Buyers Beware: TER is a fraudulent dishonest review board!

Missy Mariposa's Avatar
My experience is like Valerie - I've always contacted them in a professional manner (and ready to provide proof - I got a fake review while I was having surgery. They simply asked me to provide something that could prove on the date in question I could not have been working) and had great results.

About two days ago I checked my profile there to find out some jerk with the handle ROVER1225 had written a bad review on me. I'm not a VIP member there, I couldn't read the entire review, I just read the general details section.
It doesn't matter if you have VIP or not, you can get special access to read your own reviews. I can read 100% of my own reviews and see all of the numbers but I can't see anyone else's.
I don`t like TER either for several reasons - a) I don`t like reviews, b) these reviews are WAY too graphic and personal c) their attitude about several things suck and d) I don`t care about reviews, and you should not either.
you could maybe try to get a few clients you have after that review to write a few reviews, so that one pushes down, or encourage review writing by focussing on the better ones.

Since sensual experiences can`t be compared (or only in high school immature girlie fantasies)
I don`t think that numbers from 1 to 10 do such experiences justice. So, of course, since it`s hard to measure by standards, since these standards are highly subjective, of course these reviews are flawed either way.

So, I personally prefer not to have them. If I find one, I have them deleted, all of them, I don`t care what the content is, I simply don`t want that kind of stuff written about me, period.
I don`t like people that classify other peoples sensuality within labels of 1 - 10 , compare cock sizes, pussy tightness, and whatnot (????) because that is a system that is good when you measure how much coffee you want in a cup, but not for chemistry that is dependent on more factors than just you, and so on.

I find it derogatory to discuss sexual experiences in a way that reads as "cock sucking competition" or "anal intercourse marathon". It disgusts me and people who engage in that sort of behaviour are not birds of one feather with me. I did not sign up for "special olympics in who is the best in anal penetration " being eager to earn the gold medal after I brought my "performance", I prefer to be treated like a person and not like a deliverer of mechanical devices.
My experience with them was that you could not get a perfect 10 or even a 9.0 a lot of times unless you performed certain acts...and there were plenty that I didn't offer. My scores were good, but not as 'high' as some other girls who did things that I didn't offer on my list of services. I didn't think that was fair. And then when the moderator deleted all my reviews because I simply disagreed with her and made the mistake of mentioning the former owner, I was like, these are ugly politics here. But keeping in mind though that every board has ugly politics behind it. TER just seems to have more of it.
burkalini's Avatar
I don`t like TER either for several reasons - a) I don`t like reviews, b) these reviews are WAY too graphic and personal c) their attitude about several things suck and d) I don`t care about reviews, and you should not either.
you could maybe try to get a few clients you have after that review to write a few reviews, so that one pushes down, or encourage review writing by focussing on the better ones.

Since sensual experiences can`t be compared (or only in high school immature girlie fantasies)
I don`t think that numbers from 1 to 10 do such experiences justice. So, of course, since it`s hard to measure by standards, since these standards are highly subjective, of course these reviews are flawed either way.

So, I personally prefer not to have them. If I find one, I have them deleted, all of them, I don`t care what the content is, I simply don`t want that kind of stuff written about me, period.
I don`t like people that classify other peoples sensuality within labels of 1 - 10 , compare cock sizes, pussy tightness, and whatnot (????) because that is a system that is good when you measure how much coffee you want in a cup, but not for chemistry that is dependent on more factors than just you, and so on.

I find it derogatory to discuss sexual experiences in a way that reads as "cock sucking competition" or "anal intercourse marathon". It disgusts me and people who engage in that sort of behaviour are not birds of one feather with me. I did not sign up for "special olympics in who is the best in anal penetration " being eager to earn the gold medal after I brought my "performance", I prefer to be treated like a person and not like a deliverer of mechanical devices. Originally Posted by ninasastri

