Here is the deal for the lying idiots.

Calling JDIdiot!

Where are you?
lustylad's Avatar
Open your mouth and you shall receive... a big fat dick... Originally Posted by WombRaider

Don't you ever take time off from workin' the 'holes, you sick vulgar sodomy-loving cretin?

Don't you ever take time off from workin' the 'holes, you sick vulgar sodomy-loving cretin?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
IDK, do you ever take time off from being a pussy-ass bitch who needs an 'engorger' to take care of your dirty business? Look, you started this shit, don't get pissed when you get both barrels in return. Go play golf or whatever gay shit it is you do to pass time.
Don't you ever take time off from workin' the 'holes, you sick vulgar sodomy-loving cretin?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
He can't afford to miss his "ropey loads" facial beauty treatments. And Big Sir has told him " Get out there on that street corner, wiggle that swishy walking ass and make ME some money, bitch" ! Pobrecita puto woomby ! Shammy treated him SOOO much better. Shammy made sure that there was no rust on his bread but LOTS of crust on his sheets !
novacain's Avatar
Dedicated to my bitch Judy........ enjoy.......

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Crisis and chaos. I'm glad to see you missed me but I'm back.

So none of you could tell the truth...what does that say about you that you can only attack me with lies. Says a lot more about you than me.

Last year I advanced a theory based on the known information and certain probabilities. All theories get altered as you get more evidence. Even Tampon should know that not that you would know from his postings. Some of your are probably pretty disappointed in your early Hillary is God postings from last year. So now we have new information that was not available last year. It looks like the airliner went down. We still don't know where do we? We still don't know how do we? We still don't know when do we?

For the people who have joined us in the last year (that doesn't count Nazi Baby Killer) let me refresh what I really said as opposed to a certain of school yard lies put out.

The plane went off course suddenly and with a swift climb to above a safe altitude. The plane descended after a short period of time and the transponder went silent. All searches for the next 72 hours where centered to where the last contact was.

My theory was this (pay attention Tampon and all his little mongrel friends who should be ashamed of themselves for following so close to him that you got his shit on your noses):
The pilot (or co-pilot) took control of the aircraft. There is nothing to refute this theory as of today.
They ascended in order to kill or cause the passengers to become unconscious. There is nothing to refute this theory as of today.
The now hijacker turned off the transponder and made a sharp course change at a much lower altitude. There is nothing to refute this theory as of today.
The plane flew for some hours based on the telemetry of the engine run times. There is nothing to refute this as of today.
The plane disappeared without trace. New evidence has been discovered that confirms that the plane went down somewhere in the Indian Ocean. The plane was never supposed to be over the Indian Ocean. Look at a map.
So where did we think it was more than a year ago?
I pointed out that it was POSSIBLE the plane was hijacked and flown to a landing strip. Tampon and his little mutts wanted to know where a plane could possibly be landed. I mentioned that there were hundreds of small runways of sufficient lengths to land a Boeing 777 in an emergency or failing that a mile long stretch of straight highway. A Boeing can land in 3500 feet. So where? Reports of the plane flying south away from the search area were abundant but could not be proven. Tampon wanted to know why the aerial search could not see a plane on the ground. First, the search was hundreds of miles to the north and people were not looking hard to the south. You don't need a perfect cover to mislead people. Here is comes...a workable runway could be made to be unusable with the positioning of fake foliage like trees that could be mounted in pots and set on the runway. Anyone who has ever seen serious landscapers knows what I'm talking about. A cursory examination from the air would show an old runway overgrown with trees and unable to take a large aircraft. So Tampon, in all his brilliance, asks how would you hide a 777. I said that camouflage cargo nets could be put over the plane temporarily just like they have done in every war since World War II. It is not perfect but then everyone was looking hundreds of miles to the north. I further explained (but Tampon always had trouble with this) that the plane was only going to stay there for day or two. The bodies (or captives) would be unloaded, a truck with fuel could be driven in to put fuel in the tanks of the plane, and the external markings would be changed slightly with simple air brushing to remove a stripe, add some extra color just like they do in a hangar. It does not need to be perfect or even good. So now, the plane much lighter with no passengers or luggage is uncovered in the dark, some lights could illuminate the end of the runway or highway, the pilot firewalls the throttle and takes off into the night with a different transponder signal. On radar, it is a different plane, visually it looks like a different plane (of course everyone is still looking for wreckage hundreds of miles to the north) and it can land at most airports now. Once on the ground, the aircraft not carrying passengers does not require any customs inspections. They can just log it in as a maintenance flight. The plane is on the ground (while the world is looking for wreckage in a wider area but still hundreds of miles away), it is parked in a hangar and disappears. How can you make an entire plane just disappear? In Libya 11 aircraft were just taken from an airport (large commercial aircraft) when the system broke down after Khadaffi was killed.

