A Provider's Response to All the BBFS BS!!

Whispers's Avatar
I share a bit of the blame for this thread, I confess.

Spud and I visited briefly about the "list" noting a number of ladies on the list that we thought shouldn't be on the list based on knowing them.

Spud decided to give one of these ladies a heads up to tell her she was on the list. He did and she answered him privately with the first version of the email Spud posted.

He was impressed with her answer and with her permission shared it with me. She did not intend for it to be published, but at our urging allowed Spud to post an edited version as a reflection of what she and perhaps some other of our finest ladies are thinking about these matters. We thought there might be some value in that. I do see real value in her opinion which is totally reasonable from my point of view and she shouldn't be put down for it, even if others may not agree. Originally Posted by Russ Tworthy
She may not have caught so much flack had she posted it herself.

When a member with credibility that has earned respect within the community has something to say about a subject they have first hand knowledge of they are usually given respect.

When they hide behind fake handles.... or anonymity..... even if they are right in their opinions they are not going to be given the same level of respect.
  • Vyt
  • 12-09-2011, 09:47 AM
However there's also the point that she made that she no longer posts here (if she ever did) because of the lack of respect given which intimidates/irritates posters such as herself. Thus of course she wouldn't be motivated to post under her name a piece on why she, well, wouldn't be motivated to post.

As far as the substance of all that:

- The topic itself (BBFS/who does what/when/how) isn't forbidden but it skates very close to several topics that *are*, especially when it veers from the theoretical "people do this" to "she does it" - at which point it is *not* permitted. The topic in general is Kryptonite but we all know how people like to dance on live power lines.

- For the more general subtext of lack of respect / people let to run loose. I think there is a bit of confusion here. One of the strongest rules Eccie has in terms of posting and moderation is that very little is edited away. This means that if, say, I decide to make a post flaming Whispers and spending 4 pages full of personal attacks on how he was a horrible person and how much I wanted to kick him in the junk, it would stay up, because it isn't one of the 'third rail' forbidden topics (minors, drugs, etc).

Now. That does NOT mean that there would be no consequences to my posting like a jacktard. Those consequences are kept quiet, but they do happen, and you will note that there are some very active and acrimonious posters who are no longer here. There are *other* very active and acrimonious posters who *are* still here, but know very well where the line is drawn and manage to stay on the correct side of it while being controversial.

This is because opinions themselves aren't bannable. You are free to express whatever opinion you like, no matter how dumb or wrong or objectionable (such as, oh, as a wild off-topic example, "no one was ever hurt by BBFS and all the girls do it") as long as you do so within the board's guidelines (which mainly amount to a very basic level of respect).

I hope this makes some things clearer and I would hope the woman who relayed the message in the original post reconsiders her decision not to participate in our community. If she has any specific concerns she can PM myself or any of the other moderators and administrators and we would be happy to address them in detail.

cramster's Avatar
A fellow Hobbyist and myself both contacted a provider we know on "The List". This provider based on our direct knowledge between us and other hobby friends does not provide this service.
We believe her response to very spot-on and worthy of reading.
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Thank you so much for the head's up. I've heard before that I am on a list but don't think I can do anything about it. .... What's funny to me is the people that participate in BBBJs that look down on people that do BBFS. Is everyone really that stupid to think they are safe with BBBJ but not BBFS? Get real. One has a higher risk, but the other isn't risk free.

I didn't even read the thread ... because quite frankly ... I have no respect for ECCIE. I rarely get on there and do so only to update my showcase or answer occasional mail. I dislike rumors and gossip because I have been a victim of them more than once. I have haters out there I know for certain. I guess it's because I enjoy my job and willing to go the extra mile that some girls are too lazy or selfish to do. The "extra mile" does NOT include BBFS but people want to believe the worst that's said about others and rarely bother with the truth.

So, my reputation suffers because of the laziness and jealousy of others. Pfft. I used to lose sleep over it and damn near quit at one time because of it. I've since come to understand that I can't do anything about haters and lies spread about me so I won't give them the satisfaction of quitting. People that already know me realize they are lies and still see me. If others choose not to see me because of what they've read about me then they are closed minded and I don't want to see them anyway. I can't change what's been said about me so I try not to let it upset me since there is nothing I can do. I've heard directly from other providers things they don't want everyone to know but won't stoop to the level of announcing it to the public or anyone else for that matter. I know the meaning of discretion and won't lower myself trying to ruin other peoples' reputations. Like yourself, I feel what happens between 2 people is their business. I think providers personal lives should remain private too but understand that's not the way it is. I'm learning more all the time and trying to make fewer mistakes.

