Stupid Fuckers Falling for Minimum Wage

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually, as I understand WTF's repeated posts of "non-responsibility," he only independently contracts with a general contractor who contracts with subs who hire the illegals, so he is not directly paying the illegals ... and even though his profit is increased (and so are the "middle guys'" profits increased) he claims to have no culpability and/or responsibility for the hiring of illegals.

He's an "end user" (benefactor) of the illegal worker traffic in this country in one of the businesses with the highest number of illegal hires after the agricultural/farming businesses. Originally Posted by LexusLover

So if WTF knowingly buys stolen goods from a known fence then he considers himself blameless when he resells the goods for a considerable profit?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yet another arrogant, condescending rant coming from the Proud Patriarch of the Idiot Family.

You should lay off of the booze this early in the morning. It's really not a very good way to start your day.

Asshole! Originally Posted by bigtex
You know Tampon that you are defaming me, a proud decorated veteran, with your comments. So you are a lying hypocrite and I don't see you going on about your service. Your use of certain words and phrases suggests that you are not a veteran. Like "decorated" is a cliche. What is more important to a veteran would be honorable service, decorated or not. We know that there are many decorated veterans who are real assholes afterwards; Joe McCarthy, John Murtha, John Kerry, Lee Harvey Oswald to name just a few. Do you support all these people Tampon?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Neither. Don't tell me as a business owner how much I can make. I have invested my money in my business and if I am successful then I should reap the rewards. If I fail the employees may be out of a job but they are not out any investment. I ran a construction company for 25 + years and I never started anyone at minimum wage. I could spot an employee that had potential fairly soon and they would be given wage increases as they earned them. However, I could also spot employees that were only worth what I was currently paying them and most likely would never be worth any more. What most people don't understand is that the reason they are hired is to make the company money. I don't hire you because I like you or I want a friend. I hire you to do a job that will benefit me as the owner. I don't owe you anything except a paycheck and when you are costing me more than you are making me you can get the fuck out. Originally Posted by Budman
If only it could all be so clean. I say that with no sarcasm; works great with a private venture. Government work, unions, trade organizations, and public companies really muddy the water.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know Tampon that you are defaming me, a proud decorated veteran, with your comments. So you are a lying hypocrite and I don't see you going on about your service. Your use of certain words and phrases suggests that you are not a veteran. Like "decorated" is a cliche. What is more important to a veteran would be honorable service, decorated or not. We know that there are many decorated veterans who are real assholes afterwards; Joe McCarthy, John Murtha, John Kerry, Lee Harvey Oswald to name just a few. Do you support all these people Tampon? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
For a "proud decorated veteran" you sure bellyache an awful lot about America.

I am probably not convinced you are who you say you are, JDIdiot!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So if WTF knowingly buys stolen goods from a known fence then he considers himself blameless when he resells the goods for a considerable profit? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He thinks "intentional ignorance" is a defense.
LexusLover's Avatar
He thinks "intentional ignorance" is a defense. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Well? So does "our" President. What's good for Obamnable is good for WTF.
Your use of certain words and phrases suggests that you are not a veteran. Like "decorated" is a cliche. What is more important to a veteran would be honorable service, decorated or not. We know that there are many decorated veterans who are real assholes afterwards; John Murtha, John Kerry Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I offer no apologies for supporting both John Murtha and John Kerry. But I won't stop there, I also will not apologize for supporting John McCain, George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole. While on the subject, I also support Col. Oliver North and Alexander Haig!

I don't agree with some of their politics but I am capable of separating politics from decorated service. And yes, I do honor their service to this country, irregardless of whether they might be a Democrat or Republican.

We will count JDIdiot, along with his dear ol' Dad (LexiLiar), among those who are unable to separate politics from decorated service.

Side note to LexiLiar: Earlier today, I dropped by Hut's on 6th Street for a burger. While there, I picked up a copy of the Austin Chronicle. I quickly scanned through it and did not see an Op/Ed page to "cut and paste" from.

Sorry, I suppose you will have to find something else to lie, errrrrr, rant and rave about.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
For a "proud decorated veteran" you sure bellyache an awful lot about America.

I am probably not convinced you are who you say you are, JDIdiot! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
JDIdiot refuses to address his own weak outrage.

You guys are pussies.

Except for you JL. You're a FAGGOT, WHO CAN'T BRING HIS WIFE TO O. (I did, however. We REAL Jews know the biyatches!)
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JDIdiot refuses to address his own weak outrage.

You guys are pussies.

Except for you JL. You're a FAGGOT, WHO CAN'T BRING HIS WIFE TO O. (I did, however. We REAL Jews know the biyatches!) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just let me know the next time you will be in the terminal at Love Field - I'll make you regret your fucking faggot who uses the N word.
who uses the N word. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Shame on you 'Sup! Why did you call JL a Neanderthal?

Everyone knows JL is a Proud member of the Idiot Family.

The Neanderthal's live next door to the Idiot's.

It's a hell of a neighborhood!
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Isn't 'decorated service' when a politician gives a service man (woman) an honor of distinction?
LexusLover's Avatar
Side note to LexiLiar: Earlier today, I

Originally Posted by bigtex
Always willing to lend a hand ...... enjoy.
Always willing to lend a hand ...... enjoy. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Thanks, I glad I have finally found out from the expert what a cut and paste from the Chronicle looks like!
June 2, 2014
Surprise! $15 an hour minimum wage backfires
Thomas Lifson

It turns out that leftists can’t repeal the law of supply and demand. In the Seattle suburb of Seatac, adjacent to the airport and full of parking lots, hotels, and restaurants with many low wage employees, the minimum wage was hiked to $15 an hour, and the results of this social experiment are coming in. United Liberty reports:

A February report from the Seattle Times revealed:

At the Clarion Hotel off International Boulevard, a sit-down restaurant has been shuttered, though it might soon be replaced by a less-labor-intensive cafe…

Other businesses have adjusted in ways that run the gamut from putting more work in the hands of managers, to instituting a small “living-wage surcharge” for a daily parking space near the airport.

That’s not all. According to Assunta Ng, publisher of the Northwest Asian Weekly, some employees are feeling the pinch as employers cut benefits. She recalls a conversation she had with two hotel employees who have been affected by the wage hike:

“Are you happy with the $15 wage?” I asked the full-time cleaning lady.

“It sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I lost my 401k, health insurance, paid holiday, and vacation,” she responded. “No more free food,” she added.

The hotel used to feed her. Now, she has to bring her own food. Also, no overtime, she said. She used to work extra hours and received overtime pay.

What else? I asked.

“I have to pay for parking,” she said.

I then asked the part-time waitress, who was part of the catering staff.

“Yes, I’ve got $15 an hour, but all my tips are now much less,” she said. Before the new wage law was implemented, her hourly wage was $7. But her tips added to more than $15 an hour. Yes, she used to receive free food and parking. Now, she has to bring her own food and pay for parking.

In my hometown of Berkeley, “activists” are pushing for a referendum to raise the minimum wage to $15. I assume it will pass. And then we will see restaurants raising their prices and some closing. The McDonald’s outlet in downtown Berkeley frequently hosts “members of the homeless community” (I think that’s the preferred nomenclature these days, but I could be behind the times). If it raises prices, people with cars can drive over to Oakland or other burgs to get their Big Macs more cheaply, but the homeless can’t afford bus fare, or a ticket on the BART train. Oh, the unfairness of it all. And if all the cheap restaurants close or raise prices, they will have no place to spend their panhandling income.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is a reason why it is better for the market to set the wages.