behavior based on intolerance, condemnation and hatred? Who defines those terms, you? Whether it's just because you hate fags or whether it's based on some alleged bogus religious principle. Part of freedom is the freedom to "hate", be "intolerant," and "condemn." Kind of like what you're doing here. Man, it's the same line of reasoning that the middle eastern psychos rely on when they saw off Christian heads....."my religious beliefs require it." We are talking cake and pizza here. Not heads. Try to stay on point. Bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
Ok. I answered. Now declare your outrage at Muslims who won't cater a gay wedding. And explain why simply crossing the street to find a business happy to be involved in your event is worse than the government demand you conform or close.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

True. BUT, apparently, you are a Professor. Is that still true? Or have you morphed into something else? You went from a JD to a professor and now what?
Or are you saying that proper composition and/or sentence structure is not important for a PROFESSOR? Much less a history professor! Was your dissertation on "how to be a stupid, bumbling pillock, and make a complete ASS of yourself"? Because that's the only thing I would consider you an expert in.

I don't know who you think you're fooling with this charade. It's clear you are "not" anything! Originally Posted by shanm
Okay, Sha-na-na you're going on ignore because you are someone else posting here. I have never called myself a professor. That is an honorarium I save for those with a doctorate which I do not have, nor have I ever claimed to have. You were obviously around for that discussion. So who are you? I have also never said that I was a history teacher though I studied history and have said that. Once again you were probably watching. So who are you? If I was writing academically then I would worry about grammar and spelling more than I do. This is off the cuff writing or what they call extemporaneous writing. (Look it up)

Now if I was to ask you to criticize an academic paper and all you came up with was typos, I would say you failed badly.

Here is a clue. They tell us that no child is beyond reaching when it comes to education but off the record they say that it is not true. Some children just cannot be reached. They will not allow themselves to think. They lack something like imagination to make the leap from rote training to thinking. Too many on this site have the same problem if I believed it. I think most of you are just fake. You don't really believe in much of anything accept being an attack dog for your masters. Most of us notice that sometimes you slip and actually show some thought but you get back to it the fakeness and stupidity.

So Sha-na-na, (FuckZup, WTF, EVA, or whatever you think you are) I'm calling it quits. You're beyond help and some of your colleagues are getting pretty close. I just never understood the class idiot who tried to look stupid.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
As Indiana and Arkansas have demonstrated, there is a divide in this country between people who believe in individual freedoms and those that don't. Once again the left is using lies and distortion to divide the people in this land. The right is failing to have a coherent message and that is on them. So let me ask the question, where do yo stand on individual rights and freedoms when it comes to commerce?
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Color me confused?
Cant a buiness refuse anyone for any reason?
or not cause your female, catholic, disabled, or any of the "protected classes"
but just cause they don't wanna?
Isnt that why they have this sign

Even if you are a ebony, handicapped female, and you want a seat in a restrautnt, you can be refused service, right?
or is that sign a joke and YOU MUST SERVE ME
  • shanm
  • 04-04-2015, 12:26 AM
Okay, Sha-na-na you're going on ignore because you are someone else posting here. I have never called myself a professor. That is an honorarium I save for those with a doctorate which I do not have, nor have I ever claimed to have. You were obviously around for that discussion. So who are you? I have also never said that I was a history teacher though I studied history and have said that. Once again you were probably watching. So who are you?
So Sha-na-na, (FuckZup, WTF, EVA, or whatever you think you are) I'm calling it quits. You're beyond help and some of your colleagues are getting pretty close. I just never understood the class idiot who tried to look stupid. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are you really that fucking stupid? Or are you just that fucking paranoid? You and your little butt boys on here need to get a grip on yourself. No one from this side is stupid enough to create multiple handles, that's exclusive to the Idiot Klan. The patience it requires to deal with idiots like you is more than enough for even one handle.

Here's some quotes taken from your pathetic replies to ME. Dipshit.

I guess you really are new here and not some made up alter ego of FuckZup. I have two BAs and a MA. That has been discussed many times on this forum but you weren't at the meetings. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I do call myself a history major which I think is pretty important Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Here's someone who obviously did know you from before:
JD claims to have all these degrees, claims to be a college professor and claims to have been in the Navy. But this is a hooker board and no way to prove any of it. And I doubt JD is stupid enough to out himself, unless his ego gets the best of him. Originally Posted by cowboyinjungle
Just because you have the memory of a peanut doesn't mean we all do.
I also forgot you were in the Navy. Jesus Christ, do you also fight crime and save babies from burning buildings in your spare time? What a fuckin' douche