Providers that try to scam the customer out of the 1 hour session.

Maybe my world is just a little too simple, but if a girl rushes me, wastes time or doesn't provide the service I asked for, I give her a "NO" review and find one who doesn't rush, doesn't waste time and provides the services I require. It is kind of the reason we are here.
Most of my experiences here have been positive because I read reviews and do my homework. When I do branch out back into the "unknown" I go with my eyes open, knowing that I might not get great service. I then slap the back of my head, wonder what I was thinking and return to the loving arms of a verified provider. Originally Posted by mmcqtx
Right - if the session is good enough to recommend to others, make it a YES. If not, a NO with an explanation is the best way to handle it. If for some odd reason you want to see the provider again, but you wouldn't recommend her to others (why, I don't know), then PM her with your questions, issues, comments, whatever and see how she responds. Yes, some people don't click with others (especially in the bedroom, LOL) and some people aren't good at their jobs (duh) and some folks are crummy customers. If it didn't click, just move on... It isn't complicated at all.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
WhiteHippy and David posting like they've been victims in this hobby is funnier than anything I've seen on this board in a while. Two guys butt hurt because they can't get a hooker to see them if they pay - that's pathetic. Luckily most of the ladies around here know that it's not their pathetic selves they have to be worried about, it's the fact they're dangers to the ladies that work in the hobby.

All I have learned from this thread is that Jules screens and doesn't see people she's not comfortable with. In response these guys throw mud at her like there is something wrong with her because she doesn't want to see them. "See me or else" type mentality. Real men there.

Bitter stalkers - please fill in the blank's if I'm missing something. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
That about sums it up
needingmilking's Avatar
Dudes, coed is definitely a good screening area....
If this has happened more than once or twice to you(generic, not specific), maybe you need to think about your screening/selection process and who you are seeing. In all the many years and many, many providers I have seen, I have had 2 NCNS and maybe 2 sessions I wish I had not done. And the last of those were years ago. If you insist on seeing women with documented bad TCB skills, high BSC factor, very YMMV BCD reports, brand new or very young, then why do you get upset if things don't go well?

Or, it could be your just a doucebag that brings out the worst in providers due to your unreasonable demands, haggling, and have no fucking clue how to behave when your with a woman.

All use of "you" is generic, not person specific. Unless it applies to a specific "you" and "you" know who you are
needingmilking's Avatar
Or, it could be your just a doucebag that brings out the worst in providers due to your unreasonable demands, haggling, and have no fucking clue how to behave when your with a woman. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
What? That cannot be the reason...

Its impossible!

Just look at his sexyplatinum thread, all reasonable demands!
CG2014's Avatar
Never had any unreasonable demands with any providers I've seen. I ask them what their menu is and if there is something I want that's not on their menu or something on their menu I am not into. I move on.

Sometimes I am in the mood for Greek and if there is a provider I am interested in and Greek is not on her showcase or ad menu, I PM her and ask her.

She says no, I just move on. I don't do what some of the idiots here do:

Oh come on! It will be fun! I will give you extra $ for it.

NOPE. I don't even try to do that. I just say thank you, I was just checking.

I don't haggle about the prices. I ask them what's their 1 hour rate and that's what I bring to the session.

Sometimes I bring more. With Elsa Jean it was $230 ROS and I gave her $240 becauee the ATM doesn't break $20 bills when it spits out your cash.

With Krisily and TYE69 I actually paid them more than what I posted in their reviews.

With Tayla Smith when she let me take her nude photos and gave me permission to post them, I even gave her $50 for it.

With Camilla Cruz and Dahlia Dreams they let me take their CLOTHED photos and they didn't ask me for money and I gave each a $20 tip.

Then there are a couple of Providers I've seen that contacted me weeks later and they had financial problems and I helped them with $ and I didn't even get a session.

They did promised a session at a later time but you know how that goes, good luck trying to collect. I did ask a couple of times and they gave me excuses why that day is not a good day and I never asked again.

If I haggled about the prices, explain how I paid some of the $ I paid that are posted in my reviews.

