"Stand Your Ground" - aka "Shoot More Black Kids"

joe bloe's Avatar
If a grand jury indicts him, Zimmerman should be given a fair trial. If he's found guilty, he should be punished severely.

Jesse Jackson is saying that "blacks are under attack" and that Trayvon Martin's killing shows that racism is alive and well in America. He's using the Trayvon Martin killing to fan the flames of racial tension. The Black Panthers have put out a wanted dead or alive poster for Zimmerman.

The truth is that white Americans are at a far greater risk of being the victim of a violent crime from a black person than the reverse, and everyone knows it. Several years ago, Jesse Jackson said that if he was walking down a dark street late at night and he heard foot steps approaching, he would be relieved if he turned around and saw that it was white man and not a black man. He later tried to walk back his comments, but the crime statistics support his statement.

There has been an ongoing type of black on white crime that is dramatically disproportionate and is almost never talked about. Black on white rape and sexual assault (according to federal Justice Department numbers) as of 2005 is approximately 37,000 per year. White on black rapes and sexual assaults per the Justice Department in 2005 was FEWER THAN TEN. These numbers make it obvious that black rapists target white women for rape.

If these numbers were reversed it would be a crisis; blacks would be outraged, and they would have every right to be. White people are expected to remain silent, and we do for the most part, for fear of being called racist.

From FrontpageMag.Com

In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.
What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.

Meanwhile, in the real America, week after week, the newspapers report the rapes of white women by black men—though, of course, without ever once using the words, "a white woman was raped by black man." Just last week in the New York Post there was a story about a serial black rapist who invaded women's apartments on Manhattan's Upper West Side; you knew the rapist was black from a police drawing accompanying the story, and you knew the victims were most likely white from the neighborhoods where the attacks occurred. But even when news media's reports of black on white rape make the race of the perpetrator evident (which the media only does in a minority of instances), no explicit reference is ever made to the racial aspect of the case. Each story of black on white rape is reported in isolation, not presented as part of a larger pattern. There is never the slightest mention of the fact that white women in this country are being targeted by black rapists. In the inverted world of liberalism, the phenomenon does not exist.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
All the more reason to shoot first and ask questions later. But, until statistics show "all" instead of "more" your boat's a little leaky.

We've had open season on minorities before, for quite a number of years as a matter of fact, and crime was not stamped out.
This shooting has nothing to do with the "Stand Your Ground" law that is on the books in Florida. It's just an attempt by the anti-gun lobby to vilify guns and further their agenda. However, I do agree that the shooter should suffer the full consequences of the judicial system.

Just don't try to falsely equivocate that law with this case because that law wasn't meant for cases like this. But you can't really explain logical arguments to those who's emotions are clouding their brains. They'll use any excuse to "hate on guns", and I find it despicable that they are using this tragedy as ammunition to further their agenda.
Iaintliein's Avatar
All the more reason to shoot first and ask questions later. But, until statistics show "all" instead of "more" your boat's a little leaky.

We've had open season on minorities before, for quite a number of years as a matter of fact, and crime was not stamped out. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

Well, since YOU insist on making this about race. How about open season BY minorities:


If you look at the statistics here, or even worse, adjust them per capita the chances of a "white" person being murdered by a "black person" dwarf the reverse situation.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
According to RandyCandy if a woman were facing rape then she should submit and avoid the cost of going to trial, doctor's bills if he forces her, and the embarassment of public exposure. Allowing the crime to occur is better than the cost of resisting according to RandyCandy. Your thinking is about 50 years out of date Randy. Why do you hate women?
R4C your argument is WEAK. Talk about a leaky boat.....
cptjohnstone's Avatar
According to RandyCandy if a woman were facing rape then she should submit and avoid the cost of going to trial, doctor's bills if he forces her, and the embarassment of public exposure. Allowing the crime to occur is better than the cost of resisting according to RandyCandy. Your thinking is about 50 years out of date Randy. Why do you hate women? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who was the guy running for TX governor a few years ago that used that logic?
btw Randy'scandyforlittlegirls, he was GOP, also note my new avatar

something Williams?

also, when I lived in Dallas, I always said that Dallas did not have racial issues ie the Mexicans hated the blacks and the blacks hated the Mexicans, this might be something related to the Martin situation.
Doove's Avatar
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  • 03-24-2012, 10:00 PM
Louie, read the law and remember it is in 20 other states. Don't post in ignorance. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Kind of like the law requiring religious institutions to provide the pill as part of insurance plans?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess you missed my point entirely Doove...who'd thunk it.
We've had open season on minorities before, for quite a number of years as a matter of fact, and crime was not stamped out. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

you finally got something that right..planned parenthood's been killing them for a very long time
pyramider's Avatar
Planned parenthood also supplies a hell of a lot of medical care for women, minorities and whites alike.

