Hot bit of totty thread the ladies

Interesting.. Bi?

I used to like watching him on "punk'd" when he's being a total bad ass! Hellz yeah for Ashton! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
No, just not threatened by good looking guys and want to share in conversation with the ladies as well.......
More to add (and I KNOW someone is going to post Depp lol) but 2 to start. I'd do these two for free any day of the week. Now whether they'd reciprocate is another thread altogether...

Originally Posted by Camille
oh yes, panties just got a little wet :-)

Hugh Jackman..

not as hot as Mr. Beckman but I'd TOFTT

Dayumm!!! Originally Posted by Naomi4u

oh god....panties even hot hot!!!
did someone do a circular rub of his arm hairs until they were knotted with dirt? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Hey, lay off Jackman's fur. I would be more than happy to snuggle into it. And don't worry about the knots, okay...I'd lick him like a kitten, then french braid it all.
Ooh I love this!

Dwayne Johnson

Boris Kodjoe

Damn! Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Totally yes to the first pic! The second one looks faggy.
More hotties

Taye Diggs

David Beckham

One more for Beckham


Ok I lied a few more for Beckham

Lucky girl!

Yummy! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Interesting ones of Beckham. The second and third ones he looks black, the third one he looks like a bitch.

Leah Ireland
Can one of you ladies that speak the Mother Tongue, please explain the title of this thread. I've read it several times and the meaning still escapes me.

(Duh, maybe it's just clueless me. ) Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
If someone is described as "totty" it means they are hot
"A hot bit of totty" is a slightly more polite way of saying, "a hot piece of ass"
Naomi4u's Avatar
Interesting ones of Beckham. The second and third ones he looks black, the third one he looks like a bitch.

Leah Ireland Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
He'll just be my sexy bitch then .

... What can I say? I have always had a thing for William F. Buckley, Jr. Others my age were probably watching the weekend morning cartoons. I was transfixed on "Firing Line." No clue as to what he and the others were carrying on about. Did not matter...That voice... Ah! Anyway, there began a fixation to sit on daddy's lap! (except not mine)
Look on the bright side... We will never have to quarrel over the same type of fella!
Hey, lay off Jackman's fur. I would be more than happy to snuggle into it. And don't worry about the knots, okay...I'd lick him like a kitten, then french braid it all. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
thats my good girl
Well, coming into this late.

I always had a thing for Sam Elliot. I love the rough rugged look..

I think Karl Urban looks hot, loved him in Chronicles of Riddick and also in Red!

Charlie Hunnam is just adorable.. love this young handsome man too!

This guy is just rockin hot! Love Shemar moore!

Last but not least, I love Vin Diesel, but I like him better when he has the short beard and mustache look, with a little bit of hair growing!
...the young Paul Newman for me

Steve McQueen was a hotty too

As was the young Connery....

have forgotten his name, but i find him to be incredibly sexy....and a great great actor... (re: edited thanks to Camille: Ben Kingsley)
Ben Kingsley. Great actor Nina, I agree.

and of course .... and foremost .. Robert Redford. Strangely i find him better the older he gets. Have seen him life on a flight from San Fran to NYC..he really does look hot and he is tall. I am 5`11``and he is taller than me. What a turn on. Usually these hollywood actors are so small ..(lol)