Are you a God Fearing Christian?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You claimed to be "holier than thou" when you used being a GFC to support your point of view. I have known GFCs. They sin, but they try not to, and when they do, they feel guilt, repent, and vow with God's help to not do it again. They rarely brag about being a GFC. Most self-proclaimed GFCs are like you, WE. They sin and are proud of it, because they think they can do whatever they want, but since they're "Christians" it's ok. They think they are forgiven. They don't know their Bible. Ask yourself. Who pissed Jesus off? The sinners who knew they were sinners? No. He showed them love and compassion. How about the sinners who proclaimed they were righteous? Those he called a "brood of vipers" and told them they had no share in redemption. That's you, WE, if you believe the Bible. You are a hypocrite, a card carrying member of the "brood of vipers".

And I have no agenda against you. I am here to be entertained. You, my misguided friend, are the most fun I've had in a long time. You and your church buddies can condemn me all you want. But if they don't know about your reviews, they have insufficient information. If you are so confident that you are a GFC, why not share this info with them? Maybe they'd like to score with some ladies like you. Then you can go to church together as a group, and thank Jesus that you're saved, and not lost like the hookers you fuck.
  • shanm
  • 04-27-2015, 09:38 PM
You didn't find it a bit odd that everything is here for us to survive? Oxygen, various other elements, water, etc???? Doesn't this look like a design rather than some random chance? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

No I don't find it odd. Especially considering that what you call "everything" is actually less than 1x10^-infinity part of the overall "everything" that actually exists. Performing an unprecedented unpredicatable experiment a gazillion times over is bound to produce at least some results that are a "bit odd"

The Crocodile has been here for billions of years unchanged, but we don't see Crocodiles building cars are teaching at universities (LOL)- give me one reason why of all the species on earth it appears that human's intelligent has exploded to astronomical levels in just the past 10 to 50,000 years and other species remain the same? Why? :
Who said other species are the same? Dolphins and Orcas have intelligence that is comparable to humans. Our opposable thumbs and ability to walk on land could very well be what separates us from a dolphin "building cars or teaching at Universities"

It has been known to mimic the following animals:
Sole fish: The sole fish is a flat and poisonous fish. The mimic will draw all of its arms together to form a leaf-shaped wedge and move forward using jet propulsion.[16]
Lion fish: The lion fish is a large predator with poisonous fins. The octopus mimics it by swimming with its arms spread wide and moving around the body near the sea floor.[17]
Sea snake: The octopus copies this animal by changing its color to imitate the yellow and black stripes. It also sticks six of its arms into the sand and waves two arms to give the appearance of a snake. [18]
Sand Anemone: While not confirmed, it is assumed that the octopus imitate these sand anemones who are armed with stinging nematocysts. To copy them, the octopus sits on a sand mound and raises its arms in zig-zag shapes.[19]
Jellyfish: Although also not confirmed, it is believed that the mimic will swim towards the sea surface and float down with its arms waving around below it to impersonate the jellyfish.[20]
In addition, this octopus is believed to mimic the stingray, star fish, giant crabs, lionfish, seahorses, anemones, flounder, and mantis shrimp
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Tell me how evolution can explain the existence of this creature- How does that can get passed on in the DNA? Or would a better explanation be intelligent design? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I'm actually more concerned that you decided to cite this as an example for creationism. It's actually an almost perfect example for evolution. The Octopus learned these behaviors from years of evolving as a species, I don't even know how else to explain it.

A better case for creationism would be if the octopus had no predators. Why should it? Was it created by god solely as food for something else?

