Laney1 is the best I've ever seen. Really!

No, I think it's gotten to the point where I'm agreeing with the fellas... I'm annoying as heck.

Although... One of my biggest arch nemesis is still waiting for that glass of wine.
Mr Blonde's Avatar
No, I think it's gotten to the point where I'm agreeing with the fellas... I'm annoying as heck.

Although... One of my biggest arch nemesis is still waiting for that glass of wine. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane 1
No, I think it's gotten to the point where I'm agreeing with the fellas... I'm annoying as heck.

Although... One of my biggest arch nemesis is still waiting for that glass of wine. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane 1
Welcome to the party.
btw... your pics are fucking hot'

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
X 2
I think Ms. Laney found the perfect formula for putting up new posts. If she keeps attaching pics of herself to them I won't complain in the slightest! Originally Posted by Qziz
X 2
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Don't get me wrong; I like this girl but something tells me it's not really her posting. Writing style and attitude are much different. got us. We're quite surprised no one else has caught on until now. At least in Austin. In Houston many of our clients knew that we were twins.

My sister Laney1 has always done FBSM. Although, I Leslie Lane have dabbled in FS on a very limited and low volume basis. Laney is much more sensitive, reserved. I'm actually quite the same..but have a little bit of a thicker skin and am more annoying.

We look identical. Laney is the one in the massage office pics and I'm in the long black dress. I'm also the one that went to the party.

She just came out of retirement and is doing FBSM. Hence the reason there was a "Laney1" and a "Leslie Lane". We just chose to always remain UTR about being

No sense in keeping it from everyone now....
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Well then, someone serve me up a big plate of crow. I stand corrected. Just curious but do the two of you do a doubles sessions? Now that would be fun.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 11-12-2012, 12:11 PM
I think Ms. Laney found the perfect formula for putting up new posts. If she keeps attaching pics of herself to them I won't complain in the slightest! Originally Posted by Qziz

Nice pics LL.
Well then, someone serve me up a big plate of crow. I stand corrected. Just curious but do the two of you do a doubles sessions? Now that would be fun. Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke
Ya for just $1400 you can have the two of them for an hour.

Actually, we are extremely particular when it comes to a doubles session. But the few times we have done them it was for $2k an hour. Laney is solely FBSM, always has been. So the few times she has ventured to "the other side"'s been at a higher rate than most. Even mine.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 11-12-2012, 06:49 PM
Actually, we are extremely particular when it comes to a doubles session. But the few times we have done them it was for $2k an hour. Laney is solely FBSM, always has been. So the few times she has ventured to "the other side"'s been at a higher rate than most. Even mine. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane 1
Work it girl.
Actually, we are extremely particular when it comes to a doubles session. But the few times we have done them it was for $2k an hour. Laney is solely FBSM, always has been. So the few times she has ventured to "the other side"'s been at a higher rate than most. Even mine. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane 1
I'm not sure what to do with this. Part of me wants to laugh because you are being funny (I hope). Part of me thinks you still have a case of the brain (staff edit, forbidden topic) and the rest of me just wants this train wreck to go away.......................... .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ........................
HDH! I'm sure she's the best for all the millionaires out there! 1k for a fbsm NOT!!!! And another 1k for half hr gfe w the other HELL NO!
please tell me you're losing your mind
imho bs!
n2linctus's Avatar
I had an FBSM session with Laney 1 this afternoon and all I can say is WOW... If you are anywhere close to being as cute as your sister, I'll start saving up for my double...