Texas version of Zimmerman?

Tell me I B the lame.why do you keep bringing Phelps up? Is it because you are his butt boy? Or just the contempt you have for the military personnel who have given their lives for their country? You really are a sad sack of shit.I see you put a and in my post.Is that because you can't read and comprehend? Originally Posted by ekim008
facepalm...me no comprende, over and over and over and over...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Tell me I B the lame.why do you keep bringing Phelps up? Is it because you are his butt boy? Or just the contempt you have for the military personnel who have given their lives for their country? You really are a sad sack of shit.I see you put a and in my post.Is that because you can't read and comprehend? Originally Posted by ekim008
Because Phelps is your neighbor and bosom buddy. Ekim the Inbred, once again you've demonstrated that you are not even smart enough to figure out that the contempt here-to-fore exhibited is not for service men, it's for you and Phelps. You'd better hire those proofreaders soon, Ekim the Inbred. Your publisher for your memoir about your time as a cross-dresser with the Westboro crowd is growing concerned.
Because Phelps is your neighbor and bosom buddy. Ekim the Inbred, once again you've demonstrated that you are not even smart enough to figure out that the contempt here-to-fore exhibited is not for service men, it's for you and Phelps. You'd better hire those proofreaders soon, Ekim the Inbred. Your publisher for your memoir about your time as a cross-dresser with the Westboro crowd is growing concerned.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Well,I can put you in the same category as the people who greeted our troops coming home from Vietnam.Just another chicken shit basement dweller.sitting around pinching his zits.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well,I can put you in the same category as the people who greeted our troops coming home from Vietnam.Just another chicken shit basement dweller.sitting around pinching his zits. Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim the Inbred, you are just as ignorant as Phelps and the Westboro crew; that is why you get along with them so well. BTW, the publisher sent over the book jacket you selected for your memoir, Ekim the Inbred.

Ekim the Inbred, you are just as ignorant as Phelps and the Westboro crew; that is why you get along with them so well. BTW, the publisher sent over the book jacket you selected for your memoir, Ekim the Inbred.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
that is a good likeness of you I B
Seeing you constantly mess with my posts trying to convince yourself you are a proof reader.
The constant Phelps remarks and other anti American things.
I have downgraded your status from Idiot to moron,
Best stay in the basement eating Twinkies and popping your zits.
I B Hankering's Avatar
that is a good likeness of you I B.
Seeing you constantly mess with my posts; trying to convince yourself you are a proof reader.
The constant Phelps' remarks and other anti-American things.
I have downgraded your status from Idiot to moron,
Best stay in the basement eating Twinkies and popping your zits. Originally Posted by ekim008
Maybe you should have given the publishers one of your pictures where you were wearing a frilly-dress, Ekim the Inbred. Yet, the one you gave them really captures your face.

Maybe you should have given the publishers one of your pictures where you were wearing a frilly-dress, Ekim the Inbred. Yet, the one you gave them really captures your face.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Jerry Sandusky was your mentor.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Jerry Sandusky was your mentor. Originally Posted by ekim008
Your publisher offered this book cover as an alternative, Ekim the Inbred.
Your publisher offered this book cover as an alternative, Ekim the Inbred. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Seeing this thread was partially about Zimmerman I can see why you keep talking about Phelps.You are the queen of deflection.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Seeing this thread was partially about Zimmerman, I can see why you keep talking about Phelps.You are the queen of deflection. Originally Posted by ekim008
Whereas, you are just a queen, Ekim the Inbred.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-01-2012, 05:38 PM
[QUOTE=Bob Geldof;2868084]About Blythe- videos of the show in question dont necessarily show him doing the act. Even if he did, going to a metal show is akin to a game of football. Chances are, youll be fine; but you could get paralyzed or killed, though chances of that are slim, they are still possible. That is why I said I agreed with you on that one.

About Zimmerman- Should he have allowed Martin to beat his head into the ground? Amazing how some of the "Zimmerman is a hero" folks keep pointing to this when it is a very small part of the story. The rest of the story deals with what led up to that. It's Zimmerman saying "I shot him because I was afraid for my life after I was following him". Too bad the same people refuse to accept any idea that a black teen might have feared for his life because he was beeing stalked by a guy with a gun. That is what makes this kind of law so dangerous: it takes a very big step down the road of a man's own state of mind being legal justification to kill someone.

About Rodriguez- I dont suppose you heard the taunting cackle before the attacker rushed at him. I suppose Rodriguez should have allowed his own death to happen.Where was Rodriguez? What was he doing there? All I saw indicates he went looking for an excuse to cause trouble. A macho vigilante right out of Death Wish. Society is a much more dangerous place when people start thinking they can kill people who play their music too loud and will get a hero's welcome for doing it. [/QUOTE]
Bukkake in Outer Space's Avatar
Should he have allowed Martin to beat his head into the ground? Amazing how some of the "Zimmerman is a hero" folks keep pointing to this when it is a very small part of the story. The rest of the story deals with what led up to that. It's Zimmerman saying
Actually that IS the story. Im sure you would rather focus on race, Skittles, Arizona Tea, and hoodies.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-26-2012, 10:51 PM
Actually that IS the story. Im sure you would rather focus on race, Skittles, Arizona Tea, and hoodies. Originally Posted by Bukkake in Outer Space
Ah yes! You post, you make a stupid comment. Just as predictable as the sun rising.

Since I am not sure whether you didn't read, can't read, or chose to ignore after reading I'll repost it in simple terms: it is what happened prior to the shooting that determines whether the shooting was justified or not. THAT is the rest of the story.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Zimmermann should be given a medal for what he did, and the prosecutors who are persecuting him should be removed from office.