$1,200 for a 4+ hour session with a studio girl?

On top of that I let her keep the $100 in $1 bills we used during our strip club dancer/customer role play.

She was very happy to get that $100 extra.

Another Hobbyist would had tried to bring that down to half or 3/4 of their normal rate for the full 4+ hours.

Their normal fixed rate is $300 per hour non negotiable.

Another Provider (not a Studio) girl I've seen recently she agreed to activities that ARE on her menu but required an upcharge and I paid her up front for it.

I always set my donation down as soon as I walk into the Provider's incall.

We didn't go through with it because she wasn't comfortable doing it when we tried to. I didn't even tell her she needed to refund me the upcharge part of the entire donation.

Another Hobbyist would had argued with her about that and another Hobbyist would had pay later after the session is over or try to give less because the session was less than what he expected.

Also a couple of provider shorten me on the session in time like what I said in my OP of this thread: I arrive and they want to freshen up and they spend 10-15 min showering or I had providers tell me my time was up 10-15 min before the session was actually over, I never once argued with them.

In those cases I mentioned above I still gave them all a YES review.

Then some of the providers in my review before the session started or after the session was over I'd even took them out and bought them a nice meal; or before the BCD activities took place, I took them shopping for lingerie and we just met for the first time and yet they were comfortable and trusting enough with me to get into my car and go somewhere with me.

One of them I took her shopping afterward at a furniture store where she bought 2 carts of stuff and I never told her she owed me two sessions for it.

What I spent at that furniture store that day on her was enough for at least 2 sessions or even 3.

Those are $ spent and non sex activities that I didn't include in my reviews.

I am also a gentleman with every Provider I've been with.

You are welcome to PM any of them in my reviews and ask them.

The ones in my reviews are the ones I've seen. There isn't a provider on ECCIE I have seen that I didn't post a review for.

I also don't step over boundaries like some guys here do.

She doesn't do Greek? Well, some of you will still try to stick your fingers and your other body parts in her anal orifice without asking.

I don't get rough with the girls either. Some of you will keep doing it when she is telling you to please stop, you are hurting me.

There was one that asked me to choke her and pull her hair and that kind of threw me off the loop when she asked: I had to stop and ask her are you sure that's what you want?

Asking a provider who has no photos for body photos is not unreasonable and I was tactful about it with no ill will or ulterior motives until some of you folks decided to blow the whole thing out of proportion by turning it into something it's not.

Asking a provider what she looks like before you decide if you want to meet her is not any different than a provider asking us hobbyists for our information during screening and some of them ask for more than just Eccie Handle, a personal number and references.

Some even want employment information and a copy of our valid ID showing our real name and addresses.
Just to be clear CG2014, I stated my use of "you" was generic, not specific to you. The douchebag comment was aimed at someone else. You know who you are, buddy.
Grace Preston's Avatar

The issue so many took with you in regards to photos wasn't because your request was unreasonable... it was HOW you chose to make it.

There was no reason to start a public thread about it. You could have easily PM'd the young lady and asked about it. Instead, you brought it to Coed, which gave it the appearance that you were trying to cast shade about it.
CG2014's Avatar

The issue so many took with you in regards to photos wasn't because your request was unreasonable... it was HOW you chose to make it.

There was no reason to start a public thread about it. You could have easily PM'd the young lady and asked about it. Instead, you brought it to Coed, which gave it the appearance that you were trying to cast shade about it. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Read my last line in the OP of that thread:

I am not going to PM her for photos. Some providers get offended or touchy when you ask them for photos even if there are no photos in their profile.
Hence why I started a thread asking for help and advice on how best to proceed and instead of getting it, I get a bunch of idiots making something out nothing.

What was I supposed to do? GOOGLE and BING search for her images like someone suggested in his reply.

Useless answer from a smart ass: if he is not going to be part of the solution, shut up and don't create problems.
needingmilking's Avatar
[QUOTE=CG2014;1058379943...if he is not going to be part of the solution, shut up and don't create problems.[/QUOTE]

I think that you are a real problem solver buddy, it shows in spades!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
You could have asked without naming her or blasting her publicly and got the same answers.

