Tucker Carlson or the CDC: Who Do You Trust More for Advice About Masks?

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I guess we're getting toward the end of this, so it doesn't really matter. I think the secret is finding a mask that's comfortable yet effective, and changing out before it's dirty. If I remember correctly, you were in a difficult situation for a while, because you had to wear one 12 hours a day. Yeah, if that happened to me I might hate them too, especially if the masks were uncomfortable. I remember making a couple of trips early on in the epidemic and I wore goggles and tight fitting, old medical grade N95 masks, for about 9 hours a day. They left an imprint on my face for hours afterward. It sucked. Originally Posted by Tiny
These days I just don't go anywhere so I rarely wear a mask, but when I do it's always uncomfortable and annoying. I do it anyway, though, so don't nobody ain't don't tell some bullshit any no how.

I avoided going to the gym for over a year. I just decide to go and wearing the mask is fucking annoying as all shit but I'm even more annoyed by living a sedentary life for over a year.
rexdutchman's Avatar
No mask no rain coat ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
First it was safe sex and now it's safe (running, walking, shopping, picnicking, sight seeing, and movie watching.)
"What? Oh, wait, it's the 2nd of May or as known in political circles opposite day. That's the day after International Communist Day. So you're fighting for personal freedom......LMAO."

So now it's the 3rd of May and still interested in hearing a rational reason why someone should expect another to remove their mask (when lawfully wearing a mask) merely because the someone is uncomfortable...much less call 911 if it is a child wearing the mask. Question asked...dodged, but not answered.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
That wasn't the original point to the thread, though. I trust Tucker slightly more than the CDC, because he is mostly presenting us with an opinion, like the one you are quoting him on. That's just his opinion. It's not going to be put into law just because he says it. I don't care if a dingaling wants to wear a mask or a butt plug. Fuck the CDC.
  • Tiny
  • 05-03-2021, 08:40 PM
That wasn't the original point to the thread, though. I trust Tucker slightly more than the CDC, because he is mostly presenting us with an opinion, like the one you are quoting him on. That's just his opinion. It's not going to be put into law just because he says it. I don't care if a dingaling wants to wear a mask or a butt plug. Fuck the CDC. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Well, actually, I did point out Tucker's comment in the OP, and it was one of the points I was trying to make. I'm not sure he believes people should be calling the police to report child abuse every time they see a kid with a mask, even though he said it without a hint of irony. It's how the MSM sells commercials. People on MSNBC and CNN can be just as ridiculous at times.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
CDC moves goal post on what they're saying about the pandemic

1. wear mask or not to wear one.
2. mask is effective, or maybe not
3. wear two masks instead of one.
4. having lock downs to lock downs a mistake
5. misleading information

I'll go with Tucker. at least he is consistent.
rexdutchman's Avatar
CDC said today you can move around the US by not overseas , I guess the BORDER doesn't count
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Well, actually, I did point out Tucker's comment in the OP, and it was one of the points I was trying to make. I'm not sure he believes people should be calling the police to report child abuse every time they see a kid with a mask, even though he said it without a hint of irony. It's how the MSM sells commercials. People on MSNBC and CNN can be just as ridiculous at times. Originally Posted by Tiny
At times? More like all the time. I don't know how anyone can stand to watch any of that shit. I don't watch Tucker, and I didn't read your OP. My point is fuck the CDC.
And still no response to the point I raised. Why is that?
matchingmole's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
Well, actually, I did point out Tucker's comment in the OP, and it was one of the points I was trying to make. I'm not sure he believes people should be calling the police to report child abuse every time they see a kid with a mask, even though he said it without a hint of irony. It's how the MSM sells commercials. People on MSNBC and CNN can be just as ridiculous at times. Originally Posted by Tiny

Tiny, I watch, well record, Tucker every night and I can tell you without hesitation, what he said was him being sarcastic. He does it way to often and it's why MSNBC throws up his quotes because taken literally, they are outrageous. I wish he would stop but it is part of his "delivery". Many times he will say at the end of such statements, "just kidding" but when he doesn't and one is not use to his "delivery", it can get confusing on what the guy actually believes.

In all this and on many, many subjects, Tucker is more asking a question, trying to get you asking questions than "speaking the truth" which of course is how his opponents frame his words.

