Famers Branch Officer Murder Indictment

LargeBreastFan's Avatar
He's a public servant, not the owner, his job is to bring the criminals in, not punish then as he sees fit. This isn't the wild wild west or a third world country where they cut heads off first, ask questions after. Originally Posted by BLM69
How many public servants get killed trying to bring criminals in?
KooGuy's Avatar
If a wacko is holding a knife and he’s 20 feet away from you. That sick fuck can be in your face in seconds stabbing you in the heart. Killing you
Same thing with a moving vehicle. It can run you over in seconds.

The police officers life was in danger. He could have easily crushed the officer or ran him over.
The officer should get a medal for saving his own life. And should be promoted
And get a raise. For getting rid of the piece of shit criminal.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-05-2019, 09:18 PM
How many public servants get killed trying to bring criminals in? Originally Posted by LargeBreastFan
We're discussing this practical case, I don't know the other killings you're speaking off
He was a public servant that was doing his job to protect and serve the law abiding public. I'm pretty sure he didn't put that badge on everyday to protect some scumbag criminal that was running from the law. He will never serve one day of time. No juror in the country would send him to jail. If the scumbag criminal would have pulled over we wouldn't be haven't this discussion and nobody would be on here defending the scumbag criminal and bad mouthing the cop
rexdutchman's Avatar
3rd world country really , get out or read more the friendly countries the law beats you and locks u up for sometimes years before court , Think the girl in Italy , the unfriendly well they cut off body parts or just kill u for no reason if you cant pay them off,,,,,,,

Note saying it was right or wrong that's what the courts for , however don't drive fast toward a cop and your good
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-08-2019, 12:25 AM
We'll see what the jury decides, first step was to arrest him and charge him
TexTushHog's Avatar
How many public servants get killed trying to bring criminals in? Originally Posted by LargeBreastFan
A historically low number. Just like violent crimes are at record lows, so are police deaths.

  • grean
  • 07-09-2019, 11:48 AM
when the episode is recorded from several angles, you don't need more than 8 days.

although it sounds fast, when you consider the Lord took 7 days to create the World.

that's the question I originally posed.. if someone is stealing your property, while on your property, you can shoot to kill, according to Texas Law, if I'm not mistaken. this was not the truck owner's land, but it was his vehicle, and the Cop is a public surrogate of sorts, defending on behalf of the truck owner. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung, I think Texas PC 9.42 stipulates deadly force is justified if to prevent theft at night. I believe that means after the sun goes down which isn't 7PM in June. Hours later, he's probably free and clear.

However, SCOTUS, while overturning a decision that gave police basically a license to kill, they also said the “reasonableness of a particular use of force” should be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, with an allowance that police often must make split-second decisions."

That was taken out of Tushhogs link.

I'm still of the opinion if they knew he was stealing the vehicle, and attempted to stop him, but he fled, he made his bed, regardless of the time of day.

Is a truck worth a life? No.

However, that truck provides a means for someone to provide for their family. The replacement cost could be quite high if they can afford it, even with insurance.

Police don't solve all crimes. There is no guarantee they'll get it back or get it back without being economically totalled.

There was a time we hung horse thieves. Trucks, cars, horses.... Is there a difference?
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
KooGuy's Avatar
Unless he is a criminal driving a stolen property and decides to run over a police officer with deadly force. Then you get 86. Fuck all that noise. WP
You do not loose your rights under the 14th Amendment because you are a criminal or committed a crime or alleged crime. In fact, you trigger your rights. At least that was what I was taught in school, although I must admit I did not go to school in Texas. The officer was in a horrible situation. I am not sure what I would have done. There is just a lot of criminals have no rights narrative. I wish people, including me, were as passionate about all the admendments to as they seem to be about some admendments. My point is that they are all important regardless if you like them or not.
P.S. ECCIE is an interesting place to post comments about those who should have Constitutional rights. I think there is a word for this that starts with an i.