More over, why do we need food? Why do we need to take a shit or piss? why don't we get proper sustenance without discharging any excrement? Wouldn't it give us more time to worship the almighty being that created us?
dirty dog's Avatar
Dirty dog please quote me where I have passed judgement on anyone here or said that I am holier than thou...? Is it a crime or sin for that matter for someone to say they Love God/Jesus/Allah or whoever? I didn't say that anyone here is going to hell or not? WombRaider is an atheist/agnostic who thinks the Bible is a fairy tale- I have never told him he's going to hell. If someone comes on here and say they love Satan that's their business.
If in my heart I love God that's my business - I will answer to God for my sins when the day comes- it was that old fart COG who made himself, judge/juror/executioner and decided who is a God fearing Christian and who isn't- by his rationale every person who visits this site can't possible love God. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Are you on medication? Seriously? To be honest I don't care enough to go back and compile the information and present it to you. For the record no one is bothered by your declaration of love of god. What they are bothered by is your declaration that you are a god fearing Christian while at the same time you have 70 reviews documenting your sinning. Its the god fearing part, not the fact your a Christian. While you may love god, you cant really be fearing his retribution to much. As for the rest don't care, you can re-read the thread I pointed out each time you sat in judgment of me.
  • DSK
  • 04-27-2015, 09:47 PM
You claimed to be "holier than thou" when you used being a GFC to support your point of view. I have known GFCs. They sin, but they try not to, and when they do, they feel guilt, repent, and vow with God's help to not do it again. They rarely brag about being a GFC. Most self-proclaimed GFCs are like you, WE. They sin and are proud of it, because they think they can do whatever they want, but since they're "Christians" it's ok. They think they are forgiven. They don't know their Bible. Ask yourself. Who pissed Jesus off? The sinners who knew they were sinners? No. He showed them love and compassion. How about the sinners who proclaimed they were righteous? Those he called a "brood of vipers" and told them they had no share in redemption. That's you, WE, if you believe the Bible. You are a hypocrite, a card carrying member of the "brood of vipers".

And I have no agenda against you. I am here to be entertained. You, my misguided friend, are the most fun I've had in a long time. You and your church buddies can condemn me all you want. But if they don't know about your reviews, they have insufficient information. If you are so confident that you are a GFC, why not share this info with them? Maybe they'd like to score with some ladies like you. Then you can go to church together as a group, and thank Jesus that you're saved, and not lost like the hookers you fuck. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You make some great points COG. I sometime feel guilty, sometimes question my faith, and sometimes want to have sex with a beautiful girl for 300 dollars, and I just can't help myself. The guilt I feel fades, and the desire for a naked woman grows, and I repeat the cycle. Then I honestly ask for forgiveness, feel better, and do the right thing...for awhile.
  • shanm
  • 04-27-2015, 09:49 PM
You make some great points COG. I sometime feel guilty, sometimes question my faith, and sometimes want to have sex with a beautiful girl for 300 dollars, and I just can't help myself. The guilt I feel fades, and the desire for a naked woman grows, and I repeat the cycle. Then I honestly ask for forgiveness, feel better, and do the right thing...for awhile. Originally Posted by DSK
JL errr DSK, you should know that the Jewish God isn't as forgiving as the Christian God.
You didn't find it a bit odd that everything is here for us to survive? Oxygen, various other elements, water, etc???? Doesn't this look like a design rather than some random chance?
The Crocodile has been here for billions of years unchanged, but we don't see Crocodiles building cars are teaching at universities- give me one reason why of all the species on earth it appears that human's intelligent has exploded to astronomical levels in just the past 10 to 50,000 years and other species remain the same? Why? Also, Womb when you get a second google the Mimic Octopus- and tell me how the creature could have possible been in a result of evolution- :

