If you found out your ATF had a pimp, would you still see her?

Lmao...Yes you are naive to think providers dont have a SO, BF Or Husband and the only people they are doing are their clients! Does it matter to me? Not at the least if i enjoy the lady and the experience she provides i could care less what she does on her free time or who she travels with.
Now that being said if there is a real PIMP involved in the picture and hes beating her and controlling her i would not like that scenario and probably wouldnt tolerate her being beat on because i do respect all of the women i meet in this hobby and i would want her to try to become an independent but its her choice of how she wants to live and if thats what she wants more power to her but i wouldnt want to be a part of it.
I never have tolerated any type of violence against women be it a friend or stranger and could not turn a blind eye to it if its not her choice but some women like to be bullied around ( never understood that ) but there are some out there.
Ive seen women go back to these assholes time after time and it would make you wonder why they tolerated it and ive seen women live with their husbands that control them and beat on them relentlessly and yet the women put up with it and this has gotten me into more than one round of fistacuffs with men i truly hate.
Cant tolerate someone bigger and stronger beating up on a lady.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-30-2012, 09:52 AM
Forget about pimps!!*I agree with anyone & everyone who can't stand the thought of a guy making a living off of a woman's sex work.... that's just skanky, in my opinion!

But.... I cannot understand the mental block that many, many apparently have with understanding why any chick in the hobby might have a BF/SO/Husband!!*
WTF is the problem? *

I believe I know what the problem is.... naive, short-sightedness!* Quite apparently.... there are many who simply cannot fathom the thought of a close, committed, but sexually open relationship.*The concept is totally foreign to many... but is nothing but a day to day reality with those who are fortunate enough to co-exist in one! *One person's own set of morals should have nothing to do with another's!

Sex work is a "JOB"... a career... a profitable occupation... period!!* With the proper mindset... it can be an enjoyable job!*

As Dallas has already indicated... it is perfectly normal in many successful relationships for the male to be the primary bread winner, and financial supporter... while the female works the hobby to supplement herself with "above-average" niceties which might not otherwise be afforded. There is NOTHING sleazy about that scenario!! *It may not be the "norm" across the hobby... but there is no reason to criticize those healthy open relationships which do exist!

Again... I can't stand the thought of money grubbing, manipulating, intimidating, physically abusing, branding pimps... but a little more "open-mindedness " toward healthy alternative lifestyles sure seems like something we would have more of around here!*Especially, within this hobby we all enjoy!

Anyone who doesn't think healthy alternative relationships are possible, is simply ignorant of reality!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiit a minute. So are some of you saying that Pimp and SO mean the same thing? That is what it sounds like. I don't understand why a guy wouldn't want to see a girl with an SO. Isn't that like saying "I don't want to see provider that really isn't into me?" You're paying for a fantasy anyway - what does it matter but I guess hey whatever floats your boat . Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Here is my take. I assume all providers are either pimped, SO'ed or has a hubby. I dont see a difference between all three scenarios but it does not stop me from seeing a lady. FOr those hobbiest who get all ruffled with providers having someone keep in mind you yourself are most likely in a rlship.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I agree 100% !!!

Forget about pimps!!*I agree with anyone & everyone who can't stand the thought of a guy making a living off of a woman's sex work.... that's just skanky, in my opinion!

But.... I cannot understand the mental block that many, many apparently have with understanding why any chick in the hobby might have a BF/SO/Husband!!*
WTF is the problem? *

I believe I know what the problem is.... naive, short-sightedness!* Quite apparently.... there are many who simply cannot fathom the thought of a close, committed, but sexually open relationship.*The concept is totally foreign to many... but is nothing but a day to day reality with those who are fortunate enough to co-exist in one! *One person's own set of morals should have nothing to do with another's!

Sex work is a "JOB"... a career... a profitable occupation... period!!* With the proper mindset... it can be an enjoyable job!*

As Dallas has already indicated... it is perfectly normal in many successful relationships for the male to be the primary bread winner, and financial supporter... while the female works the hobby to supplement herself with "above-average" niceties which might not otherwise be afforded. There is NOTHING sleazy about that scenario!! *It may not be the "norm" across the hobby... but there is no reason to criticize those healthy open relationships which do exist!

