CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Rooting for failure.

What a bunch of crybabies.

Look at the shit you all post day in and day out.

Stimulating, isn't it?

Losers. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
But you're a winner!

Dipshit of the year for 2 years! Lifetime Achievement award for Excellence in Dipshittery!

You are a WINNER, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014!

LexusLover's Avatar
The only people "rooting for failure" are the ones "rooting" for the "ACA," ....

which is NOW officially a "misnomer"....

.................... by all current statistics (as opposed to dreamy speculation)..
The quotes on ObamaCare from the lying Senators.

Sen. Reid (D-NV):“In fact, one of our core principles is that if you like the health care you have, you can keep it.” (Congressional Record, S.8642, 8/3/09)

Sen. Murry (D-WA): “Again, if you like what you have, you will be able to keep it. Let me say this again: If you like what you have, when our legislation is passed and signed by the President, you will be able to keep it.” (Congressional Record, S.6400, 6/10/09)

Sen. Landrieu (D-LA): “If you like the insurance that you have, you'll be able to keep it.” (MSNBC’s Hardball, 12/16/09)

Sen. Hagan (D-NC): “We need to support the private insurance industry so that people who have insurance they're happy with can keep it (National Journal’s Congress Daily, 6/18/09)

Sen. Begich (D-AK): “If you got a doctor now, you got a medical professional you want, you get to keep that”.

Sen. Bennet (D-CO): “Start with the basic principle if you have coverage and you like it, you can keep it. If you have your doctor, and you like him or her, you should be able to keep them. We will not take that choice away from you.”

Sen. Harkin (D-IA): “One of the things we put in the health care bill when we designed it was the protection for consumers to keep the plan they have if they like it”…we said, if you like a plan, you get to keep it, and you can grandfather it in.” (Congressional Record, S.7675-6, 9/29/10)

Sen. Schumer (D-NY): “If you like your insurance, you keep it.” (U.S. Senate, Finance Committee, Bill Mark-Up, 9/24/09)

Sen. Durbin (D-IL): “This bill before us on the Senate floor makes it clear that if you have an insurance policy that you like, you can keep it. If you like the doctor that you're currently doing business with, you can continue to use that doctor.” (Teleconference, 12/4/09)

Sen. Baucus (D-MT): “That is why one of the central promises of health care reform has been and is: If you like what you have, you can keep it. That is critically important. If a person has a plan, and he or she likes it, he or she can keep it.” (Congressional Record, S.7676, 9/29/10)

Sen. Levin (D) Mi. April 6, 2012: And it is important to remember that for those who already have health insurance, the law allows you to keep your existing plan.

Sen. Merkley (D) Or. Nov. 11, 2013: If you like your current health insurance, you will be able to keep it. And you will be able to continue seeing your current doctor.
flghtr65's Avatar

"It'll all work out." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes, It will just like RomneyCare and Medicare Part D, which had roll out problems as well.

If we can spend 2 trillion in Iraq so that their people can have "free elections" then why can't we spend 1 trillion so that 94% of our citizens will have health insurance by 2019?
Yes, It will just like RomneyCare and Medicare Part D, which had roll out problems as well.

If we can spend 2 trillion in Iraq so that their people can have "free elections" then why can't we spend 1 trillion so that 94% of our citizens will have health insurance by 2019? Originally Posted by flghtr65
The answer is quite simple. LL has an extreme "man crush" on both Dick "Be Sure To Duck" Cheney and George W. "Mission Accomplished" Bush.

Apparently, Obama looks a little different in LL's eyes!
LexusLover's Avatar
The health insurance companies did not follow the grandfather rules, ..... Originally Posted by flghtr65
.. Obaminable's children are not old enough to make him a grandfather!

So what "rules" prohibit insurance companies from cancelling coverages?
LexusLover's Avatar
The answer is quite simple. LL has an extreme "man crush"

Apparently, Obama looks a little different in LL's eyes! Originally Posted by bigtex
Obaminable does look "different" than Clinton, too...

............... how about your "man crush" on Hillary?

Now, if I were in a crowded airport and saw him, I might think he were Cheney. How about you, BigTits? Or one of the Bushes ... How about you, BigTits. Or would it be less of a disguise if he took of his hat? Would that make him "blend in" at the airport and be mistaken for Cheney? Or Bush?

And he looks like the twin brother of your favorite .... doesn't he?

Please don't let the mouth throw you off ... BigTits.
LexusLover's Avatar
If we can spend 2 trillion in Iraq so that their people can have "free elections" then why can't we spend 1 trillion so that 94% of our citizens will have health insurance by 2019? Originally Posted by flghtr65
Why 94%?

Who are you going to prevent from having health insurance?

"Flightries List" ... you can, you can't, you can, you can't.

If you can burn your savings account on _________, I ought to be able to burn mine too!

Is that how you keep the books at home?

