Does smell affect performance?

I agree with all of the previous comments.

That being said, if I am dining on really fresh pussy, the lady is obviously enjoying the attention, her juices start to flow and she starts getting the womanly aroma, it absolutely drives me wild!
I've had times where the cum tasted like coffee (bitter) & one actually tasted like smoke....big turn off digesting!

I'll be the first to admit if I suspect something with myself, 1) NO play visits; & 2)

A few things that will prevent me from having the best hard on even getting hard at all...

-Bad breathe
-Fucked up teeth
-Stinky pussy
-Ugly feet
-A shitty notel (which is just another reason I tend to not fuck at a PI)

I Shower before and after EVERY appointment! Makes me feel fresh and ready for playtime!
Another twist on this is body odor example people who eat garlic daily have a distinctive body odor when they sweat no matter how much they shower also people who consume exotic spiced foods tend to sweat them out sometimes this is a big turn off too