"Fair Share"?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-26-2012, 04:13 PM
Hey WTF I HAVE A QUESTION .. The wealthy own a great deal of the businesses in the country correct. When you tax them more what do they do, come out of their pocket OR go up in price and pass it along to their customers ! YOU, ME , and all the other folks that buy shit. Where is the money the wealthy have coming from , US ? Thats why im against raising taxes cause one way or the other im paying for it. Do you really think the top 10% or 5% are going to cash in their cds or bring back their money from Switzerland to pay more taxes.
Its kinda like the gas tax, you guys jump on here and start talking about saving the planet ( while the rest of the World could give a shit ) and all my customers are dieing a slow death, they can hardly buy grocery's and every time they fill their car up with gas it absolutely chokes em.
Its naive to think a guy driving a Bentley could give a fuck about the cost of a tank of gas let alone saving the planet. Originally Posted by steamyromance

incorrect ... small business makes up the highest percentage of businesses in the country ... do you really think the top 10% have CD's in switzerland ?

in one breath you talk about individuals, and the next breath you talk about corporations, couple that to the CD's in switzerland, and you sir are DISMISSED.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
[QUOTE=CuteOldGuy;1051947116]There is not enough wealth or income to tax in the US to solve our problem. <- This is total bullshit (as usual). The only solution is to QUIT SPENDING SO MUCH <- on stupid wars. And replace the income tax. With what? [/QUOTE]

Are you satisfied with someone making $25K paying the same rate as someone making $1B (sales tax?). Don't start with the "they will each buy what they can afford" bromide - a rate is a rate.

Do you want to see an excise (VAT or "Luxury" Tax) on big ticket items?

We are well past "saving" our way to a balanced budget. WHAT do you want to do to raise money?

I get so sick and tired of you and other hypocritical "freedom lovers" who want to nanny the whole world through our military misadventures and not pay for it, keep it off the books for 6 years and other horsesh*t stunts regularly pulled. You really cannot understand the concept that "freedom" is in short supply if you're a family of 4 with both wage earners making $25K each. All it takes is one serious illness or accident or transportation malfunction to limit several "freedoms." How free is someone who can't get to work? How free is someone who can't work because there's no way to pay someone to watch the children? You talk like these people in suchlike circumstances live in some bungalow on Knob Fuc*ing Hill instead of some g/d 20 y/o single wide or roach infested apartment. I guess these people can sit around and meditate on the wonderfulness of living in the Good Ol' USA with their all of their glorious rights to work for less. Don't you realize the types of "careers" people who make that kind of money have? This is a variation of the old saw about the "Welfare Cadillac." Yeah, there might have been a few in every city but, more likely than not, those that were in evidence appeared through some sort of "off the grid" economic venture.

I guess all of them should just go out and found another Apple you fatuous rat bastard. You are an educated idiot, but not quite at the level of it as JDB.

I tell you what - the next time you get out - go to Wallyworld and get a back-to-school wardrobe for a 10 y/o boy and a 12 y/o girl - keeping in mind that they are YOUR children and that you love them. Don't forget shoes, underwear and socks, too. You might be surprised what the tab is even though it's not even at some place like Dillards (or whatever you have in Wichita that's a mid-grade department store).
Guest123018-4's Avatar
wTF, I have stated many times that we do not need to be the police force of the world. I am for bringing as many people home as possible and having a policy of pay us to be there if you want us.

That does not do anything about what I stated. My statements have to do with the demographics of the Republic changing sop that a concentration of wagon riders are centralized in urban wealth re-distribution areas and are voting themselves more free rides, and forcing a small percentage of the population to shoulder the burden for the rest. This fact is undeniable. You can attempt to obfuscate the issue by redirecting and making a claim that is not true, but it does not change the facts.

The facts are that in 2008 you had a majority of Democrats in the House, the senate and the Presidency and they did not bring our soldiers home and end the war. You can talk about nation building yet there was an opportunity to stop it.

The facts are that the Democrats are a bunch of lying ass pieces of shit that cant come up with a budget that wont be laughed out of DC.

I am in favor of hitting the fiscal cliff, stop allowing a debt increase, and let all the tax cuts expire for everybody as long as there are spending cuts to equal the tax increases. If there is going to be a burden, shouldn't we all share in the load?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-26-2012, 05:47 PM
I've said it once, i've said it 1000 times, and i'm gonna keep on saying it until someone proves me wrong.

People who are relatively well off benefit financially from people who aren't to a greater extent than poor people benefit from those like us who are relatively well off.
I've said it once, i've said it 1000 times, and i'm gonna keep on saying it until someone proves me wrong.

People who are relatively well off benefit financially from people who aren't to a greater extent than poor people benefit from those like us who are relatively well off. Originally Posted by Doove
And what exactly would you accept as proof?

And does your statement even make sense? To begin with, the poor are obviously not benefitting enough from anyone or anything, otherwise they wouldn't be poor in the first place. So you're looking at the results - who is rich, who is poor, who is middle class - and declaring the poor haven't benefitted enough and that MUST be caused by others have benefitted too much.
I can hardly wait for the rich to pay their fair share.I have been paying mine for years....
In Texas we tax with a sales tax , a very regressive tax. We ask our poor to pay more than their fair share!

