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Why do the Liberals want to play the race card?

They can also play the "female card"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Or the "gay" card !
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Liberals are so full of shit when it comes to throwing out the racial aspect of humanity.
People discriminate, get over it.
Discrimination has no racial boundaries, they cross them all.
You have a group that discriminate because of religion, a group that kills those that do not believe the way they do. I would call that the ultimate discrimination.+ We have liberals that want to open our arms and invite them in without reservation. Then the liberals want to take our borrowed money and give it to them. I wont even call it tax dollars because it is not taxes we pay now but taxes that will be paid by those that had no choice in the matter at all, our children.

The idea that liberals are making the world a better place is horseshit. They are taking money form our children and the world is not any better for it.

W are moving into an era where our children, because of the inability of the people to control their government, will be paying taxes for the things they had no choice in. So called "conservatives" are not much better in that they never stop the madness either but do the same things and call it different.

It all boils down to liberals believe that government is not big enough and taxes are not high enough.
I believe that government is too big and taxes too high.
LexusLover's Avatar
Or the "gay" card ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You mean like ..... it's not Muslim terrorism ... it's "gayphobia"?

Or as is apparent in this forum ....

... Iva-Little-One-Isms ....
LexusLover's Avatar
Liberals are so full of shit when it comes to throwing out the racial aspect of humanity. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
They talk shit, but can't do shit.

That's why they pretend it's not Muslim Terrorists cutting off heads, burning and drowning people in cages, and raping women and other helpless humans.

If they recognize the real source, then they have to do something about it.

So Lynch proclaims they just need "LOVE"! Just ask 'em in Utah!
You mean like ..... it's not Muslim terrorism ... it's "gayphobia"?

Or as is apparent in this forum ....

... Iva-Little-One-Isms .... Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are sucking gay rey's dick now? You two idiots are obsessing over me.