She most likely has very good reason to be laying low and you brought her out to front street which isn't cool.
HDnTX's Avatar
  • HDnTX
  • 07-11-2016, 11:39 AM
The shower thing is the same as massage therapist. "get comfortable and I will be back in a few" like 10 minutes..... I usually say no reason for that, get naked and hop right up on the table with her in the room.
WhiteHippy and David posting like they've been victims in this hobby is funnier than anything I've seen on this board in a while. Two guys butt hurt because they can't get a hooker to see them if they pay - that's pathetic. Luckily most of the ladies around here know that it's not their pathetic selves they have to be worried about, it's the fact they're dangers to the ladies that work in the hobby.

All I have learned from this thread is that Jules screens and doesn't see people she's not comfortable with. In response these guys throw mud at her like there is something wrong with her because she doesn't want to see them. "See me or else" type mentality. Real men there.

Bitter stalkers - please fill in the blank's if I'm missing something. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
In your post, you've insulted me multiple times. You've called me butt hurt, pathetic, a bitter stalker, and alluded that I'm not a real man. All this despite the fact that you've never met me, you don't know me, and you don't know the full details of this situation either. TheEccie214, does it make you feel better when you put others down? Do you feel more like a man? After all, you are the heroic white knight coming in and saving the innocent damsel in distress while vanquishing the horrible monsters who besiege noble of you. Your insults and juvenile name calling speak more of you than need to work on your insecurity issues.

Now I can't speak for David because I don't know him and he has nothing to do with me. However I will speak for myself. Let me make one thing clear, I NEVER wanted to set up an appointment with Jules. I screened her and she failed my screening. I rejected her. That's not to say she is a bad provider. I'm sure she is a great provider for some men, just not the one for me. Even in the one and only PM I sent to Jules in early May, I never told her I wanted to meet her. I never sent her my references. So exactly how am I butt-hurt now?

Since early May, I haven't contacted or referenced her even once in eccie. How exactly am I a bitter stalker now? Even now, she was the one who addressed me first in this thread and that's why I responded to her. Otherwise, I would have continued ignoring her just like I've done for the past 2 months.

You don't even know me and yet you jump in this thread and claim that I'm upset because Jules screens and doesn't see certain people. Can you provide any proof to substantiate this claim of yours...or are you just talking out of your ass? You insinuate that I'm upset because Jules screened and rejected me...but can you provide any proof of that? Jules never screened me because I never tried to set up a meeting with her.
Dam CG, post 51 has got to be your longest post ever. What's up bro? This thread go places you never fuckn thought it would?

An hr should be an hr, +\- the aforementioned 10 mins for life's inconveniences - gal or guy. We're in a big city. Shit happens. I really have no interest in meeting with someone who is so busy she needs 10-15 of my hr to shower up from the meeting before. I respect any gals need to be that busy to meet her financial need, so no judgement, it's just not for me.

Hippy, there were others who thought you were a 2nd accnt when you came aboard. I could give two shits. Seems pretty clear many do it. I have never had another account, because I'm too busy in my life for this one. But to each his own. I guess if I was in IT and always had a device on in front of me, I could see it. (*And hobby bros, would you please write accurate reviews, with intel like her not being ready and showering for 15mins? Geez!)

I thought maybe I was just getting older, but I've noticed others mention what a flaming shitbag coed is slowly turning into. I've actually started thanking people for contributing useful threads. I'll prolly go UTR again and wait till the available threads cycle out.

Jules, I like that you defend yourself. You said you like the entertainment - that's cool - but seems to me you're above this one. But what do I know. Take it and a dime and buy a cup of coffee.

It's pretty cliche around here, but you all should stop rubbing your mouses and fingering your keyboards...and go get laid! Up With Orgasms!!

p.s. Sorry again for your loss Ginger. That's terrible.
I think it's pretty obvious at this point that Whitehippy is Davidfree's new handle.