That is how you can steal an aircraft. You need a skilled pilot, a straight stretch of road or runway, a crew that can work efficiently, a truck with fuel, and a distracted tower at a second rate airport with a hangar large enough to put a 777 inside of. Yes, you also need the camouflage of foliage or wreckage of anything that makes a runway inactive. I mentioned last year the book written by the Great Maskelyne, who in World War II was able to make cities disappear, battleships to appear in the desert, and armies to appear as if by magic. Our enemies are not stupid if even racists like Tampon believe that we are fighting a bunch of bare assed natives wearing bed sheets.

Which brings to why? What can you do with a plane? A plane that can carry about 15 tons of something? A plane that can fly into or out of nearly any country in the world unchallenged with the right transponder code and a new professionally applied paint job? You tell me...
There is the other theory (not mine) that the passengers were the target. Some very high level computing engineers were on that plane. After you have them off then you have to ditch the plane. Maybe somewhere in the Indian Ocean...
JDIdiot, are you now saying that the following quote should not be directly attributed to you:

"There are many landing strips in the Pacific left over from World War II. We built them everywhere and never took them out. They won't be in the best shape but they could be cleared for an operation like this and concealed again with potted trees and cargo netting."

Are you now trying to claim that it was not you who made the above referenced quote?

If so, who in the fuk did?

Have you reported to the Admins that someone is logging in and posting under your Eccie log in name?

As an aside, I can not blame you in the least for trying to distance yourself from the above "CONSPIRACY THEORY" quote.

If I had said something as utterly ridiculous as what was said above, I would be trying to distance myself from it, as well.

Yep JD ... you were then ... and you "still" are ... an Idiot!
What is amazing about JDIdiots crazy conspiracy theory is that he has yet to waver. Granted, at the time of the incident virtually anything was possible. I am sure there were numerous conspiracy theorists (like JDIdiot) who were barking out their bullshit. One would hope that as time moved on, common sense would have prevailed. At least for most of them!

BUT NOT WITH JDIDIOT!. Common sense and JDIdiot have never sat as the same table.

The fact that JDIdiot has yet to distance himself from his ridiculous conspiracy theory, provides further proof in the old adage:

Once an Idiot, always be an Idiot.

Live with it JD, you will always be an Idiot!

This just in; another airliner with less than 60 on board is now reported missing in the Far East. Let us hope it will not result in another tragic ending.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Like the proverbial school yard bully, you are purposely acting stupid (it is an act isn't it?) about what I've written. There is nothing that as an individual fact that you can refute. All of it is possible if someone wants to do it. You have disproved nothing actually, nor have any of you tried. That is the mystery. Why so many of you would willingly follow along behind a piece of shit like this Tampon guy. He makes loud noises, says next to nothing, and you all dutifully laugh and kiss his literary ass. I know Tampon from the school yards around the world but the mystery is why you would diminish yourselves by being his bitches?

I'm asking the moderator to close this thread because I've said all that I'm going to say on the topic and remind you that until you can come up with what happened, why it happened, where it happened, and when it happened you have not proved or disproven anything about this Boeing 777. Tampon and his little bitches can all circle jerk themselves until we find out.
JDIdiot, let's cut to the chase! Are you now saying that the following quote should not be attributed to you:

"I never, and I heard no one else say it on this site, said anything about a small deserted island. There are many landing strips in the Pacific left over from World War II. We built them everywhere and never took them out. They won't be in the best shape but they could be cleared for an operation like this and concealed again with potted trees and cargo netting."

If it was not you who made the above referenced quote, who did? Originally Posted by bigtex
Actually, what you actually wrote can be found above.

It is very difficult for you to escape your printed words.

Isn't it JDIdiot?

As for the Moderators, I would try to find an escape hatch too. But I have nothing to hide. You do!

As for closing the thread, you can run from this thread and your previously printed words.

But you can't hide!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Close the thread?

Here in the Political Forum?

What a chickenshit cunt you are, Lushy! You spew a bunch of bullshit and when you get called on it, you run and hide. Then, rather than facing your accusers, you start another (and bandwidth wasting) thread to try to revise your position.

What a chickenshit cunt!

Must have been a tough weekend. A tough Lost Weekend.

But for a change, you will NOT get away from your inane blurtations. not by ignoring everybody. Not by hiding. Not by LYING and not by running to the mods for help.

You broke it, JDrunk.

You buy it!
Who woulda thunck it?

JDIdiot is now asking the Mods to close a thread that he started a few days ago in order to clarify his idiotic conspiracy theory remarks made last year.

Perhaps they will do so if you first say purty puhleeze.

If that doesn't work, tell them purty puhleeze with sugar on it.

Imagine that, political forum posters expect JDIdiot to actually defend the crazy theory, conjured up in the deep, dark recesses of his conspiratorial mind.

Geez, this has been a very bad few weeks for the residents of Idiotville!

First the Patriarchal Idiot performs his personal rendition of the cut and run shuffle following 13 years of spewing extreme bullshit about the ill fated and ill advised Spring of 2003 invasion or Iraq.

And now the heir apparent follows suit.

This could only occur in Idiotville!

  • shanm
  • 08-16-2015, 10:57 AM
You're doubling down on stupid, JD Jizzynuts. We all can go to your post and see exactly what you said. No one is misquoting you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar