
boardman's Avatar
Ok, enough's enough! This has to stop. Boardman and Wakeup, you guys can't be allowed to post in the same thread any longer. I can't keep going from hottest avatar ever to creepiest avatar ever in the same thread! :-p
Lakecat, you make way too much fucking sense man! Especially, this line "As I've said many times, I'm here to find pussy and be entertained" Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
You make a valid point. How about I change my avatar?

Is that better?
And who is going to decide if the mod is acceptable? Us? Them? Two or three people here? One person's rose colored glasses are anothers blinders. Originally Posted by lakecat
I must not be communicating my thoughts clearly, so let me try again.

Whether a mod is acceptable isn't the point I'm trying to make. It has much more to do with whether a mod misinterprets the rules, creates and brings his/her own rules into the forum, plays favorites because his favorite hooktard told him to stop letting people pick on her when she posts stupid thoughts, threADs and fake emotions and whether he 'requires' freebies for granting verified provoder status.

These are the things we, in KC, have been unwilling to challenge until Sunday evening it seems to me, when malwoody, Elena and others stood up to one mule's "I'm the new sherriff in town and I have my own set of rules you must obey (never mind that he got them wrong), hold hands in a circle and sing Kumbyah or else" post. That is totally unacceptable to me, and should have been to you also. I didn't speak up and let you and the rest of the community down. Thank goodness malwoody and Elena did.

I'm in favor of mods with no connection to KC other than the moderator responsibilities.

If the members of this community fail to stand up to that type of behavior in the future, I will gladly welcome the "black boots" posse from elsewhere to help.

Just my two cents....

malwoody's Avatar
Ok, enough's enough! This has to stop. Boardman and Wakeup, you guys can't be allowed to post in the same thread any longer. I can't keep going from hottest avatar ever to creepiest avatar ever in the same thread! :-p
Lakecat, you make way too much fucking sense man! Especially, this line "As I've said many times, I'm here to find pussy and be entertained" Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
Who died and left you in charge..?

You think if you and LC keep flexing your muscles that our visitors are going to go away..are you guys really that...??

I gotta get offline now but I hate to leave the entertainment.

I got it, maybe you two and a few others ought to head over to eraps..I hear they got a kick ass mod.....LMAO....
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Who died and left you in charge..?
Originally Posted by malwoody
Left me in charge? I made a joke. Sorry you didn't get it. Ok, not really. Quit taking shit so seriously man.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
You make a valid point. How about I change my avatar?

Is that better? Originally Posted by boardman
ROTF, that is 5 kinds of awesome right there.
Wakeup's Avatar
I can't change mine dude...the wifey would get pissed...and you don't want to see her pissed...
dirty dog's Avatar
With all due respect, LC, the flaw in your logic is there are few, if any, KC regulars who have the courage (myself included - up until now) to take on a moderator and face possible unfair treatment. I'm not proud that I displayed that fear, as the vast majority of this community has for some time now.

If we truly want to determine our own fate and challenge the type of behavior exhibited by fritz and one mule in the future, in our own community forums instead of elsewhere, by ourselves with no outside, fearless help, that would be the best tactic.

Do you bellieve we can do that? Can we stop looking through rose colored glasses at mods? Originally Posted by scorpio31
I guess your forgetting about BBD and me.
dirty dog's Avatar
The Spider Hole "gang" is made up of people from all over.

I've seen this mentality (you're not from here so you have no business posting here) in other parts of the board and it doesn't hold water. This board is nationwide, people do travel and anyone can post in whatever section of the nation they choose to.

Would you tell a touring lady that too? I mean its the same thing, so I'm guessing that your argument would include that too.