I do find it strange that you seem to not want to pay the bill for our military spending. That is really the answer to your question.

CC ''What is fair?''

WTF '' Pay for what you bought!''

You see CC, that is really what is fair. If the rich political class wants to go to war, should they not pay for it? There sons and daughter are not the ones doing the fighting so shouldn't they at least pay? Are you ok with a tax reduction during a time of war where the rich and only the rich capture more wealth in this country? Is that fair? Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, the offset comes when the "rich" purchase more expensive items. For instance, the rich guy will pay a substantially greater tax on his new Escalade than the poor guy will on his used Tahoe.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-26-2012, 06:25 PM
WTF, the offset comes when the "rich" purchase more expensive items. For instance, the rich guy will pay a substantially greater tax on his new Escalade than the poor guy will on his used Tahoe. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Do you not understand regressive tax?

That 800 dollar tax on a used Tahoe is a bigger % of his income than say 3500 dollars the rich pay on an Escalade.

That is why we have a progressive tax systenm to off set it.

Should speeding tickets be based on your income? The richer you are the more you pay or even the SUV's you mentioned? They are not, that is why we have a progressive tax system too.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-26-2012, 06:27 PM
If there is going to be a burden, shouldn't we all share in the load? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I have already said that all Bush tax cuts should expire except for the poor. We never should have had them in a time of war, we should have had a war tax in fact. See how many people want to go to war when they might have to actually pay for it!

All we have done is transfer SS and medicare saving to the military complex. Shit if that is WTF the people wanted, then put it up for a vote. I doubt it would pass. But I could be wrong.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I've said it once, i've said it 1000 times, and i'm gonna keep on saying it until someone proves me wrong.

People who are relatively well off benefit financially from people who aren't to a greater extent than poor people benefit from those like us who are relatively well off. Originally Posted by Doove
Well, no kidding Doove. How many jobs have you ever got from a poor man that owned the company?
I personally never have.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-26-2012, 06:37 PM

So, your answer to the financial problems in the US is to cut military spending? Pretty simplistic, but OK. Lets throw that out on the table.

? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
No we have to get our medical spending under control. SS is fine, the two drivers of this debt crisis are Defense and Medicare. My point is that we actually have paid for Medicare and not Defense. Though Medicare cost are a huge problem. Problem is, if you try and limit it, people scream "Death Panals!" , Defense is not much different if you try and cut that spending.

My point is that it is not just the poor that are driving this train wreck. We are a nation that has gotten used to spending above our means.

Not sure if either you or I can fix it on a hooker board!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-26-2012, 06:39 PM
Well, no kidding Doove. How many jobs have you ever got from a poor man that owned the company?
I personally never have. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
You get jobs from poor and middle class people buying things from the rich. Think Wal Mart. The problem becomes when income inequity becomes to large, the poor and middle class can not affort to buy shit. That is why the low and high end retailers are doing ok. We have a huge income gap. Google Gini
incorrect ... small business makes up the highest percentage of businesses in the country ... do you really think the top 10% have CD's in switzerland ?

in one breath you talk about individuals, and the next breath you talk about corporations, couple that to the CD's in switzerland, and you sir are DISMISSED. Originally Posted by CJ7
You missed the point CJ < where do the wealthy get their money ? From fuckin Santa? They own shit, businesses, the inherit it, from oil etc.
I own a small business, i cant absorb any more taxes, business sucks because my customers are tapped out, they are paying out the ass for food, gas, insurance etc. So if im taxed more i will have to pass along those expenses to my customers just like everyone else will do. This will harm my business, but please explain how i can cut back to make up the additional cost of doing business?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-26-2012, 06:59 PM
Well, no kidding Doove. How many jobs have you ever got from a poor man that owned the company?
I personally never have. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
You obviously have no clue as to what my point even is, which leads me to believe that you're entirely ignorant as to how the world works, and how you benefit from people making barely minimum wage.

Every time you go to Walmart, or the grocery store, the gas station or to any common restaurant - double the wages of everyone who works there, as well as everyone along the supply chain who worked to deliver to you the products you buy, and ask yourself how much more it would cost you.

People like you benefit from the existence of poor people, and then you spit on them by bitching about how "they don't pay taxes". Or bitching about how your taxes go towards their food stamps, or their heating bill, or their health care.

Cry me a freakin' river.
You get jobs from poor and middle class people buying things from the rich. Think Wal Mart. The problem becomes when income inequity becomes to large, the poor and middle class can not affort to buy shit. That is why the low and high end retailers are doing ok. We have a huge income gap. Google Gini Originally Posted by WTF
The rich buy an awful lot of stuff too.
Where are all of these middle class people who can't afford anything? I consider all 12 of the men who work for me to be "middle class', and everyone has two cars, flat screens, a house, I-Phones, computers, good food, clothing, in short, anything they want. Including sending kids to college.

There may be a bunch of lazy asses out there who can't seem to get it together, but none of those work for me.