Wondering how long it will take for some leftie, Obama loving shit to post about the missing planes.

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  • WTF
  • 09-10-2014, 12:37 AM
Actually, what he babbles about obsessively is "we can't afford" to keep them from establishing themselves in this country (which is what they are doing) where the headchopping ground is fertile ...n. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm not pissing in my pants worrying about some terrorist cutting my jead off....Jesus Christ if you drive on the roads you are way more likely to be killed in a car wreck than a terrorist. Are you to scared to drive? You want a tank to drive around in? Listen to what a baby the terrorist have turned you into.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Stop sending me PMs asking me to comment on your idiot posts. Despite that obnoxious request, I will - if only to stop you from thinking you wrote something intelligent.

Was there a point to your statements above? Apparently the Air France jet hit the water hard and shattered and left a lot of floating debris? What does that have to do with the Malaysian flight?

What if the Malaysian flight belly landed on the Pacific and stayed relatively intact, like the plane that landed in the Hudson river? Then it would sink slowly without a trace. You don't know what the crash was like, so how can you compare them?

Also, despite what you wrote, the Air France jet was relatively easy to find. It went into a stall, but it had stayed in its flight path. So the searchers only had to search along the flight path to find debris. In the case of the Malaysian jet, the plane went far off its flight path to somewhere completely unknown. So they don't even know where to begin searching.

Different crash, different circumstances, different results. Did you not understand my point about the Edmund Fitzgerald?

And what the fuck was your point about the Amelia Earhardt? Originally Posted by ExNYer
The entire left engine detached, as did the right engine nacelle - there were holes ripped into the fuselage. Plenty of debris!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you are saying... let them chop the heads off every christian in the middle east because we can't afford it? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
And you're saying they can decapitate all the Jews they like as long as they leave the Christians alone?

You're too stupid to know what you're saying, Slobbrin!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Stop sending me PMs asking me to comment on your idiot posts. Despite that obnoxious request, I will - if only to stop you from thinking you wrote something intelligent.

Was there a point to your statements above? Apparently the Air France jet hit the water hard and shattered and left a lot of floating debris? What does that have to do with the Malaysian flight?

What if the Malaysian flight belly landed on the Pacific and stayed relatively intact, like the plane that landed in the Hudson river? Then it would sink slowly without a trace. You don't know what the crash was like, so how can you compare them?

Also, despite what you wrote, the Air France jet was relatively easy to find. It went into a stall, but it had stayed in its flight path. So the searchers only had to search along the flight path to find debris. In the case of the Malaysian jet, the plane went far off its flight path to somewhere completely unknown. So they don't even know where to begin searching.

Different crash, different circumstances, different results. Did you not understand my point about the Edmund Fitzgerald?

And what the fuck was your point about the Amelia Earhardt? Originally Posted by ExNYer
So JLHomo was spamming your PM inbox too?

I made him stop spamming me a few months ago.


Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Both you pussies have sent me unsolicited PM's before, so go fuck yourselves.
Spam not, lest ye yourself be spammed, motherfucker!!!
I will be pointing ISIL straight to your house Assup and laughing when they gang butt fuck you after finding your stash of gay porn, then chop off your empty head, faggot.
The entire left engine detached, as did the right engine nacelle - there were holes ripped into the fuselage. Plenty of debris! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That's damage. We're talking about debris. In particular, we are talking about FLOATING debris.

Did the detached engine float? No, jerkoff.

The rest of the plane slowly sank after it was dragged to the shoreline.

If the water had been deeper, there would have been nothing left.

Lots of things sink in the ocean without a trace. Do you not get that fundamental point, mope?
So JLHomo was spamming your PM inbox too?

I made him stop spamming me a few months ago.

The idiot actually wanted a reply to his Air France nonsense because he thought he made some great point.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That's damage. We're talking about debris. In particular, we are talking about FLOATING debris.

Did the detached engine float? No, jerkoff.

The rest of the plane slowly sank after it was dragged to the shoreline.

If the water had been deeper, there would have been nothing left.

Lots of things sink in the ocean without a trace. Do you not get that fundamental point, mope? Originally Posted by ExNYer
If shit breaks off the plane, something is going to float, you ignorant mick.
If the plane hits the water, it has crashed, things have broken, and the stuff that floats will do so.
Until JD's plane is found, or debris is found, you cannot say with certainty it wasn't stolen.
Alternately, buy a worn out old plane that is going to the bone yard, and fly it on autopilot into the ocean, and prove the fucking theory. Otherwise, get drunk and act belligerent like the sand mucking 6'2" asshole you are.

You do realize that continuing to send me instant messages, after you asked me to stop, is a bitch move. Exactly the same move Assup did awhile back.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The idiot actually wanted a reply to his Air France nonsense because he thought he made some great point. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Six months after Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared the reason it disappeared remains the most frustrating mystery in aviation history. Still nothing can explain it. And that is the point:. The science of air crash investigation – and it is a very mature science – abhors mystery. There were supposed to be no mysteries left.
The passing of six months has more significance than simply a point on a calendar. It really is startling that not one fragment of an airplane that weighed 250 tons has yet turned up.
No airplane this large sinks whole to the bottom of the ocean. Some parts are too buoyant to ever sink. Which should mean that somewhere out there in the expanse of ocean between Australia and the Antarctic there are traces of Flight 370 – albeit very small pieces.
What would be the most likely pattern of wreckage in this case? To provide some perspective, I have looked at five cases where large commercial airplanes have crashed into the sea in order to determine how much wreckage was left on the surface and how soon it was located:

And you're saying they can decapitate all the Jews they like as long as they leave the Christians alone?

You're too stupid to know what you're saying, Slobbrin! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

NO! That's not what I'm saying... "Hissy Fit" the shit & vomit eating self loathing androgynous hermaphrodite candy striper in the State Hospital...

What i'm saying is ... "Hissy Fit" the shit & vomit eating self loathing androgynous hermaphrodite candy striper in the State Hospital...

is if YOUR HEAD should be lopped off by ISIS ... you strike out again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again...

Me and my Jew friends will just laugh and laugh...
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Me and my Jew friends will just laugh and laugh... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

You are an ignorant motherfucker, and most definitely retarded... As in ward of the state retarded. Your comment, as IBIdiot inspired as it was, was more of the typical off topic blather we've come to expect from you. Everybody give you a pass because we feel sorry for your diminished mental capacity, Sling Blade. But your overt ethnocentric hatred makes you more of a target for the RWW propaganda machine. DUHHHHRRRRR!

Your comment above is all any of us have to read to know who you are and the serious limits of your damaged little mind.

Me and MY JEW friends? What do you think about that comment IBHomo? Is this your pal? I guess your answer will reveal even more about your authenticity, eh, BJerk?

How has nobody bashed in your skull yet, Slobbrin? Oh yeah ... You wear a helmet. Never Mind.