I've only had a couple of clients try to convince me to do BBFS with them but was very firm in my refusals. No one else gives me any trouble when I reach for a condom. So, it is what it is and it's just another thing I have to deal with. I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know what's been written/said about me. If I could do something about it I would. Since I can't, I won't let it get me down. The truth doesn't matter to some people. It does matter to me, so I take every rumor I hear with a grain of salt and try to keep an open mind. Originally Posted by chairspud
Possible solution is for the lady in question to provide a list of activity's that she does not engage in on her showcase/P411 accounts.
sixxbach's Avatar
Well, if she is indeed receiving business from the site, whether you feel she deserves it or not, she's getting it from somebody. So despite her lack of respect to those on here who pick her apart::: case in point, and her just saying Eccie as the general name, and despite the judgement of her hypocrisy, she's still successful here. She's still goin to gain from it what she wants and what is given. My apologies, but even if some of you feel she doesn't DESERVE anything good from here, it's happening. Like it or not. It's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Lol. Originally Posted by ExoticEzra

I didn't say she didn't deserve it. My point is why be a part of something you have no respect for. I know one has to work, etc but the day I lose respect for my employer, I am looking for another job. I can't work for people I don't respect. That makes one bitter and resentful. Fuck that, I am 36 years old, my life is about half done if I am lucky, not going to live like that. You say she is successful here? Well according to her "own" words, she rarely logs on here and just to check an occasional email. Maybe you know the lady in question? Maybe she is downplaying how much business she is actually getting from ECCIE?

ECCIE or any other escort site is an employer of sorts. This site doesn't charge their providers anything (that I am aware of) for membership, you don't need an education, you don't even need a social number, or ID for that matter. Still some complain and complain about this place. Walk a mile or two in some other lady's shoes that chooses not to resort to escorting for a living and is looking for work or not making enough money and has a degree or MBA. I bet this place looks a little better now.

Many guys here feel the same as her, but they still hobby because they have respect for those specific girls, doesnt have to be entire site just to get some playtime from one. Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
Well they should leave too IMO. ECRAPS was not very welcoming to myself and another hobbyist. I basically told their admin to fuck himself and I was never going to post on their damn site again. Still haven't. ECCIE does have it's quirks. There are a couple of heavy handed mods (non-Austin) who I think need a clue. ECCIE is not the only game in town but for now, it sure is the BEST.

Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
"Well, if she is indeed receiving business from the site, whether you feel she deserves it or not, she's getting it from somebody. So despite her lack of respect to those on here who pick her apart::: case in point, and her just saying Eccie as the general name, and despite the judgement of her hypocrisy, she's still successful here. She's still goin to gain from it what she wants and what is given. My apologies, but even if some of you feel she doesn't DESERVE anything good from here, it's happening. Like it or not. It's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Lol".

Posted by SIXXBACH,
"I didn't say she didn't deserve it. My point is why be a part of something you have no respect for. I know one has to work, etc but the day I lose respect for my employer, I am looking for another job. I can't work for people I don't respect. That makes one bitter and resentful. Fuck that, I am 36 years old, my life is about half done if I am lucky, not going to live like that. You say she is successful here? Well according to her "own" words, she rarely logs on here and just to check an occasional email. Maybe you know the lady in question? Maybe she is downplaying how much business she is actually getting from ECCIE?

ECCIE or any other escort site is an employer of sorts. This site doesn't charge their providers anything (that I am aware of) for membership, you don't need an education, you don't even need a social number, or ID for that matter. Still some complain and complain about this place. Walk a mile or two in some other lady's shoes that chooses not to resort to escorting for a living and is looking for work or not making enough money and has a degree or MBA. I bet this place looks a little better now".

First off, ECCIE is NOT an employer or any sort of employer as you put it. ECCIE does not pay a salary, taxes, require certain work hours, etc. of a provider. The providers are independent contractor (Self Employed) who use ECCIE as well as other avenues as an advertising outlet. If she decides to put up ads only or also post it is her choice and should not be criticized by anyone, it is her Business after all. Either the business model words or it does not, that is what will make the difference. I also do not believe it matters if she likes or dislikes the advertising outlet as long as it works for her, it is strictly a business decision to stay and advertise or not.

Second, I know several providers with higher education and degrees, so to GENERALIZE providers as uneducated is incorrect.

Third, stating that providers resort to providing do to being basically lazy and should walk a mile in someone else's shoes is insulting to the providers in my opinion. You seem to think from what I read in your post that they don't deserve the respect a woman does in a different profession. Is this a correct assessment?

I respectfully disagree with you,

You seem to think from what I read in your post that they don't deserve the respect a woman does in a different profession. Is this a correct assessment?

I respectfully disagree with you,

Hobbie Originally Posted by hobbie
I would love to see that question in a thread all its own.
wzrainer's Avatar
I found the list to be quite honest. Now, I don't have personal history with all of them, but there are def girls on the list that did not reach for a cover when they should have been and I had to initiate it. So, in that sense I find the list accurate.