It has been known to mimic the following animals:
Sole fish: The sole fish is a flat and poisonous fish. The mimic will draw all of its arms together to form a leaf-shaped wedge and move forward using jet propulsion.[16]
Lion fish: The lion fish is a large predator with poisonous fins. The octopus mimics it by swimming with its arms spread wide and moving around the body near the sea floor.[17]
Sea snake: The octopus copies this animal by changing its color to imitate the yellow and black stripes. It also sticks six of its arms into the sand and waves two arms to give the appearance of a snake. [18]
Sand Anemone: While not confirmed, it is assumed that the octopus imitate these sand anemones who are armed with stinging nematocysts. To copy them, the octopus sits on a sand mound and raises its arms in zig-zag shapes.[19]
Jellyfish: Although also not confirmed, it is believed that the mimic will swim towards the sea surface and float down with its arms waving around below it to impersonate the jellyfish.[20]
In addition, this octopus is believed to mimic the stingray, star fish, giant crabs, lionfish, seahorses, anemones, flounder, and mantis shrimp

Tell me how evolution can explain the existence of this creature- How does that can get passed on in the DNA? Or would a better explanation be intelligent design? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You can't be completely faulted. You just don't have any idea how science or evolution or DNA or hereditary traits or anything really, works.

Your first mistake is saying that crocodiles have existed for billions of years unchanged. They've existed for roughly 200 million years and they're anything but unchanged. They weren't always carnivores, for example. They also started with two legs, not four. The rise of the dinosaurs is what forced them from being terrestrial (land-based) into being a more marine (water-based) species. These crocodiles also survived the extinction event that wiped out most of the large dinosaurs (dinosaurs never technically went extinct. modern birds are descendants of dinosaurs). Crocodiles also used to be much bigger, some as big as 40 feet long and weighing 10 tons. The fact that they've evolved little since then is a sign that they were already perfectly adapted to their environment.

As for the mimic octopus, you've chosen a perfect specimen to prove evolution. It has adapted and evolved to use its mimicry as a defense mechanism as well as a way to lure its prey. Evolution of defense and hunting techniques is common.
You claimed to be "holier than thou" when you used being a GFC to support your point of view. I have known GFCs. They sin, but they try not to, and when they do, they feel guilt, repent, and vow with God's help to not do it again. They rarely brag about being a GFC. Most self-proclaimed GFCs are like you, WE. They sin and are proud of it, because they think they can do whatever they want, but since they're "Christians" it's ok. They think they are forgiven. They don't know their Bible. Ask yourself. Who pissed Jesus off? The sinners who knew they were sinners? No. He showed them love and compassion. How about the sinners who proclaimed they were righteous? Those he called a "brood of vipers" and told them they had no share in redemption. That's you, WE, if you believe the Bible. You are a hypocrite, a card carrying member of the "brood of vipers".

And I have no agenda against you. I am here to be entertained. You, my misguided friend, are the most fun I've had in a long time. You and your church buddies can condemn me all you want. But if they don't know about your reviews, they have insufficient information. If you are so confident that you are a GFC, why not share this info with them? Maybe they'd like to score with some ladies like you. Then you can go to church together as a group, and thank Jesus that you're saved, and not lost like the hookers you fuck. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He doesn't want to disclose his trysts to his church buddies because he feels shame and guilt. Two terrible things that religion brings with it. Every little thing that is fun; getting drunk, having sex with someone not your wife or without even being married, etc. is something you should feel guilty for. It's ridiculous.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
[QUOTE=shanm;1056658406]No I don't find it odd. Especially considering that what you call "everything" is actually less than 1x10^-infinity part of the overall "everything" that actually exists. Performing an unprecedented unpredicatable experiment a gazillion times over is bound to produce at least some results that are a "bit odd"

Who said other species are the same? Dolphins and Orcas have intelligence that is comparable to humans. Our opposable thumbs and ability to walk on land could very well be what separates us from a dolphin "building cars or teaching at Universities"

I'm actually more concerned that you decided to cite this as an example for creationism. It's actually an almost perfect example for evolution. The Octopus learned these behaviors from years of evolving as a species, I don't even know how else to explain it.

A better case for creationism would be if the octopus had no predators. Why should it? Was it created by god solely as food for something else?

