... Of course you do...
... President Joe could Close the Border and stop the surge
with the stroke of a pen. ... And you know that.
Yet, I've never seen you mention that - as Texas and other
states are over-run.
#### Salty
Originally Posted by Salty Again
And Congress could fund the actual cost of asylum judges, but they sit on their hands and tell their feeble minded followers that EOs can do all that. Not without funding... where does that come from??
What's the GOP gonna do, continue to blame everyone else, and get nothing done?? They saw what happened when you don't have a speaker, or take away women's rights, and not pass legislation for anything....they lose seats by elections and resignations.
Keep up the good work , Nov will be here soon enough and more GOPers will be ex-communicado.
Scotus is gonna rule on some more stuff soon...like immunity has limitations.