Ladies input. His role.

boardman's Avatar
Dartho I'm really trying to stay here so I'm minding my p and Q's. I said what I said because I'm sorry to break it to you ladies but 200 dollars is a big deal for the average guy. Even billionaire Robert Kraft didn't spend that much. Most donations now are between 200-250 per hour. I bust my ass to come up to that amount. How would you ladies feel if you got a room at zaza for 250 and had to clean the room, make the bed, cook your own food etc. You would be pissed. Like this is a luxury for most guys, so the thought that I have to do anything special to foook my money off makes my nuts hurt. We work hard. This is relaxation and at the end of the day the provider is getting a generous donation. The session should always be about the gent period. Do I get off on a female having an orgasm. Yes. But it's hard for a woman that loves you to orgasm during sex. Im a nice guy, love people but I don't want to over think an expensive encounter. As for curvo obsessed claims. Um okay....the tape speaks for itself. I rarely comment back. I'm good. Black folks don't follow anyone around. We are da foooking thermostats. Tooodlez... Originally Posted by shinepro

Damn, if coming up with 200 bucks is stressing you out how do you think you're OG feels?
You should think about taking up fishing. That should be relaxing enough.

A fishing license is pretty cheap. If you cut your own cane pole and dig your own worms you could probably be perch jerking for under 50 bucks.

You and your OG could hang out, you could both turn over a new leaf and you wouldn't have to mooch off of him for anything more than an bottle of water or a red soda pop...
You could sit and reminisce about being the gangstas y'all always wanted to be...

...or you could teach your kids to fish. Just think how much they'd love the new you.

Most of da comments here are because of me Originally Posted by shinepro

This is partially true do your stalking of CurvyKatie in this thread, however, the over all forum posting you enter under this fake and racist persona is actually a cry for help. I offer this view point from a physiological professional. It has to do with attention seeking. I suggest you read this and take a long look into your mirror to self analyze.

"When a child is not able to get attention from his or her primary caretakers, he or she will do what kids do and act out by saying or doing something that creates some drama. Children do this because negative attention is still attention. We expect this because children are trying to figure out how to do life, and part of their job is to push the boundaries and our buttons.

Creating drama in an adult relationship is at best a sad commentary on an obviously broken communication dynamic. In addition, it wastes the most precious thing you have: your time. It also has the added negative effect of diminishing the love you have, because no one can love a person who is acting out on a regular basis. Truth is, attention-seeking behavior is just plain exhausting for your partner, and he or she will eventually find a way to avoid it, and perhaps you as well.

Look, a little drama here and there is a part of life, but making it a lifestyle will not allow you to find peace in the arms of the one you love. If you are invested in being a drama queen (or king), you need to take a look at why you think this behavior is okay.

Ask yourself why you need all the attention. There may be some insecurity or self-esteem issues going on for you. This does not mean that you are bad, broken, or evil; it means that there may be a little hole in your soul and you need to spend some time patching it.

The good news is that you can help yourself to heal, but first you have to acknowledge the need.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm ok with Katie's remarks and I could be wrong but I do not think Shine is stalking her at all. Not in the least from what I can see. He has a opinion and should be able to give it. He didnt call her out of her name or nothing like that. So unless I see something overly provocative all I see are two people that dont care for each other and a bunch of desperate hobby old heads hoping to get a discount on some pussy.

And Shine $200 ain't shit but I will also say this. Besides that dumbass Donald Trump the richest guys always try to pay the least. It is something that I've been watching closely and in some cases secretly admiring. For example Tiger Woods he was known to pay little to nothing if anything at all. String em along based on his stature. Then you have MJ and Kobe and Bill Clinton they bragged about not paying shit to all the hoes they banged. But they were also playing with house money if you will.

Point is none of us have that stature so some benjy's will have to be spent if you want an escort.

As for rules and bio's I rarely ever read them because I'm a window shopper and dont use this hobby as my source of satisfaction. Even when I did on occasion if you have more than 2 or 3 quick sentences of rules I flat out refuse to read them. I won't subject myself to it. These old guys can sit there reading paragraphs of rules and humiliating themselves in the process. I won't do it and if that means she wont see me then great. I literally could care less. Keep it short and sweet because no favors are being done for me unless you want to give me my donation back or offer a free session. If you do that then i will likely look at you different which means when you really need me I got you and when you dont need me I still got you.

Its complicated. ;-)

Let the puppets begin to jump.
I'm ok with Katie's remarks and I could be wrong but I do not think Shine is stalking her at all. Not in the least from what I can see. He has a opinion and should be able to give it. He didnt call her out of her name or nothing like that. So unless I see something overly provocative all I see are two people that dont care for each other and a bunch of desperate hobby old heads hoping to get a discount on some pussy.

And Shine $200 ain't shit but I will also say this. Besides that dumbass Donald Trump the richest guys always try to pay the least. It is something that I've been watching closely and in some cases secretly admiring. For example Tiger Woods he was known to pay little to nothing if anything at all. String em along based on his stature. Then you have MJ and Kobe and Bill Clinton they bragged about not paying shit to all the hoes they banged. But they were also playing with house money if you will.

