OH2 Whores.....

Bald Bryan's Avatar
^ Lol...

Okay, so that's two now....Just waiting on the monkey one to bust out his flashy gifs and squeeky toys in the key of "unga unga", lolzzz...

On the real though, you toddlers (and yes, a good handful of others) deserve to get called out for your constant whining, crying, bullying, etc annoyances. Perhaps form your own club like a discord maybe with the arky one? Maybe a safe place where you can bark and moan and circle jerk and NOT be slapped down and put in your place? Idk, just a thought.

Anyhow, stay safe! Happy hobbying!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 10:50 AM
^ Lol...

Okay, so that's two now....Just waiting on the monkey one to bust out his flashy gifs and squeeky toys in the key of "unga unga", lolzzz...

On the real though, you toddlers (and yes, a good handful of others) deserve to get called out for your constant whining, crying, bullying, etc annoyances. Perhaps form your own club like a discord maybe with the arky one? Maybe a safe place where you can bark and moan and circle jerk and NOT be slapped down and put in your place? Idk, just a thought.

Anyhow, stay safe! Happy hobbying! Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Being called out by a nobody? You speak of things and protect trash people that you know nothing about! Take your trick ass and go find a pussy to pay for, these whores don't care about your WK contributions in here

TT: You looked like you came from the trailer park back in the 80s also, this hobby is young woman's sport, you were too old for it last time you were here, get back to the senior center and talk about the old days, we don't want to hear about it here.

You would make a great country bar maid, tell the story to your customers about all those 100s stuffed in your pillow case LMAO 🤣😂 the reality is that you're a lifer selling pussy since ASPD and still never made it, you'll be here in your 80s giving gummie BJ's. You're a true success old Lady
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Take your trick ass and go find a pussy to pay for Originally Posted by BLM69

Is that not what this board is for? You're really not very good at this although you are a fun train wreck to observe. I know you think you're king of the recess yard here with all your barking, slobbering and chest beating...But boy you ain't shit when it comes down to it. Sure, you have a couple of mouth-breather boy simps that get dick swells at your posts but you do realize that the overwhelming majority of users here roll their eyes and laugh at you, yes?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 11:41 AM
Is that not what this board is for? You're really not very good at this although you are a fun train wreck to observe. I know you think you're king of the recess yard here with all your barking, slobbering and chest beating...But boy you ain't shit when it comes down to it. Sure, you have a couple of mouth-breather boy simps that get dick swells at your posts but you do realize that the overwhelming majority of users here roll their eyes and laugh at you, yes? Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
This is coming from the BSC whores WK, the clown here is you trick, you're not getting anything from these whores besides a pat in the back, keep the entertainment going, I love making fools like you look stupid. Did you escape from OH2? You're the poster child for a idiot simp
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Oh ffs blm...Just take the L and go home. You, the pale monkey, the coyot...All you do is chase each others tails and cry, cry, cry......

Pathetic, sad and a flat out embarrassment to the male gender all together. Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Okay, so that's two now....Just waiting on the monkey one to bust out his flashy gifs and squeeky toys in the key of "unga unga", lolzzz... Originally Posted by Bald Bryan

Bald Bryan's Avatar
I love making fools like you look stupid. Originally Posted by BLM69

yeah, definitely NOT what's going on here, lol...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 01:07 PM
yeah, definitely NOT what's going on here, lol... Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
A simp trick WK for BSC whores, you're the smart guy here, at what point did a bitch cutoff your balls and took your manhood away? I told you a few post back that smelled pussy, I knew I was correct 💯
Bald Bryan's Avatar
A simp trick WK for BSC whores, you're the smart guy here, at what point did a bitch cutoff your balls and took your manhood away? I told you a few post back that smelled pussy, I knew I was correct 💯 Originally Posted by BLM69

Anytime someone straps your bib back on and lowers you back into your highchair you start throwing around terms like simp, wk, bsc, etc around like you know what they mean. If you do know, you misuse them on the regs. Like I said boy, you aren't the supreme being you think you are. You're nothing more than a junkyard dog...
Well this has been an intersting read. What was the topic again?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 03:05 PM
Anytime someone straps your bib back on and lowers you back into your highchair you start throwing around terms like simp, wk, bsc, etc around like you know what they mean. If you do know, you misuse them on the regs. Like I said boy, you aren't the supreme being you think you are. You're nothing more than a junkyard dog... Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
When should these terms be used smart guy? I use them when I spot them, go look in the mirror and you'll see what you are.....
Bald Bryan's Avatar
When should these terms be used smart guy? Originally Posted by BLM69

Like perhaps when they're justified?

You just throw these words around whenever someone pops you in the cherries. Someone like me telling you straight up how ridiculous your presence here doesn't make me a simp, wk, pussy or whatever other buzzword you think is neat to throw out there..

Now if you had any examples to offer...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 04:14 PM
Like perhaps when they're justified?

You just throw these words around whenever someone pops you in the cherries. Someone like me telling you straight up how ridiculous your presence here doesn't make me a simp, wk, pussy or whatever other buzzword you think is neat to throw out there..

Now if you had any examples to offer... Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
You're ignoring my question trick, what do you see when you look in the mirror? You have to be a mandle protecting BSC over the hill whores, you must miss the OH2 platform 😂 you're the minority here chump
Bald Bryan's Avatar
You're ignoring my question trick, what do you see when you look in the mirror? Originally Posted by BLM69
A 6ft white dude with minimal body hair and a need to maybe lose 10-15 pounds?

And just who is it that you think I'm protecting? Over the hill bsc whores? What the hell you even going on about? So basically anyone who gets on eccie and falls short of flappin their jaw with the stupid talk and going on name calling rants is somehow protecting someone? Or being a simp/wk? Boy, you need to just go back to your seat and shut it down, lol. Bow your head and lick your wounds.

I'm pretty sure I've told you before that we're in different games, cut from different cloths and most certainly NOT on the same level. Your game is the streets, with the nasty ass crack-head flea-bitten wart-ridden whores, perhaps maybe where your audience is too, so maybe go preach your game and drivel on the track? In any event, this dialogue (for lack of a better term) with a dumbed-down simpleton like yourself has kinda run it's course. Catch you later on some other thread..
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I will add that the only dude on this thread to comment lately with any actual board credibility is Txboi. At least he actually fucks the ladies on eccie, oh2, etc and backs his shit up with reviews and feedback. You other bottom feeding swill just come around shining bright lights, chasing your own tails and spouting off a bunch of gibberish to make yourselves feel more endowed. Y'all offer nothing in the form of reviews or legit feedback with the current online board scene, so why y'all even here again? Point is, a little more Txboi and a lot less blm, etc is just the ticket...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-17-2022, 06:59 PM
I see a emotional thick doing some real crying now, needed to make a second post because he or she is so worked up, you're right about cut from different cloth sissy boy, you haven't shown me a once on manhood, you're just a sorry WK pussy trick protecting crazy whores? You're my bitch now punk