Clayton Williams was the name cptjohnstone was looking for.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL, you guys are trying too hard. I smell panic manifested in your tossing anything onto the wall in hopes something sticks.

Your abilities of uncomprehension are astounding, though typical. Let me take it SLOW for all of you short bus riders:

1. Rape and a set of rims, not to mention Zimmerman aggressively chasing down a guy who was packing some Skittles, are NOWHERE close to the same thing. Your stretch is remarkable and one your ilk attempt to pass off as logic. JDB - it's to the timeout chair in remedial reading for you.

2. cpLj, as a follower, I hope you have a parachute handy when you chase JDB off the cliff of disconnected dots.

3. Ianitlien, I'm not making it about race, joe bloe and his statistical post is. I happen to agree with it, not that it matters because facts are facts, just not his conclusion as to what to do with this information. But, I have no problem with it being about race since the shooter thought it was. We all know what "you people" means. And, it has yet to be determined whether or not "coon" or "punk" was the operative word.

4. nevergiveitathought, appropriate name if there ever was one. Slick, pithy reply which means nothing when compared to the current culture war on birth control. I've always found it helpful to operate in the present. Returning to back alley abortions and poor forms of birth control is certainly an option just oozing attraction.

You fellers ought to get out more.

Naturally, I'm still waiting to find out why all you defenders of personal liberty think it's OK for someone who was doing noting to be hunted down and killed while defending himself.

The background noise you TPer are putting out is deafening, but sorely short of substance relating to my question.
joe bloe's Avatar
you finally got something that right..planned parenthood's been killing them for a very long time Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The writers of Freakonomics (a best seller on economics) maintain that the increased availability of abortions after Roe v Wade resulted in a dramatic reduction in crime in the nineties. They reasoned that a high percentage of the aborted babies after Roe v Wade were in groups that produce a disproportionate percentage of criminals and therefore the increased rate of abortion in those groups reduced the crime rate in the 1990's. Cities all over the country had dramatic reductions in crime beginning approximately twenty years after Roe v Wade was passed. The rate of abortion for African-Americans is approximately 60% in New York City; most African-American babies are killed in the womb nationwide.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a believer in eugenics. The main reason for her crusade for birth control and availability of abortions was to reduce the birth rate of groups she considered to be undesirable, that is to say non-whites.


WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-25-2012, 07:43 AM
The writers of Freakonomics (a best seller on economics) maintain that the increased availability of abortions after Roe v Wade resulted in a dramatic reduction in crime in the nineties. They reasoned that a high percentage of the aborted babies were in groups that produce a disproportionate percentage of criminals and therefore the increased rate of abortion in those groups reduced the crime rate in the 1990's. Cities all over the country had dramatic reductions in crime beginning approximately twenty years after Roe v Wade was passed. The rate of abortion for African-Americans is approximately 60% in New York City; most African-American babies are killed in the womb nationwide.

http://www.freakonomics.com/2005/05/...d-you-believe/ Originally Posted by joe bloe
Very good point. I love that book.

The problem you have is half the country thinks an first term abortion is murder, hell they think the morning after pill is abortion, many do do want to pay for low income women to obtain birth control.

To me it is a no brainer. Probably because I do not believe that abortion is murder and I have no problem spending a dime today to save thousands in twenty years.
Naturally, I'm still waiting to find out why all you defenders of personal liberty think it's OK for someone who was doing noting to be hunted down and killed while defending himself.

The background noise you TPer are putting out is deafening, but sorely short of substance relating to my question. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
you set up a false premise and a strawman and then ascribe false positions to a broad group of people

no one thinks its ok for be hunted down and killed when defending yourself..well maybe some people do..obama wanted to make it legal in illinois to kill a baby who survived an abortion

so what other easy question do you have?