I can see your point of view especially as the subject of the review. I also agree that a graphic review would at first seem to be in bad taste as gentleman are not supposed to share intimate details. That is all well and good in the civie life and one that I subscribe to. I don't share any encounters with my friends nor do I ask them to share with me. This is very different though. This is in it's base a product. A very human and sexual product but a product anyway. You supply a product and you expect prior to delivery to be paid in full. I also see that in your case a very above average fee. Now I don't argue anything so mundane as worth because you are apparently successful. With that said without that rose delivery there is no session. I am sure everyone that participates in the hobby is working hard or has worked hard top be able to see ladies such as yourself and have made the decision to spend the roses. To come to that decision we either go in blindly and hope for the best or we do research. We look at everything such as this board and also reviews. As reviews build on a provider how she is comes thru in the long run. We are not so dumb as to believe one or two extremely good or bad reviews as the whole story. As time goes on the truth comes out. it helps learn who we are willing to spend those hard earned roses on. To think your above that type of scrutiny especially at the fees you charge in my opinion is not really based in hobby reality. Also it's kind of like saying all you ladies that are reviewed are beneath me. We know they are not all true but they are one of the ways we screen you like you also screen us well. Just my opinon and nothing else
Stephine Staxx's Avatar
Don't know about TER but I've had a false review posted on me yesterday on here.... can someone please explain how I can prove this person has never seen me. I believe I also had one posted right before this one, anyhow any advice is greatly appreciated. 💋💋Stephine
I dislike TER reviews because reviews will be pulled if your number doesn't match their guidelines. I was with a provider that I had a wonderful time with that I didn't get a BBBJ from and TER said I could not give an 8.
Don't know about TER but I've had a false review posted on me yesterday on here.... can someone please explain how I can prove this person has never seen me. I believe I also had one posted right before this one, anyhow any advice is greatly appreciated. 💋💋Stephine Originally Posted by Stephine Staxx
It is clear the reviews are obviously false because the recommendation is "No".... Is that what you are saying? Or do you have other information you shouldn't have....
tandyscone's Avatar
Don't know about TER but I've had a false review posted on me yesterday on here.... can someone please explain how I can prove this person has never seen me. I believe I also had one posted right before this one, anyhow any advice is greatly appreciated. 💋💋Stephine Originally Posted by Stephine Staxx
It is clear the reviews are obviously false because the recommendation is "No".... Is that what you are saying? Or do you have other information you shouldn't have.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I read it that she is claiming she never saw one of the guys who posted the reviews. That strikes me as information that she should have.
I don't like that site whatsoever because it's not user friendly at all. Jesus Christ, I can't post an ad, I can't even post a thread - it always gets denied for one stupid reason or another.
I personally see both sides of this coin.. as a lady you don't want someone running around making false reviews trying to scare away future clients.. ( could the person posting the review possibly be a lady that is competing for the same clientele that has decided if she takes out her competition she would have more business... It sure isn't in some random clients best interests to do that.. but then of course we have our very own YIK YAK that posts garbage all the time in the forums.. but most of us realize he is just trying to raise a ruckus and don't really pay him or her no mind..) as for the boards.. if they let the ladies edit or remove reviews that they don't like why then would the clients want to post a review.. Instead though most guys will read several reviews to see what the common denominators are for the lady.. if she is one that doesn't want a review posted then we go into search and ask the other clients what they know or if they have seen this person.
I personally dislike posting reviews and won't unless asked to.. my reason's are.. what you and I decide to do during our time together should only be between you and I and what I decide to spend on a date is just that.. it shouldn't be anyone else's business but ours..
I know the reviews are important.. I couldn't even get a call back till I had posted reviews and had some references and had a posting history before anyone would call me back.
I also dislike that some ladies want the clients real world information yet is unwilling to give theirs.. safety sake says to me to move on.. once we gain each others trust and friendship then I don't mind..
anyway.. I wouldn't worry about that.. very few would even pay that any mind.. we would look to see what everyone else has said in the past..
I don't like that site whatsoever because it's not user friendly at all. Jesus Christ, I can't post an ad, I can't even post a thread - it always gets denied for one stupid reason or another. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I am with you Claire.. I can count on one hand how many times I have gone on ter.. hard place to post a review and really hard to even see an ad.. but in this area.. ter isn't that important.. but in other area's of the country it is.. like eccie and GBN hits the Midwest pretty good..
I am still waiting for you to visit the wastelands of the Dakota's .. I know we would hit it off I seem to agree with your point of view a whole lot..
I am with you Claire.. I can count on one hand how many times I have gone on ter.. hard place to post a review and really hard to even see an ad.. but in this area.. ter isn't that important.. but in other area's of the country it is.. like eccie and GBN hits the Midwest pretty good..
I am still waiting for you to visit the wastelands of the Dakota's .. I know we would hit it off I seem to agree with your point of view a whole lot.. Originally Posted by wendlo
Find me a cheap flight and I'm yours
Still Looking's Avatar
TER SUCKS And Not In A Good Way!