Say Adios MoFo to Governor Quitter!

Mike, get you some of this...

Maybe y'all could 69... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Wtf are you babbling about?Are you off your meds again you silly cocksucker.

You have to admit; we have much hotter eye candy than the left. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Trendy, I'm not going to "admit" to a damn thing you say!

As usual you have let your mouth overload your fourth point of contact. The "left" certainly has its share of babes and quite frnakly given a choice between Governor Quitter and one of the stars of last years Dem Convention, Eva Longoria, I would have to put off the Quitter grudge fuck for another day. Unless of course, if Quitter would let me spank her ass and take pictures!

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  • 01-27-2013, 03:17 PM
And nobody needed to post a photo-shopped picture of her either.

Trendy, if given a choice between Governor Quitter and one of the stars of last years Dem Convention, Eva Longoria, I would have to put off the Quitter grudge fuck for another day.

Originally Posted by bigtex
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  • 01-27-2013, 03:29 PM
You have to admit; we have much hotter eye candy than the left. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

And my favorite:

You can have Sarah Palin.
And Trendy while on the subject, Ashley Judd, who may be the next Democratic candidate for Senator from the Blue Grass State, ain't nothing to sneeze at either!

Them Ozombie Bitches ain't shit. My little neighborhood of 200 homes has women 2x that good looking...with minds to match.
Them Ozombie Bitches ain't shit. My little neighborhood of 200 homes has women 2x that good looking...with minds to match. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Iiffy, I suppose that you found out about them on Backpage? What's their rates?
bojulay's Avatar
The Libtard Water Head Celebrities on Parade.

Their combined IQs add up to the grams of fat
in a serving of no-fat yogurt that they eat.

ha ha ha ha
Wow, Hollywood Bimbos. Those bastions of deep thought.

Just shut the fuck up and act.
Wow, Hollywood Bimbos. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Uhhhhh, Jackie! We were just playing the game that Trendaway started. Ol' Trendy made the false claim that the Far Right Wing-Nuts "have hotter eye candy than the Left." There was no mention of eliminating those you refer to as "Hollywood Bimbos" from being part of the "eye candy" brigade. That is until you interjected that non-relevant fact into the conversation. Are you now trying to change the rules since it became apparent there is indeed some gorgeous "eye candy" associated with the left?

As it relates to "Bimbo" types. You might want to reconsider that, as well. You certainly don't want to put the Wasilla Bimbo in a battle of Bimbo" wits with anyone from Hollywood. Or anywhere else for that matter. Governor Quitter will lose every time! She's dumber than a box of rocks which is a big part of the reason the Far Right Wing-Nuts like her so much. She's as dumb as they are!

As for Trendy's original false assertion that the Far Right Wing-Nuts has "hotter eye candy than the Left". I beg to differ! (And you have now seen why!)
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  • 01-27-2013, 05:47 PM
I don't know why people insist on posting fake pictures of Sara Palin when the real thing is plenty hot. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well, knowing the clowns who are posting them, they probably think they're real.

Wow, Hollywood Bimbos. Those bastions of deep thought.

Just shut the fuck up and act. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I bet they know which newspapers they read.
I B Hankering's Avatar

I bet they know which newspapers they read. Originally Posted by Doove
Those that read would probably tell you it's the same one you read, Doofus: The National Inquirer.
Those that read would probably tell you it's the same one you read, Doofus: The National Inquirer. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IB Lying&Crying, you shouldn't be criticizing an individual's reading ability when your memory and/or spelling is even more suspect.

For the record, the publication is named "The National Enquirer" with an "E" not an "I".

What a doofus!
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB Lying&Crying, you shouldn't be criticizing an individual's reading ability when your memory and/or spelling is very suspect. For the record, the publication is named "The National Enquirer," not "Inquirer."

What a doofus! Originally Posted by bigtex
You've established you're one of it's close readers, BigKoTex.
You've established you're one of it's close readers, BigKoTex. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It is quite apparent that is an ASSumption on your part. Are you aware of what they say about people who ASSume?

For the record, I never claimed to be a "close reader" of the National Enquirer, did I? I merely corrected one of your many, glaring mistakes. Nothing more, nothing less!

With that said, I am obviously much more aware of my surroundings than you! But so is a two year old!