There are other girls who DID reach for the cover appropriately and they are NOT on the list so in THAT sense I find the list accurate. With that kind of information, I'd be willing to bet that the rest of the list is probably accurate. Damn shame too.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I found the list to be quite honest. Now, I don't have personal history with all of them, but there are def girls on the list that did not reach for a cover when they should have been and I had to initiate it. So, in that sense I find the list accurate.

There are other girls who DID reach for the cover appropriately and they are NOT on the list so in THAT sense I find the list accurate. With that kind of information, I'd be willing to bet that the rest of the list is probably accurate. Damn shame too. Originally Posted by wzrainer
sixxbach's Avatar

First off, ECCIE is NOT an employer or any sort of employer as you put it. ECCIE does not pay a salary, taxes, require certain work hours, etc. of a provider. The providers are independent contractor (Self Employed) who use ECCIE as well as other avenues as an advertising outlet.

Ok, I can agree with that. I am person enough to admit when I am wrong.

If she decides to put up ads only or also post it is her choice and should not be criticized by anyone, it is her Business after all.

Yes it is her business but this is a hobby board. You are a consumer just like I am and have a write to express my opinion or criticize. Have you ever criticized a business? I guess since their biz is pussy it is free from the normal critiques we might place on another type of business.

I also do not believe it matters if she likes or dislikes the advertising outlet

Yes but to openly criticize the advertising outlet? I have a small side biz that I advertise in. I would never go to their publication and critique them YET still take out an ad. The difference with me though is that I have to pay for my advertising unlike providers who can advertise for FREE here and on other hobby sides. If I didn't care for my advertising outlet, I would either not advertise there or not openly criticize them on their OWN board, forum, publication, etc.

Second, I know several providers with higher education and degrees, so to GENERALIZE providers as uneducated is incorrect.

I am sure there are. I have also been told by providers that some of their fellow providers are full of shit in regards to their educational claims. Anyone can claim they have a degree. Some of the most intelligent and succcessful people I know didn't finish college.

Third, stating that providers resort to providing do to being basically lazy and should walk a mile in someone else's shoes is insulting to the providers in my opinion. You seem to think from what I read in your post that they don't deserve the respect a woman does in a different profession. Is this a correct assessment?

My intent was that you shouldn't have such a distaste for a site like ECCIE when you can make some really good money here. When providers actually provide they make much more per hour than the average person, things could be alot worse than simply not liking the enviroment of the board.

I respectfully disagree with you,

Hobbie Originally Posted by hobbie
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Regardless if I do or don't(I don't btw) all I ask is spell my name right geez
Where is the said thread located that created this very unnecessary storm?
  • Vyt
  • 12-16-2011, 11:07 PM
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Through the years BBFS has become more common in the hobby.

Vyt, do you know where I can find the list of Hobbyists that "Advise" (sometimes in an aggressive manner) New Providers to offer BBFS?

I have not seen the list of Ladies that offer bbfs but I am willing to bet the majority of the list can be traced back to a very few Veteran Review Writing Hobbyists.
The rest of the list is probably older providers in need for business.

Another interesting observation... Most ladies that offer bbfs when they start in this biz will STOP after the first year.
  • Vyt
  • 12-18-2011, 09:36 AM
Vyt, do you know where I can find the list of Hobbyists that "Advise" (sometimes in an aggressive manner) New Providers to offer BBFS? Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
You won't find such a list here, for many reasons.
Whispers's Avatar
Through the years BBFS has become more common in the hobby.

Vyt, do you know where I can find the list of Hobbyists that "Advise" (sometimes in an aggressive manner) New Providers to offer BBFS? Originally Posted by Ms Francisca

Guys ask... Girls provide..... Guys offer extra money...... Girls provide more...... The current crop of 18-23 year old ladies are much less cautious then those a few years ago.....

I highly doubt "aggression" is required....

I have not seen the list of Ladies that offer bbfs but I am willing to bet the majority of the list can be traced back to a very few Veteran Review Writing Hobbyists. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Really? So let me get this straight... YOU have been around the community quite a while as I recall....... YOU have mentored a few young ladies over the years if my memory serves me well..... YOU are convinced that MOST BBFS Providers are coerced in an aggressive manner by Veteran Review Writing Hobbyists?.....

Yet.... YOU don't already know who these guys are?
The rest of the list is probably older providers in need for business. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
So you are suggesting that the older providers do tend to have to do a little more at times to stay busy huh?

Another interesting observation... Most ladies that offer bbfs when they start in this biz will STOP after the first year. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Until they get "older" right?

I kind of doubt that......

Most providers are creatures of habit in my experience... Once they start doing something it is usually there and available till they disappear from the scene.....