Trump, inject yourself with Agent Orange....

JRLawrence's Avatar
....wait, looks like you have! Really, it’s great, Trumptards for the once proud USA to be the laughing stock of the World and sadder yet, not a single Republican Politician has the courage of conviction to say this: “Trump is not only a pathetic buffoon, he is a danger to the entire population of our country, 330 million, minus the 50,000 already dead due to his pathetic and rank stupidity and incompetence!” Originally Posted by Solemate62
Solemate is a clown, a clown that isn't funny as in not funny Ha Ha. The pathetic prevarication of the truth is beyond logic.

There is also a funny, as in funny crazy: make an appointment with a psychologist.
There is also a funny, as in funny queer; read queer as acting strangely. Avoid contact.
Lapdog's Avatar
So justify your opinion. You won’t, because you can’t. Logic and reason is lost on you, all you’ve got is disdain for the President which has nothing whatsoever to do with the legitimacy of Aytu, who has been around long before he took office. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Sure, I'll justify. Because my opinion is the best opinion, the best opinion ever. People tell me I have the best opinions that they've ever heard. Nothing but the best, better than Obama's, better that Hillary's. The best. How's that, jizzy?
Chump did say that perhaps doctors be involved (as in educated,intelligent,qualified people who are sane)to check out these ideas.
Has anyone seen the mad rush to explore Bleach and Lysol in the body ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Cristina Cuomo is all over using bleach in her bath water. Seems she was there before Trump.

How about Light ? Has anyone seen Harvard Medical School beginning a Light study ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
There are lots of credible studies right now in the use various levels of light therapy for conditions. Do you have a problem exploring medical techniques?

How about Hydroxychloroquine ? Any Chumpsters taking it ? I hope not. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Lots of various trials going on with it too and some positive. Another recent study pointed to Lupus like blood clots being prevalent with Wuhan Virus and blood thinners being recommended. Know what Hydroxychloroquine is often used for. Treatment of Lupus conditions. Hmm...

This is all over by now. Remember what Chump said. Miraculously gone in April. He had a "Hunch". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
And hey, according to the WHO this isn't transmittable human to human. According to Cuomo, Deblasio, Nancy Pelosi, etc. it's fine to be out in February and early March. No worries here. Were they "hunch's" too.

Hindsight is 20/20 and based on all "credible" knowledge at those times, everyone was wrong.

But keep on piling it all on Trump.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
All I know is that in business, I never trust self serving people because I know I will eventually get fucked. Trump is that guy. You don't turn your back on people like that because they don't give a fuck about you. They only care about themselves.
Lapdog's Avatar
All I know is that in business, I never trust self serving people because I know I will eventually get fucked. Trump is that guy. You don't turn your back on people like that. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Man, you got that right, Lucas. As a businessman, I formed my opinions about Trump way back when he had only two bankruptcies. I've never seen any reason to change those original opinions and the passage of time has only reinforced to me how correct they were in the first place. I fundamentally know that I would never loan this man any of my money, and anybody who gets on THAT shitlist has absolutely NO CREDIBILITY with me.
Man, you got that right, Lucas. As a businessman, I formed my opinions about Trump way back when he had only two bankruptcies. I've never seen any reason to change those original opinions and the passage of time has only reinforced to me how correct they were in the first place. I fundamentally know that I would never loan this man any of my money, and anybody who gets on THAT shitlist has absolutely NO CREDIBILITY with me. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Well, your CREDIBILITY as a businessman pretty much went out the window when you claimed you had never, absolutely never, done business with anyone, repeat anyone, who had ever, repeat ever filed for and been through bankruptcy.
Lapdog's Avatar
Well, your CREDIBILITY as a businessman pretty much went out the window when you claimed you had never, absolutely never, done business with anyone, repeat anyone, who had ever, repeat ever filed for and been through bankruptcy. Originally Posted by eccielover
That's true, goober. I challenge you to prove otherwise. You can't because it's true. Go pull your own pud, goober.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's pretty easy to file for bankruptcy, I just cooked the books for a friend of mine who is going through a divorce. It took me 30 minutes. It takes no time for a guy who has my financial and accounting knowledge to make your liabilities more than your assets and I just put him in the red. He was in the black, but fuck it, he's my friend and I got creative.

Anyway, Trump should not have ever filed for bankruptcy. No wonder he will not disclose his taxes. The wealth that he claims he has is absolute bullshit.
That's true, goober. I challenge you to prove otherwise. You can't because it's true. Go pull your own pud, goober. Originally Posted by Lapdog
It's pretty easy to file for bankruptcy, I just cooked the books for a friend of mine who is going through a divorce. It took me 30 minutes. It takes no time for a guy who has my financial and accounting knowledge to make your liabilities more than your assets and I can put you in the red. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Thanks Lucas, that certainly lends to the credibility that Lapdog might not even be a businessman if he claims to have never, again never, done business with someone who had filed and claimed bankruptcy.

I challenge him to prove first he's a businessman and second to support his business dealing claims.
Oilrig's Avatar
Pathetic that states with the most billionaires asking the poorest states to bail them out Libtards asking billionaires to pay their fair share doesn't apply to their own donors

Lapdog's Avatar
Thanks Lucas, that certainly lends to the credibility that Lapdog might not even be a businessman if he claims to have never, again never, done business with someone who had filed and claimed bankruptcy.

I challenge him to prove first he's a businessman and second to support his business dealing claims. Originally Posted by eccielover
Ignore my challenge and issue one of your own? Is that how the losers in Pissburg do it? Is bankruptcy a common business tool up there? No wonder the whole state is a shithole. Put up or shut up, goober.
Ignore my challenge and issue one of your own? Is that how the losers in Pissburg do it? Is bankruptcy a common business tool up there? No wonder the whole state is a shithole. Put up or shut up, goober. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Nope, not necessarily a common thing at all.

But you are the one to have claimed previously to have never, repeat never, have done any, repeat any business with someone who has declared bankruptcy.

I challenged you then to prove it, you didn't. I challenge you again. You want Trump's taxes, I want you to put your entire business dealings(if you are indeed a businessman, still questionable) out there. Otherwise, you are just another troll pretending he is something he isn't and unable to prove it.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Ignore my challenge and issue one of your own? Is that how the losers in Pissburg do it? Is bankruptcy a common business tool up there? No wonder the whole state is a shithole. Put up or shut up, goober. Originally Posted by Lapdog
I have no dog in this fight. That's between you guys. I was just saying how easy it was to claim being bankrupt from a professional. The rest of the fun is up to you guys.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
regarding bankruptcies.... business bankruptcy is not the same thing as personal bankruptcy. please don't conflate between the two.

trump has never filed personal bankruptcy.

he has however filed 4 business bankruptcies out of hundreds of businesses he owns.

he is however good at using other peoples money to fund these businesses. He has never used any of his money in these transactions.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Dilbert, we're good but at least be honest. It's the same thing as if it is your business. The only difference is that it is not financial personal liability. You can just charge it to an S-Corp or C-Corp and he can deny culpability.

I have an LLC that I have as a side business. I'm not public like Trump is not. Sue me if you want to because you are completely wasting your fucking time if you want to get to me personally because I'll just simply put it on the business. It won't cost me a dime personally. I pay for insurance for a reason. But I sure the fuck would feel like I'm paying for it personally after my deductible increases. lol