More over, why do we need food? Why do we need to take a shit or piss? why don't we get proper sustenance without discharging any excrement? Wouldn't it give us more time to worship the almighty being that created us?[/QUOTE

Please do the research even hardcore scientist are baffled on how the mimic octopus could evolve these traits. Your notion that it could have evolved these traits is futile- why haven't other creatures evolve this trait- it surely would benefit them- and why don't we see it in other species of octopus?
Are you telling me that one day there was an octopus that didn't have the ability to mimic and it was just observing a Lion Fish and said wow those other animals are afraid of the Lion Fish tomorrow I am going to evolve my body like the Octopus and scare away predators? You know your theory is bullshit- oh and for the record the mimic Octopus mimics everything even down to the color and skin texture of whatever creature it mimics at the time.
I mentioned this in the past- watch a National Geographic episode and observe a cheetah- it like the leopard, lion, tiger, and jaguar are believed to have the same ancestor. However, everything about the Cheetah points to design- it has a flexible spinal chord- the only "Big Cat" that has a flexible Spinal Chord, it has claws that don't retract(ideal for traction at high speeds- all the other large cats claws retract) it has the longest tail in the cat family family(the Cheetah's tail acts as a rudder -when it has to make sharp turns when chasing more agile prey) it has over sized nostrils(to intake more oxygen) and although the cheetah is smaller than the lion,jaguar, leopard and tiger it has larger lungs which aid the Cheetah when it runs at high speeds- now here's the question did the Cheetah evolve all those traits or does it appear that those traits are by design????
If after reading that you still say it evolved those traits than why hasn't the lion, tiger, cheetah, and leopard "Evolve" the Cheetah's speed? Heck all the other cats at one time are another chase their pray so don't tell me they couldn't benefit from running 70 mph because a lot of time the other bigger cats lose a meal when the prey simply out runs it.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
He doesn't want to disclose his trysts to his church buddies because he feels shame and guilt. Two terrible things that religion brings with it. Every little thing that is fun; getting drunk, having sex with someone not your wife or without even being married, etc. is something you should feel guilty for. It's ridiculous. Originally Posted by WombRaider
F*ck all of you- I only need to disclose my sins to God- my church friends have to deal with their own sins. I attend a church with literally 1000's of members and only God knows what sins or skeletons they have- all of you are on a whore board so by COG's logic we all hate God?
COG remind me when I have come into these forums and said- "Hey guys look who I fuck..." If you choose to read my reviews or not that's your business. How in the hell do you know if I have asked God for repentance - you don't know and you what I do in my religious and personal life is my business.
Wombraider you had several reviews as your alias UnDer_Construction so what's your beef? Why won't you admit you are the same person- did you rape someone under your other alias or did you suck a tranny cock and to get rid of your guilt you changed your handle. Did you cheat on your wife and get in trouble? Something caused you to change your handle.
[QUOTE=wellendowed1911;10566584 82]
No I don't find it odd. Especially considering that what you call "everything" is actually less than 1x10^-infinity part of the overall "everything" that actually exists. Performing an unprecedented unpredicatable experiment a gazillion times over is bound to produce at least some results that are a "bit odd"

Who said other species are the same? Dolphins and Orcas have intelligence that is comparable to humans. Our opposable thumbs and ability to walk on land could very well be what separates us from a dolphin "building cars or teaching at Universities"

I'm actually more concerned that you decided to cite this as an example for creationism. It's actually an almost perfect example for evolution. The Octopus learned these behaviors from years of evolving as a species, I don't even know how else to explain it.

A better case for creationism would be if the octopus had no predators. Why should it? Was it created by god solely as food for something else?