I'm speaking in general terms of course and not just about the SH "gang." Originally Posted by MsElena
Says the Spider
boardman's Avatar
I guess your forgetting about BBD and me. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I don't think anyone forgot that you displayed fear...ijs.
dirty dog's Avatar
I don't think anyone forgot that you displayed fear...ijs. Originally Posted by boardman
I displayed fear huh, well, sunshine sugar booty, big Bird Dog is gone and I am still here. You know there has been nothing worth a fuck to ever come out of Texas so how would I expect you to be any different.
dearhunter's Avatar
Deerhunter, my mini novel had some snarky moments in it, I'm impressed you've responded in a measured fashion. You've got my respect and I will listen to you with much more interest than the heavy handed, condescending, patronizing jerks who have also invaded us. And I think you have acknowledged how we may have been offended by outsiders coming into our little world. Anyone is welcome on any forum, but if you're a visitor, you're a guest and you should act like one. It leads me to believe you may be able to make a clear, even handed, reasoned decision about Fritz (and DD), if you're the one who has that authority.

I don't have all the information, I don't care to know for that matter. As I've said many times, I'm here to find pussy and be entertained, I'm not here to fight with guys or girls. I've got enough drama and BS in my real life. Way too much BS and it's gotten way too personal on this board lately, when it doesn't have to. If you don't like a thread or a person, don't read it. I think Stacy made a great point, just because you're right doesn't mean you have to say it.

And yes, I believe if you agree to keep things in confidence, you should keep your word. You SHOULD fix the Spider Hole leaks, but my point is, the Spider Hole gang really doesn't have any business on the general KC forum. Two seperate worlds, let's keep it that way.

Like DD said, do what you gotta do. Originally Posted by lakecat
I am not in the least offended by attacks or "snarky" comments. You are as entitled to your opinion as wakeup is. I hold to the theory it is better to allow you your say than to try to muzzle you. Your (generic "your") comments will stand or fall on their own merits.

I will give you what I hope is my final assessment on the "fritz" issue.

(this part is my opinion) If fritz had simply ignored the threAD and allowed it to reach its ugly conclusion, he would have shown excellent modtard skills.

Falling short of that (as most modtards do); if fritz had simply removed the threAD and sent the OP a PM acknowledging his sharing in her grief....but, it was an unwise thread.....he would have shown good modtard skills.

Falling short of that (as many modtards do); if fritz had stopped and taken a breath when the shit hit the fan. Owned up to his initial error and recused himself from any further dealing in the matter, he would have shown poor modtard skills.......but, it would have been over.

Then there is rock bottom......that being said, it is not the end of the hobby world as KC knows it.

fritz will learn and become a better modtard from all of this.......or he won't.

I am very aware of all of the conflicting antagonism among some of the players in this little drama......everyone wants a modtard to cut off someone else's head. I hold to the theory "less is more" in moderating. I do believe that fritz was not thincking to intentionally disclose Spider Hole information (sadly, we have had to deal with a few who have gone down that path) and am inclined to ignore the calls for "off with his head"......he is a modtard who has been publicly pistol-whipped by wakeup......I know he brought it upon himself (he knew exactly who wakeup was when he got into the ring with him.....or, he should have known).

I thinck he has had enough.......so in light of that, I choose to do less and let it go.......and if there is some fucktard or hooktard from the Spider Hole who thincks I am weak and being a pussy....you know where to find me.

I am the nicest fucktard you know......until I am not.

I said all of that to say.......the out of town fucktards can fuck with you all they want....everyone lives under the same rules.

But, I don't want you to mistakenly thinck that they do so under my cover.

One last aside.........all of you retards who have access to the Sipder Hole better keep you fucking mouth shut about what is said in there......IJS.
boardman's Avatar
I displayed fear huh, well, sunshine sugar booty, big Bird Dog is gone and I am still here. You know there has been nothing worth a fuck to ever come out of Texas so how would I expect you to be any different. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Attempting to be a bad ass in the wake of your mods' sanctioning doesn't necessarily make you fearless. It just shows that you know when to come out of hiding.
boardman's Avatar
dh, they should make you a modtard, somewhere...
dearhunter's Avatar
fuck you.....go write a review
boardman's Avatar
I'm working on an appt right now...ashole!