About being married

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My friends who join church book clubs for ladies increase their sex levels in a huge way. One of the books on the list is always Surrendered Wife which advises women to have sex with their husbands whenever/wherever he wants. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
So, church book club ladies would not like the story that goes ---

Wife takes husband to doctor because husband has been stressed and depressed. After numerous tests and exams, doctor excuses himself from exam room and talks to wife alone.

"Mrs. Smith, your husband is terribly stressed. The only way to relieve the stress is for you to fulfill his every request. If he wants a certain food, cook it. If he wants to go somewhere, take him. If he wants sex, no matter the time or day or frequency, provide it. If you don't, he'll have additional stress that certainly will cause him to have a massive, fatal heart attack."

As husband and wife are walking away from doctor's office, husband asks wife, "What did the doctor say to you"

Wife says, "You're going to die."