Russia is interfering AGAIN in 2020 election to help Donald Trump get a second term, intelligence officials secretly told Congress

Trump puts an unqualified loyalist in charge of national intelligence

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S campaign to purge the government of anyone not blindly loyal to him continued Wednesday with the appointment of Richard Grenell as acting director of national intelligence. Mr. Grenell, who currently serves as ambassador to Germany, is manifestly unqualified for the job, even in an acting capacity. He has no experience in intelligence or in managing large organizations — like the 17 agencies that will now report to him.

Mr. Grenell has nevertheless won the president’s favor in a familiar way: by loudly praising him and his agenda on Fox News programs and social media. Probably, he has convinced Mr. Trump he can be counted on to put the president’s personal and political interests above those of national security — something the two previous DNIs would not reliably do. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The guy is gay - I thought you would like that!
The guy is gay - I thought you would like that! Originally Posted by friendly fred
if you've had one, you've had them all
Jaxson66's Avatar
The guy is gay - I thought you would like that! Originally Posted by friendly fred
So, it’s not my business who he fucks. Only the religious hypocrites really care.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The fat lying bastard will not be
re.elected Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Yeah. Sure. Right...
HoeHummer's Avatar
NGIT is Right - Putin has been handed some major reveersals by trump - whom Putin thought he could manipulate. The many sanctions, and new ones this week - v Russia interfee with the money flow to the secret Billions Putin and his oligarchy have squirreled away. Putin wants Bernie - a russian sympathizer - elected - seeing a kindred authoritarian/totalitarian spirit who is clearly a communist.

What better way than to play at reverse psychology on the Fascist DPST's - who are only too eager to revive the discredited paid for russian collusion Hoax.

Putin is playing the media to get Bernie elected - and the DNC is playing into his hands.

Foolish Fascist DPST's.

Now j666 can label anything he does not see as part of the narrative as a "LIE"! Originally Posted by oeb11

Yous need some Midol. Cramping again, I sees.

I thinks yous guys are all licking the testicular fortitude to puts your money where your free running mouths are.

Take the bet, pussies,

That way you’re covered when the guys with the butterfly nets shows up at your door. Hystericals ranting can be detrimental to your health, right, oebsy?
HoeHummer's Avatar
you been trap by your own stupidity Jaxboy! Trump will win reelection dipshit Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Take the man’s bet, “dipshit.”
Senior intelligence official told lawmakers that Russia wants to see Trump reelected

A senior U.S. intelligence official told lawmakers last week that Russia wants to see President Trump reelected, viewing his administration as more favorable to the Kremlin’s interests, according to people who were briefed on the comments.

After learning of that analysis, which was provided to House lawmakers in a classified hearing, Trump grew angry at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, in the Oval Office, seeing Maguire and his staff as disloyal for speaking to Congress about Russia’s perceived preference. The intelligence official’s analysis and Trump’s furious response ruined Maguire’s chances of becoming the permanent intelligence chief, according to people familiar with the matter who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.

It was not clear what specific steps, if any, U.S. intelligence officials think Russia may have taken to help Trump, according to the individuals.

The fat lying bastard got his nasty panty in a wad because McGuire was doing his job so he fired him. Then placed a piss boy in the position. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Patriotic Americans do too, lol.
Her Peas's Avatar
Take the man’s bet, “dipshit.” Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Listen to your lord and savior, monkey boy Barack Hussein Obama say it himself. THE COLD WAR IS OVER, dipshit!">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea okay the set up for LOSING again ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-21-2020, 08:04 AM
Yous need some Midol. Cramping again, I sees.

I thinks yous guys are all licking the testicular fortitude to puts your money where your free running mouths are.

Take the bet, pussies,

That way you’re covered when the guys with the butterfly nets shows up at your door. Hystericals ranting can be detrimental to your health, right, oebsy? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Originally Posted by HoeHummer View Post
Yep. Yous hit the nail on the head, RM.

Of course yous and none of the rest of yous noticed our very own shock jock in action.


Bumbeaner? FREDSY?

At one point I had some respect for you. Then you went and got banned. Take it like a man. WTF is an example. Follow the leader.
You need to hush and grow up some.
  • oeb11
  • 02-21-2020, 08:57 AM
Breaking news....Trumps new running mate for 2020 is none other than Vladimir Putin. I hope Don the Con will break the news gently to Christian Warrior Mike Pence. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

The very latest Fascist DPST party "Bombshell"!!!
Seriously - this post does reflect the Fascist DPST's profound ignorance, disregard and contempt of the Constitution of this country. Typical!
The very latest Fascist DPST party "Bombshell"!!!
Seriously - this post does reflect the Fascist DPST's profound ignorance, disregard and contempt of the Constitution of this country. Typical! Originally Posted by oeb11
we need a thread where the constitution is discussed

it was curious that the leftists, who hate the constitution and wish to deem it a living document so as to support their wishes, all resorted to discussing the founders and original intent and the meanings in the federalist papers instead of some made up living document they want, during the trump impeachment
  • oeb11
  • 02-21-2020, 09:56 AM
When discussing the Constitution - water will not melt in a Fascist DPST party nomine's mouth!
Nor the substance of any promise they make.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump offered to pardon Julian Assange if he covered up Russian hack of Democratic emails

Quid pro pardon?

An attorney for Julian Assange said Wednesday that President Trump offered to pardon the WikiLeaks founder if he stated publicly that Russia wasn’t the source for his Democratic email dumps — but the claim was quickly denied by the White House and a former Republican congressman allegedly involved in the proposition.

The attorney, Jennifer Robinson, said in a statement that Assange plans to say at a court hearing next week that ex-California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher conveyed the Trump offer to him during a meeting at the Ecuadoran Embassy in London in August 2017.

“On instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the [Democratic National Committee] leaks,” Robinson said in a statement.

Those racist pig fuckers in the Freedom caucus will do anything for their twenty first century Fuhrer.
  • oeb11
  • 02-21-2020, 10:03 AM
Hi j666- still playing the NYT "Racist" card.