Tucker wants you to question what the Biden administration is saying and doing related to wearing masks. He's asking us to question what the CDC is saying because one day it's this, they get a reaction and change their comment the next day when it didn't "test well".

Currently Tucker is asking, "if the vaccine works" and everybody around Joe Biden has been vaccinated, why the hell are they all still wearing masks?

Tucker is "suggesting" that perhaps Biden and his supporters don't really believe the vaccine works and that is why he still wears a mask outside, with nobody within 6 feet of him. There is, according to the CDC, no reason to do that but he does it anyway. Why? For theater?

Did you see the picture making the rounds at a zoom conference with most of the leaders of the industrialized world and in one shot with about a dozen leaders pictured, Biden is the only leader with a mask and I can guarantee you that nobody in that room with Biden at that time, has not been vaccinated. So why the mask?

Biden gave his "100 day speech" with less than a hundred people, all vaccinated and all wearing masks. Why? the CDC says that in that setting, nobody would need to wear a mask. As a matter of fact, I heard today that they could have filled that room if everybody had been vaccinated.

I've been fully vaccinated so I'm back in the gym and my gym requires wearing a mask. I asked if I could go without since I have been vaccinated and they said no, it would be to confusing trying to keep up with who has and who hasn't because people will cheat.

So many of us wear our mask only over our mouth and breathe through your nose so that you aren't breathing your on breath. They don't seem to care.

If allowed, I would not wear a mask anywhere, indoors or outdoors but that is a choice I would make and wouldn't want to make it for anybody else.

In Florida, Governor DeSantis just removed all restrictions on masks and social distancing figuring I guess that if you don't want to get the vaccine that is readily available to everybody, that's your choice to make and you can suffer the consequences of that decision and is countering what is happening in universities all over the country that will require any student on campus to be vaccinated. He is saying it will be against the law to require that in the state of Florida. No vaccine passports will be allowed in Florida. It is discriminatory.

And of course Florida being Florida, we have a private school who says that anybody that HAS been vaccinated may not teach or attend her school. Seems she read on the internet that a woman was claiming that every time she came near her vaccinated parents, she would get a headache and have menstrual troubles. Apparently that was good enough for the owner of this private school to ban anybody that has been vaccinated on the theory that you could pass "something" to the children if you hug them. SMH.

HedonistForever's Avatar
And still no response to the point I raised. Why is that? Originally Posted by reddog1951

If your point is what Tucker said, I think I just did. If not, please be more succinct and I'll be happy to address your question.
HedonistForever's Avatar
CDC moves goal post on what they're saying about the pandemic

1. wear mask or not to wear one.
2. mask is effective, or maybe not
3. wear two masks instead of one.
4. having lock downs to lock downs a mistake
5. misleading information

I'll go with Tucker. at least he is consistent. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

As I said, he is consistently asking questions not telling people what they should or shouldn't do. He is consistent in this in every subject. You decide and demand that the government tell you the truth no matter what it is. If the scientist don't know for a fact, say so.

One of the reasons I watch Tucker is because he will cover topics that no other MSM will cover especially if it doesn't reflect well on the Biden administration.

Anybody over at CNN or MSNBC asking why Guiliani is being investigated for lobbying for Ukraine but Hunter Biden isn't? Anybody asking why he isn't being charged with a violation of gun laws?

Did you hear that Hunter Biden has been offered a teaching job at Tulane on, wait for it, wait for it "Fake News in the MSM". I would say you can't make this shit up but apparently you can.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
As I said, he is consistently asking questions not telling people what they should or shouldn't do. He is consistent in this in every subject. You decide and demand that the government tell you the truth no matter what it is. If the scientist don't know for a fact, say so.

One of the reasons I watch Tucker is because he will cover topics that no other MSM will cover especially if it doesn't reflect well on the Biden administration.

Anybody over at CNN or MSNBC asking why Guiliani is being investigated for lobbying for Ukraine but Hunter Biden isn't? Anybody asking why he isn't being charged with a violation of gun laws?

Did you hear that Hunter Biden has been offered a teaching job at Tulane on, wait for it, wait for it "Fake News in the MSM". I would say you can't make this shit up but apparently you can.

https://thefederalist.com/2021/04/28...ne-university/ Originally Posted by HedonistForever
that thing about hunter is a bit misleading.

he's not teaching a class. he's a guest speaker for some tulane professor.