More over, why do we need food? Why do we need to take a shit or piss? why don't we get proper sustenance without discharging any excrement? Wouldn't it give us more time to worship the almighty being that created us?[/QUOTE

Please do the research even hardcore scientist are baffled on how the mimic octopus could evolve these traits. Your notion that it could have evolved these traits is futile- why haven't other creatures evolve this trait- it surely would benefit them- and why don't we see it in other species of octopus?
Are you telling me that one day there was an octopus that didn't have the ability to mimic and it was just observing a Lion Fish and said wow those other animals are afraid of the Lion Fish tomorrow I am going to evolve my body like the Octopus and scare away predators? You know your theory is bullshit- oh and for the record the mimic Octopus mimics everything even down to the color and skin texture of whatever creature it mimics at the time.
I mentioned this in the past- watch a National Geographic episode and observe a cheetah- it like the leopard, lion, tiger, and jaguar are believed to have the same ancestor. However, everything about the Cheetah points to design- it has a flexible spinal chord- the only "Big Cat" that has a flexible Spinal Chord, it has claws that don't retract(ideal for traction at high speeds- all the other large cats claws retract) it has the longest tail in the cat family family(the Cheetah's tail acts as a rudder -when it has to make sharp turns when chasing more agile prey) it has over sized nostrils(to intake more oxygen) and although the cheetah is smaller than the lion,jaguar, leopard and tiger it has larger lungs which aid the Cheetah when it runs at high speeds- now here's the question did the Cheetah evolve all those traits or does it appear that those traits are by design????
If after reading that you still say it evolved those traits than why hasn't the lion, tiger, cheetah, and leopard "Evolve" the Cheetah's speed? Heck all the other cats at one time are another chase their pray so don't tell me they couldn't benefit from running 70 mph because a lot of time the other bigger cats lose a meal when the prey simply out runs it. Originally Posted by shanm
Not all species are the same. Each species evolves based on many factors. No, it didn't evolve from one day to the next. I think that is part of your problem. These things happened over millions of years. You're only going to witness 80 years or so of this earth. That's it. Of course you aren't going to see as much evolution in your own lifetime. It doesn't happen that fast. The theory of evolution is as much a fact as gravity. It doesn't require you to believe it for it to be true.

I don't know what to tell you. We have observed it. We have transitional species to prove it. It happens. And continues to happen. But your mistake is thinking it happens overnight. It doesn't. Sometimes it happens in a shorter time than others, but wholesale changes of a large organism take time. If you want a shorter example, take the peppered moth. It was a white moth. Before the industrial revolution, 98 percent of peppered moths were predominantly white. After the industrial revolution, it had completely reversed and almost all of them were black. Light surfaces were turned black by the pollution and the white ones lost their camouflage, hence the mutation to black.
F*ck all of you- I only need to disclose my sins to God- my church friends have to deal with their own sins. I attend a church with literally 1000's of members and only God knows what sins or skeletons they have- all of you are on a whore board so by COG's logic we all hate God?
COG remind me when I have come into these forums and said- "Hey guys look who I fuck..." If you choose to read my reviews or not that's your business. How in the hell do you know if I have asked God for repentance - you don't know and you what I do in my religious and personal life is my business.
Wombraider you had several reviews as your alias UnDer_Construction so what's your beef? Why won't you admit you are the same person- did you rape someone under your other alias or did you suck a tranny cock and to get rid of your guilt you changed your handle. Did you cheat on your wife and get in trouble? Something caused you to change your handle. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The point you're missing is that if you're truly god-fearing, at some point you must stop banging these whoooores. You don't just get to bang whores and then ask for repentance. I'm an atheist and even I know that's not how it works. God expects a change in your heart. But if you keep banging these broads, obviously it's not changing. He will spit you out of his mouth(god's words)

As for the rest of it, don't try and turn shit around on me and accuse me of being someone else because you're feeling guilty about your poor wife and what a lout she's married to. She know you're banging these dirty whooores? You're sick dude. Get help.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The point you're missing is that if you're truly god-fearing, at some point you must stop banging these whoooores. You don't just get to bang whores and then ask for repentance. I'm an atheist and even I know that's not how it works. God expects a change in your heart. But if you keep banging these broads, obviously it's not changing. He will spit you out of his mouth(god's words)