Remarkable logic ... absolutely remarkable (sarcasm)
If we can spend 2 trillion in Iraq so that their people can have "free elections" then why can't we spend 1 trillion so that 94% of our citizens will have health insurance by 2019? Originally Posted by flghtr65
So the truth finally comes out although misstated. You just want the government (taxpayers) to pay for healthcare insurance for every one. I say misstated because you likely want them to pay for healthcare, not insurance.

Perhaps George W Bush would have granted your wish if planes, hijacked by patients with terminal testicular cancer, would have crashed into the twin towers and the pentagon instead of Muslim terrorists. But they didn't have the balls.
Perhaps George W Bush would have granted your wish if planes, hijacked by patients with terminal testicular cancer, would have crashed into the twin towers and the pentagon. Originally Posted by gnadfly
So the truth finally comes out although grossly misstated this time.

Gonad the Turdfly is responding to a remark about Iraq and deflects to hijacked planes crashing "into the twin towers and the pentagon," as if 9/11 actually had something to do with Dubya's ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 decision to invade Iraq.

It is difficult to follow Gonad the Turdfly's bouncing ball.

What a Dipshit!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
It is difficult to follow .....

What a Dipshit!!!!! Originally Posted by bigtex
Not surprising in the least as a response .... from you ..

...... not a cut and paste from the Op-Ed of the Chronicle.

No wonder you think Obaminable is doing well in the polls..... or ....

.. is "doing well in the polls" mean the world thinks less of him as a man.

Speaking of "a broad" ... how's Michelle's attitude holding up?
Not surprising in the least as a response .... from you Originally Posted by LexusLover

Not surprising in the least, LexiLiar once again jumps to Gonad the Turdfly's defense regarding an inaccurate assumption that 9/11 had something to do with their 'Shrub' hero's decision to invade Iraq, during the spring of 2003.

Those two Dipshits have been trying desperately to link 9/11 and the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 decision to invade Iraq since the ASPD years. Give them both an "F" for their repeated failure to connect those misaligned dots.

They truly are two Dipshits swimming in a Turdfly infested cesspool!
flghtr65's Avatar

So what "rules" prohibit insurance companies from cancelling coverages? Originally Posted by LexusLover
The grandfather rules that allow an old policy to be continued without adding the new mandatory benefits are in this link. LexusLover you could not find this information? It didn't take that long to find. So, as I stated before the cancellations did not have to happen. The health insurance companies decided to ignore the grandfather rules and send out the cancellation letters.

flghtr65's Avatar
Why 94%?

Who are you going to prevent from having health insurance? Originally Posted by LexusLover
There are several reasons why the CBO projects that 94% of the citizens will be covered by 2019 instead of 100%.

1. Of the 22 million who are projected to be uninsured, 8 million are illegal immigrants. The illegal immigrants do not qualify for an Obamacare policy or Medicaid in most states. (Some illegal immigrants can get Medicaid in the state of California due to an exception).

2. For the states that did not except the money from the Federal Government for the expanded state Medicaid, some people will fall into the a Medicaid Gap. (They are a family of 4 and make less than $24,000, don't qualify for an Obamacare private policy) and they make to much to qualify for their state Medicaid. For example in the state of Alabama, you have to make less than $11,000 to qualify for Medicaid, since they rejected the expanded Medicaid from the Feds. So, in the state of Alabama a family of 4 that makes less that $24,000 and more than $11,000 will not be insured in the individual market.

3. Some people will choose to not get health insurance and will pay the tax instead.

This information can be found under the section

Among the people who will remain uninsured, which is in the link below.

The ACA has two primary mechanisms for increasing insurance coverage: expanding Medicaid eligibility to include individuals within 138% of the federal poverty level,[43] and creating state-based insurance exchanges where individuals and small business can buy health insurance plans—those individuals with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level will be eligible for subsidies to do so.[38][30] The CBO originally estimated that the legislation will reduce the number of uninsured residents by 32 million, leaving 23 million uninsured residents in 2019 after the bill's provisions have all taken effect.[121][122][123] With the elderly covered by Medicare, the CBO estimate projected that the law would raise the proportion of insured non-elderly citizens from 83% to 94%.[121] A July 2012 CBO estimate raised the expected number of uninsured by 3 million, reflecting the successful legal challenge to the ACA's expansion of Medicaid.[124][125]
Among the people who will remain uninsured:

ACA drafters believed that increasing insurance coverage would not only improve quality of life but also help reduce medical bankruptcies (currently the leading cause of bankruptcy in America[128]) and job lock.[129] In addition, many believed that expanding coverage would help ensure that the cost controls successfully function; healthcare providers could more easily adapt to payment system reforms that incentivize value over quantity if their costs were partially offset—for example, hospitals having to do less charity care or insurers having larger and more stable risk pools to distribute costs over.[130]

Yssup Rider's Avatar
More crying and whining from the "right man!"

any of you got the stones or bullshit to play in a real political forum or are you just using ECCIE as your D-League?

Crybaby wimps.