Do mommy marks bother u as a hobbyist??

wellendowed1911's Avatar

Slow down there...

I 100% disagree with your statement.

There is a huge difference between respecting a woman's body and it's imperfections and paying for an encounter with a pristine gem with few or no flaws on her body.

I have done sessions where I am 100% looking for pure eye candy and the fact is if she has flaws (especially ones that are intentionally hidden or conveniently left out by fellow reviewers) it can be a huge disappointment.

I also have a wide spectrum of ladies I will see, and have found that seeing ladies of all shapes can be extremely satisfying if more than their BMI is taken into account. Originally Posted by Boltfan
I agree with Boltfan- I have had session with ladies who had them- but I think it's a disservice when the pictures are obviously photo shopped and/or reviewers fail to mention the marks- because as Boltfan pointed out there are guys who want sessions with ladies who have flawless bodies. If one of you saw an ad in the paper of a car that looked to be in immaculate condition and you arrive and the car has dents, scratches, key marks etc that were not mentioned in the ad you would be a little disappointed right? However, at the end of the day I can overlook the childbirth marks if the service is great.
ManSlut's Avatar
Turn-off is when the Lil' Rug Rat comes to the side of the bed and says, "Mommy can I have a bowl of sear-we-ull" or "can I watch TV" or my favorite "watcha doin".

Scars, stretch marks, little pooches, no problem...Stinky pussy and loose excess skin - I'm out !!
You are not a jerk just because you have a preference. Some girls need to take it easy and know every guy has their own tastes, and you shouldn't be afraid to voices your opinion with fear of being berated by mothers. That would be like me taking offense to guys who like only white chicks, it's just a preference - no big deal. I think some guys have kept mum about this subject because they don't want backlash. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Just to clarify, Skylar, I've seen ladies with mommy marks, and was just fine with it. My point was that I like to know what I'm getting into. If I'm aware of mommy marks and was in the mood to hang with a milf...great. if I'm expecting flawless and get an ogress...not so great.

It's not the mommy marks so much as the false advertising that gets my goat. Most guys book what they're in the mood for, whatever body shape, style, age, color, or weights they prefer. Ladies trying to expand their market by trying to fit into a niche where they don't belong is just not a good idea. It leads to unhappy clients and bad reviews.

I've been lucky and only had a few surprises-but only one was in a good way. It's just sad we have to resort to research research research to get a real idea of who we might be seeing in some cases where ladies have 15+ pics up.

I'll jump off my soapbox now with this last statement or two. If a set of pics is 5 years old, blurry enough to be ET at 300 yards, opens up smaller than the thumbnail on the profile, was 15 pounds ago (up or down-some guys like larger, some smaller), has every shot curled up in an attempt to not show anything but face or chest at close range, or just plain attempts to hide something (be honest, people, you know if you're doing it) then its time for some new photos.

Women of every size, race, or color can be beautiful. Own it! Confidence is its own beauty.
Papacorn's Avatar
Not a bit. Am not so perfect myself !
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Not a bit. Am not so perfect myself ! Originally Posted by Papacorn
The big difference is you are a customer- that's like saying if I go to a restaurant and pay good money for the food- but yet the food is not good I shouldn't complain because :"I am not a chef nor am I great cook.."
I have seen ladies with stretch marks who have given good to great service, but again if stretch marks are purposely hidden in photos or photo shopped and I arrive expecting a body to look one way based on photos and in reality the body looks another way- it's a let down IMHO.
Boltfan's Avatar
The big difference is you are a customer- that's like saying if I go to a restaurant and pay good money for the food- but yet the food is not good I shouldn't complain because :"I am not a chef nor am I great cook.."
I have seen ladies with stretch marks who have given good to great service, but again if stretch marks are purposely hidden in photos or photo shopped and I arrive expecting a body to look one way based on photos and in reality the body looks another way- it's a let down IMHO. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Agreed (Holy shit, twice in one day we agree)

This is more about advertising, and what the CUSTOMER might be in the mood for. Hell, look at my reviews. Some would consider me a chubby chaser. I like em of all sizes, and some of my favorite experience have been with what maybe "rule of 100" guys would say are BBW ladies.


I do get the craving for pure eye candy. And when I do, it isn't about disrespecting a woman because of her flaws. If she sells her "commodity" as flawless, young and tight, perfect, etc. (and you ladies use those words, often) then I damn well expect it to be exactly that.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I agree with everything that has been said about deceptive photos and adds. And your expectation -- and tolerance -- for imperfections is also correlated to price. If you're paying $500/hr. you want a Ferrari body. But if you're paying Chevrolet prices, you can't be too surprised to get a product that is comparable to the price.
Boltfan's Avatar
I agree with everything that has been said about deceptive photos and adds. And your expectation -- and tolerance -- for imperfections is also correlated to price. If you're paying $500/hr. you want a Ferrari body. But if you're paying Chevrolet prices, you can't be too surprised to get a product that is comparable to the price. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Very true, the unicorn that is the flawless young body for $175 an hour.
Goddamn Right
In my profile and biography I state that I have a mommy tummy and some excess
skin due to rapid weightloss and childbirth. I have fared very well in reviews I believe because of my honesty. I would hope that my potential clients will do their research so that they don't feel slighted in any way. It has always been my service, skill, and attitude that have attracted new clients and many repeat ones. I have no illusions that my body is the money-maker. Like any smart business woman, I will play up my assets but have been more than honest in my NOT-SO-FINE-PRINT of a biography. I honestly want clients who have read my entire bio and read the ROS in reviews. I make a point to ask over the phone whether they have had a chance to read up on me because it would be upsetting to read later that a client felt slighted in any way about my physical attributes. I have been approached by many men who have a history of seeing flawless spinners, and those are the ones I am most careful with in being sure they have read up and still want to see me. Only one of my reviewers seemed overly-surprised at my tummy, but in all honesty, there was a lot of information left out of the review that would have shed him in horrible light as a client (how convenient). In his defense though, he did give a YES recommendation.

In conclusion...I whole-heartedly disagree with false-advertising and feel it is the quickest way to end a lady's career.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Kids are beautiful, they will bring a smile to anyones face.....When a woman has children that is part of life....It does not make her no less desirable.....She is a Mom and that is someone that is very special.....

Angel Eyes Lacey's Avatar
lol bareback you want to take off$100 but yet youre bb lover?? makes no sense to low pay a woman for human nature..but try and get bb from a random stranger lol lovely!!!
its nice to hear everyones opinions about it though!
Slight ones no.. But when there is a flappy 3rd gut of shriveled skin, yes disgusting.. If you expect to make your living using your body then it should be taken care of.. That's why there is cosmetic surgery..
Top providers take good care of themselves, just as hot porno actresses do..
motocrossman39's Avatar
Nahhhh, It doesn't bother me at all........
Nahhhh, It doesn't bother me at all........ Originally Posted by motocrossman39
+1 to that MCM! (When I become perfect, then I'll look down my nose at someone else's "alleged" flaws!)