As for the rest of it, don't try and turn shit around on me and accuse me of being someone else because you're feeling guilty about your poor wife and what a lout she's married to. She know you're banging these dirty whooores? You're sick dude. Get help. Originally Posted by WombRaider
As I stated before I am aware of my sins- never said I wasn't- and amazing you are still denying you are Under Construction lmfao!!!!
As I stated before I am aware of my sins- never said I wasn't- and amazing you are still denying you are Under Construction lmfao!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Being aware of your sins and not banging whoooores are two very different things. I wish the dude would come back. Be a hell of lot easier. If that were me, why wouldn't I just start posting as him again in order to alleviate the pressure you ding dongs put on me about being him? Because I don't have multiple handles. This is the only handle I have or have had.
wellendowed1911's Avatar

Not all species are the same. Each species evolves based on many factors. No, it didn't evolve from one day to the next. I think that is part of your problem. These things happened over millions of years. You're only going to witness 80 years or so of this earth. That's it. Of course you aren't going to see as much evolution in your own lifetime. It doesn't happen that fast. The theory of evolution is as much a fact as gravity. It doesn't require you to believe it for it to be true.

I don't know what to tell you. We have observed it. We have transitional species to prove it. It happens. And continues to happen. But your mistake is thinking it happens overnight. It doesn't. Sometimes it happens in a shorter time than others, but wholesale changes of a large organism take time. If you want a shorter example, take the peppered moth. It was a white moth. Before the industrial revolution, 98 percent of peppered moths were predominantly white. After the industrial revolution, it had completely reversed and almost all of them were black. Light surfaces were turned black by the pollution and the white ones lost their camouflage, hence the mutation to black. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
If it didn't evolve on the next day than it could not possibly have survived. The Cheetah is a predator, but it relies on it's great speed to catch it's prey- whereas lions/tigers more so rely on their brute strength- in order for the Cheetah to have great speed it's body has to be built or should I say "designed" or it won't have great speed- if you take away the Cheetah's long tail it would never catch a Gazelle- the Gazelle uses sharp turns to try and throw the gazelle off balance- if the Cheetah didn't have a long tail that acts as a rudder on sharp turns it would never catch a Gazelle- the Cheetah would not be able to hit 70mph if it's spine wasn't flexible- is it by accident that the Cheetah has oversized nostrils- when did all of this come together for the cheetah? What was it doing when it was "evolving" these traits?
Evolutionist state that the Giraffes' long neck is part of evolution which enabled the Giraffe to survive because it was able to "Stretch" it's neck and reach taller leaves. Now, unbeknown to most- the Giraffe is a magnificent design- the giraffe with it's extremely long neck -when it drops its neck to sip water- t would be the equivalent of a human dropping to the floor as propping back up as fast as he can 100 times- which in all cases would cause that human to pass up due to syncope(rapid drop in Blood pressure) but you never seen a Giraffe pass out from just dropping down to sip water- you know why? The Giraffe has a special flap in it's brain that blocks blood from flowing when it bring it's neck down- now keep in mind according to evolutionist the giraffe didn't always have a long neck- so it must have evolved this "flap"- well if it evolved this flap over 10's of thousands of years- how in the hell did it survive? It must have been a lot of giraffes that soon as they took a sip of water they passed out and was eaten by a lion, but you know that didn't have happened- admit the fact that the Giraffe is a result of intelligent design!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Being aware of your sins and not banging whoooores are two very different things. I wish the dude would come back. Be a hell of lot easier. If that were me, why wouldn't I just start posting as him again in order to alleviate the pressure you ding dongs put on me about being him? Because I don't have multiple handles. This is the only handle I have or have had. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You know where to find him- just look in the mirror- I don't know if you know this but I am a pharmacist- they do have meds for people who try to assume 2 different or more personas. Are you bipolar or have psych issues- pm me if you need some advice or help- I am being serious man.