Point is none of us have that stature so some benjy's will have to be spent if you want an escort.

As for rules and bio's I rarely ever read them because I'm a window shopper and dont use this hobby as my source of satisfaction. Even when I did on occasion if you have more than 2 or 3 quick sentences of rules I flat out refuse to read them. I won't subject myself to it. These old guys can sit there reading paragraphs of rules and humiliating themselves in the process. I won't do it and if that means she wont see me then great. I literally could care less. Keep it short and sweet because no favors are being done for me unless you want to give me my donation back or offer a free session. If you do that then i will likely look at you different which means when you really need me I got you and when you dont need me I still got you.

Its complicated. ;-)

Let the puppets begin to jump. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Foooking spot on Sisto. It's pretty much why I haven't really responded to that foolishness. The lady in question directly engaged me on several occasions on the other board. Like I thought nothing of it and still think nothing of it. I never engage anybody. I state my opinion and move on. Finally a sane response. I don't know anything about the female, don't want to but I wish her the best.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
I don't know about any of the other guys, but I was actually getting a little excited reading this. Originally Posted by NordicJag
Nice to see you here, a fine example of a five star gentleman.
oilman12's Avatar
OPs question should be for both. Some providers need our list too. Remember it's about us more than them
CurvyKatie's Avatar
OPs question should be for both. Some providers need our list too. Remember it's about us more than them Originally Posted by oilman12
OP did make a thread for the guys, but sadly it got buried in all the crap that is coed. It's a bummer it got buried because I really wanted to see more guys respond.
pyramider's Avatar
On the surface it's a great idea. Unfortunately, as we all know, the guys who don't take the time to research aren't going to read a thread on how to research. Originally Posted by boardman
Exactly. The fuckwaffles are not going to read anything unless they can read it with one hand.

Katie's post was spot on. Show respect, get respect ... funny thing most people cannot understand it.
boardman's Avatar
I never engage anybody. I state my opinion and move on. Originally Posted by shinepro

So as my "swan song" hobby finale I'm considering having a ovanight threesome with two lovely ladies and those two are curvykatie and sexylatinaalyssa. I would have curvykatie prepare the chitterlings and greens and sexylatinaalyssa could make da hot water cornbread, sweet potato pie, koolaid and oxtails. Then after we eat to our hearts desire we head over to turning point on ost. Afterwards, we go back to Tweety motel and foook da night away after a nice hand of spades. Let me hit their dms up and set that shidd up! Tooodlez.... Originally Posted by shinepro

So, I'm confused. Is this ^^^^^ an opinion, not engaging or just being a fucktard?
So, I'm confused. Is this ^^^^^ an opinion, not engaging or just being a fucktard? Originally Posted by boardman
You are honestly well respected by me sir but it also amazes me how you guys will go with whatever a lady says. You were privy to what was said on the other board and it was her at me. I only said something now out of just. I think nothing of her; good bad or indifferent. Anytime a Lady, Caucasian, has an issue with a black guy it's not always the black guys fault. You'll should have called bullshit on the insinuation of me following her stack as anyone with basic reading comprehension can fully understand what's going on. Like it blew me out the water her saying that. You guys will do anything to get in the good graces of any woman here and that's terrible but hey do you I guess
And every time someone has a problem with someone, it's not because that person is black, either. IJS

People dislike me for a whole flurry of reasons...usually not my race.

But I will repeat what I said again, on topic.

Most guys would die to have their SO or ATF give them more detail about what they like. Guys, at least the ones I know, totally are into that. Makes their world easy.

It's the sex version of a wedding guessing.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
People dislike me for a whole flurry of reasons...usually not my race. Originally Posted by B Three

I think you are super awesome.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Show respect, get respect ... funny thing most people cannot understand it. Originally Posted by pyramider
Pyramider is a true O.G.

He is the Original Gentleman.
LOL, I was just making a point that I rarely drop the race card...and find it annoying when people do unless it's warranted.
boardman's Avatar
You are honestly well respected by me sir but it also amazes me how you guys will go with whatever a lady says. You were privy to what was said on the other board and it was her at me. I only said something now out of just. I think nothing of her; good bad or indifferent. Anytime a Lady, Caucasian, has an issue with a black guy it's not always the black guys fault. You'll should have called bullshit on the insinuation of me following her stack as anyone with basic reading comprehension can fully understand what's going on. Like it blew me out the water her saying that. You guys will do anything to get in the good graces of any woman here and that's terrible but hey do you I guess Originally Posted by shinepro

I don't need to be in anyone's good graces. I happen to believe it would be an exercise in futility to try to get in CVK's good graces. I don't think she likes me very much. If you paid attention on these boards to something other than yourself you'd know that.

You said you don't engage and I showed you a thread that you started that did engage. Her name was in the title for Tebow's sake. How is that not engaging? She can choose not to click on a thread that you start but when you put her name in the title she's going to see it when she enters the Coed section. I was simply asking you to reconcile the two statements. Your refusal to do so then immediately play the race card to deflect the fact that you got called out is a fucktard move.