I'm sure this will be very difficult for COIdiot to understand but I believe he was trying to make the point that they did not complain about Bush taking time away for relaxation, why are they complaining about Obama doing the same.
Originally Posted by bigtex
exactly. I didn't hear Faux news bitching about all the days he spent down on the ranch. As if a president is every really alone or able to relax. They're always in communication and have contingencies in place should anything happen. People act like he's some business man who spends too much time on the golf course when that couldn't be further from the truth.
Q: Is it true that George W. Bush took more vacation days than Barack Obama?
A: Yes. Before his two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August 2014, Obama’s count was 125 full or partial days and Bush’s total at the same point in his presidency was 407.
Obama took 26 days during his first year in office. Less than Reagan or either Bush you want to pick. The truth of the matter that none of you frittatas seem to grasp is that there are no real vacation days for the leader of the free world.