“Go Joe” Wears Off, Biden Clueless.

I’m glad you are so easily amused.

If you don’t want to debate the issues then why post in the political forum?

The supposed “left” can be as hypocritical as anyone else. The trick is to prove it which you haven’t done. I’m capable of taking criticism. I’ve done so publicly. Are you? Originally Posted by txdot-guy

LMFAO I have proven my point and the fact that you have blinders on seems to ve a you problem but alas I digress but honestly you do amuse me.
txdot-guy's Avatar
To sum up this entire thread.

1: Video purportedly showing the president in a daze being assisted by Obama.
2: Debate about the validity of the video ensues.
3: A link is provided that links to other videos that have a fuller or different perspective. These fuller videos are clear proof to anyone who is interested and willing to look past their biases.
4: The rebuttal consists of accusations that imply that the data can’t be trusted because it is a liberal source.

Here is a video of the event that shows a much fuller picture of the situation.


What bothers me most about this entire thread is not that people are making fun of Biden. It’s the blatant lies. The video was created just to lie about the President. For no other reason.

HoHound recently posted a video: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2986964 David Attenborough Narrates as Poopy Pants O'Biden Craps His Pants at Recent D-Day Celebration. (Video)

You don’t see me posting in that thread. Why not. One is designed to be funny. One is designed to be manipulative.
ICU 812's Avatar
Ok, lets set aside watching any and all videos of President Bidden walking around or leaving the stage. Many of those videos have no spoken words. Now lets close our eyes and listen . . . .

This happens to all of us. About five years ago, I started to notice that I could not quickly use the names of celebrities when discussing a film. LAter on, I became hesitant when using common nouns. I am in my early 70s. . . .but then, I have been retired since 2023 too and have no real responsibilities. Mr. Trump has lately been caught on camera misnaming several.

However, President Biden frequently can ot quite finish a sentence with a coherent phrase at the end. It goes beyond mispronounciation and on into a vowel and consonant blender. But not always.

It is noticeable that at times he can seem animated and energetic, speaking with few bobbles. The 2024 State of the Union address was one such event. A day or so later, he can ot read the prompter, or does one of the vowel blender trick. I have remarked on this her in the past. Others have remarked on this in public. The big question is what are "they" giving this mn thast haqs such a dramatically noticeable effect on his public performance? Another question might be why can't "they" keep him as alert ad he ws gfor he SOTU address?

White House reports have noticed that when traveling, the WH staff seem to keep the president on an East Coast time schedule, that is, keeping his activities (waking, meetings etc) occurring at the same time they would be in Washington (or Delaware) regardless of the local time wherever he is. . . . .that is just odd.

Let me say gain that I take no joy in hose observations. It happens to nearly everyone as we age. For some it is a very slow process. For others it is severe and obvious. Mr. Biden should be allowed to spend the rest of his senior years on the beach. It is my belief that those close to the president are culpable of elder abuse.
Ok, lets set aside watching any and all videos of President Bidden walking around or leaving the stage. Many of those videos have no spoken words. Now lets close our eyes and listen . . . .

This happens to all of us. About five years ago, I started to notice that I could not quickly use the names of celebrities when discussing a film. LAter on, I became hesitant when using common nouns. I am in my early 70s. . . .but then, I have been retired since 2023 too and have no real responsibilities. Mr. Trump has lately been caught on camera misnaming several.

However, President Biden frequently can ot quite finish a sentence with a coherent phrase at the end. It goes beyond mispronounciation and on into a vowel and consonant blender. But not always.

It is noticeable that at times he can seem animated and energetic, speaking with few bobbles. The 2024 State of the Union address was one such event. A day or so later, he can ot read the prompter, or does one of the vowel blender trick. I have remarked on this her in the past. Others have remarked on this in public. The big question is what are "they" giving this mn thast haqs such a dramatically noticeable effect on his public performance? Another question might be why can't "they" keep him as alert ad he ws gfor he SOTU address?

White House reports have noticed that when traveling, the WH staff seem to keep the president on an East Coast time schedule, that is, keeping his activities (waking, meetings etc) occurring at the same time they would be in Washington (or Delaware) regardless of the local time wherever he is. . . . .that is just odd.

Let me say gain that I take no joy in hose observations. It happens to nearly everyone as we age. For some it is a very slow process. For others it is severe and obvious. Mr. Biden should be allowed to spend the rest of his senior years on the beach. It is my belief that those close to the president are culpable of elder abuse. Originally Posted by ICU 812

Yep, that pretty much nails it.
texassapper's Avatar
What bothers me most about this entire thread is not that people are making fun of Biden. It’s the blatant lies. The video was created just to lie about the President. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Where is the lie? It's video... it's not edited. The one you posted shows the EXACT same thing.

Bidens clap at 23 seconds in your example[videoA] syncs with the clap in the video you claim is a lie[videoB] at 6 seconds. Biden turns to his left which ends at about 27-28 second in Video A, 10-11 seconds in video B. Note Obama waving at the same time.

Biden freezes up for about 6 seconds when Obama grabs him by the wrist. (note the time stamps match) Video A is zoomed out so that it's difficult to actually see the wrist grab.

Another 6 seconds passes and Obama is walking Biden off the stage. Video A is zoomed back in at this point.

Same exact scene from different vantage points... no editing. Why is ONE a LIE and the other the truth?

Face it, Beijing Joey is busted and all your hopes, dreams, lies, and obfuscations cannot hide what our lying eyes see with clarity.
Ducbutter's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
In George Orwell's "1984" one of the all-controlling party's principal tenants was something like . . ."Do not believe the evidence of your eyes!".
Michael8219's Avatar
In George Orwell's "1984" one of the all-controlling party's principal tenants was something like . . ."Do not believe the evidence of your eyes!". Originally Posted by ICU 812

In the end, the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.

"Sometimes, Winston. [Sometimes it is four fingers.] Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once."