Again... I can't stand the thought of money grubbing, manipulating, intimidating, physically abusing, branding pimps... but a little more "open-mindedness " toward healthy alternative lifestyles sure seems like something we would have more of around here!*Especially, within this hobby we all enjoy!

Anyone who doesn't think healthy alternative relationships are possible, is simply ignorant of reality! Originally Posted by MrGiz
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It is most likely that the guys that have a problem with a gal having an SO/BF or whatever, is because it erases that little fantasy that he's been shittin' himself into believing. That he might just be that one guy that has an inkling of a chance with her.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-30-2012, 01:04 PM
A thought occured to me as I'm reading this thread.... are married females actually pimps... sending their men out to work their dirty jobs and bring home the bread?
I would never see her again, or anybody for that matter that has a pimp or BF/SO/husband. It is a huge risk being known by a pimp and when they get desperate, you will become a target as well. As far as a SO is concerned, you can never tell when he is going to go postal on you in a jealous rage. Both have to have some extreme mental issues to begin with, and not something I want to be involved with.
When concerning significant others are you implying any significant other, or just males? Some of us do have girlfriends [or date women] as well. Would gender make a difference?
  • MrGiz
  • 01-30-2012, 01:53 PM
I would never see her again, or anybody for that matter that has a pimp or BF/SO/husband. It is a huge risk being known by a pimp and when they get desperate, you will become a target as well. As far as a SO is concerned, you can never tell when he is going to go postal on you in a jealous rage. Both have to have some extreme mental issues to begin with, and not something I want to be involved with. Originally Posted by nwarounder

I don't know whether to . . . or to . . . .

When concerning significant others are you implying any significant other, or just males? Some of us do have girlfriends [or date women] as well. Would gender make a difference? Originally Posted by Liliana
Naaaaaahhhhh.... a girlfriend would never go postal on you in a jealous rage!!
When concerning significant others are you implying any significant other, or just males? Some of us do have girlfriends [or date women] as well. Would gender make a difference? Originally Posted by Liliana

That is something I was curious about also, what guys think about lesbian sex workers and also a lesbian/bi sex workers perspective on things. Like how do guys react when you reveal you really aren't attracted to men? Do they get insulted or do they do that whole " i bet I can change your mind" thing.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-30-2012, 02:12 PM
That is something I was curious about also, what guys think about lesbian sex workers and also a lesbian/bi sex workers perspective on things. Like how do guys react when you reveal you really aren't attracted to men? Do they get insulted or do they do that whole " i bet I can change your mind" thing. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
I don't believe a purely lesbian sex worker would do me much good.... but bring on the lesbian/bi sex worker!!
.... especially if I can bring my girlfriend along!!
When concerning significant others are you implying any significant other, or just males? Some of us do have girlfriends [or date women] as well. Would gender make a difference? Originally Posted by Liliana
As long as she does doubles and comes along
That is something I was curious about also, what guys think about lesbian sex workers and also a lesbian/bi sex workers perspective on things. Like how do guys react when you reveal you really aren't attracted to men? Do they get insulted or do they do that whole " i bet I can change your mind" thing. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
As long as your acting is up to par with all the other ladies here, it doesn't bother me in the least!
When concerning significant others are you implying any significant other, or just males? Some of us do have girlfriends [or date women] as well. Would gender make a difference? Originally Posted by Liliana
I never thought about that but for me it is all the same. I figure everybody has somebody
As long as she does doubles and comes along

As long as your acting is up to par with all the other ladies here, it doesn't bother me in the least! Originally Posted by nwarounder
I totally agree as long as it does not effect her work demeanor then it shouldn't really matter whether someone is romantically involved or not, still iffy on the pimp all I can foretell is a confrontation happening sooner or later. But that's just me being paranoid and not having much experience with pimps or girls with pimps.
I totally agree as long as it does not effect her work demeanor then it shouldn't really matter whether someone is romantically involved or not, still iffy on the pimp all I can foretell is a confrontation happening sooner or later. But that's just me being paranoid and not having much experience with pimps or girls with pimps. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
I think SO's are generally okay with it as long as they can dump a load in it before they come to see me <gagging>. With a GF, not so much a problem for me.
I once did a week travel with a lady that I did not know she had a SO, after about day 3 it became very apparent and a major problem to say the least. Never again if I can help it. Pimps, yea, trouble sooner than later.