Why are we still putting ethanol in our cars?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Ethanol is crap! That's why my car, lawn mower, chainsaw and everything else that uses gas has a big X thru ethanol cause it's corn shit. Biodiesel is shit too, clogs up your fuel filters, lines etc..leaves sludge in the bottom of your tanks. Fuel mileage is horrible truck runs like shit with no power.

Only reason they have ethanol and biodiesel is so the farmers can quit claiming money from the government cause there harvest got ruin. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
I would say the exception is BioWillie, because it is sponsored an 80ish year old hippie who wants to help farmers, so he puts a secret ingredient in it which actually solves the sludge and contamination problems.
Everyone else knows it is crap, except the sons of the farmers who benefit from it.
ETHANOL is not crap fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you put it in an older vehicle that has only run gasoline the filters will get clogged because the ethanol cleans the crap out of the fuel system that the gasoline and the oil companies put in there. Ethanol also increases the octane level of gasoline.
If ethanol is so great; why are car manufacturers voiding their warranties are cars that aren't rated "flex fuel" ??

"...car manufacturer warranties have included language stating that the warranty if void if the car runs on gasoline with more than 10% ethanol."

The blend is a big problem, particularly for pre 2001 vintage autos.

The car companies say it is fine in Brazil.

I have no idea, I've put up to 20% ethanol in non-flex vehicles. Most of the issue might be the way they have computers set up in the cars for adjust of timing from sensors.
boardman's Avatar
On their own ethanol has about 2/3 the energy of gasoline in their pure form

Gasoline rejects water. Ethanol has the capacity to absorb water even directly from the atmosphere. Water has no energy value that I know of so it would be reasonable to assume that a volume of ethanol that has absorbed water has less energy value than ethanol in it's purest form.

Ethanol, even that which has chemically absorbed water does blend with petroleum. Using those same assumptions then, gasoline that is blended with ethanol now has the capacity to absorb water from the atmosphere(of from the bottom of your tank) and would reduce the energy value of the gasoline.

I have been using lawn equipment for many years and replaced those little clear hoses and primer bulbs numerous times. I have cleaned carbs that have set up over a winter and had rust in them but no signs of water. This is something I don't remember having to do nearly as much as a kid or teen 30 -40 years ago. Sure you would have to clean a carb but the reasons were always obvious because you could see the water in the gasoline. Now I open a bowl and there is no water but it is full of rust. Why?

I can also tell you that years ago a gallon of gas did not go bad sitting in a container in a garage after just a few months. It does now. It turns to something like varsol and has a bad smell.

The HEET that someone mentions is used to put into tanks to absorbs water and run it through the system. It does not get rid of it as he has suggested. That works as long as you have a little bit of water and run that tank out pretty quickly as we do with most vehicles. If it sits in the tank of your ATV, motorhome or lawn equipment for any period of time you are going to have problems. I guarantee it.

I have been using ethanol free two cycle gasoline in lawn equipment and chain saws for about 5 years and haven't had to replace a single hose or primer bulb. The plastic(or whatever material it is) is just as pliable as a new one.

A friend of mine just replace the plastic intake on his 04 Mustang because it had cracked. When he went to get a new one a discussion ensued about why. The parts guy told him it was the ethanol in the gasoline that does that. The ethanol is absorbed little by little into the plastic along with the water it contains and continuous heating and cooling of the water produces micro fractures over time which weakens the plastic. Now I'm no chemist and I don't think this guy was either but it kinda makes sense.

Why don't the manufacturers make or use ethanol resistant plastics? Maybe it's too expensive or maybe it's because they want to continue to sell parts. IDK.

BTW, Some of the arguments about the price of a bushel of corn a barrel of crude or a blending process are really silly. Gasoline is a commodity. It's price per gallon is based on supply and demand. Sure there are some taxes and fixed costs that set a base line but they don't set the price. We as the consumer do. If that were not the case why are the oil companies making record profits each year when the price of a gallon of gasoline has not, not increased at the same rate as the cost of a barrell of oil or when corn prices doubled? That's basic economics.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Because Senator Harkin wants it that way..

Amazing bow you people don't think, why do we give the oil companies free over seas security with the U.S Military and we don't call that a subsidy?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-07-2014, 07:15 PM
Amazing bow you people don't think, why do we give the oil companies free over seas security with the U.S Military and we don't call that a subsidy? Originally Posted by farmstud60
Some of us do! Does not change the that this is a subsidy!
Amazing bow you people don't think, why do we give the oil companies free over seas security with the U.S Military and we don't call that a subsidy? Originally Posted by farmstud60
Please list the occurances of overseas security by the US Military for US oil companies. Thanks in advance.

The only US military security for oil companies I think was provided was during the Iraqi invasion and its aftermath. US military support in Nigeria? No. In Venezula? No. In Saudi Arabia? No. Libya? No. Kuwait? No. Countries that end with a -stan? No. At least none of these overtly.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some companies are making a lot of money creating additives for ethanol...in order to boost it's octane. Someone has swallowed a line.
Some companies are making a lot of money creating additives for ethanol...in order to boost it's octane. Someone has swallowed a line. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Not needed, just marketing because of the constant lies being told about ethanol. You would have thought those would have been put too rest 20 years ago, but the lies just keep getting told.
Here's a novel idea; remove all subsidies from farmers.....................le t them grow crops that the market wants............
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-08-2014, 07:58 AM
Please list the occurances of overseas security by the US Military for US oil companies. Thanks in advance.

The only US military security for oil companies I think was provided was during the Iraqi invasion and its aftermath. US military support in Nigeria? No. In Venezula? No. In Saudi Arabia? No. Libya? No. Kuwait? No. Countries that end with a -stan? No. At least none of these overtly. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Who the fuck do you think makes it possible for ships loaded with oil to sail the Seven Seas selling their product?
Some companies are making a lot of money creating additives for ethanol...in order to boost it's octane. Someone has swallowed a line. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Maybe to increase it's lubricating qualities, or inhibit water consumption,but not octane. Pure ethanol will run about 115 research octane.

Our E-85 is at least 105. I run it in my "car", (street car), through a converted 950 Holley Ultra carburator using a Mallory 140 electric pump. I installed a Stainless Steel tank last year.

On the engine dyno, the engine made about 660 HP on straight unleaded premium, on E-85, close to 690.

This engine is set up at 10 to 1 compression. We could have increased the compression to about 11.5 to 1 and gained another 50 HP on E-85.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Amazing bow you people don't think, why do we give the oil companies free over seas security with the U.S Military and we don't call that a subsidy? Originally Posted by farmstud60

How much is a gallon of gasoline taxed?

How many tax paying employees do the oil companies employ?

Who is subsidizing who?