Covid part 2


According to this link which has real time pandemic data from all 50 states. In the USA there were 100 million people who got infected. There were 1.1 million deaths. If you don't like there numbers take it up with them. Plus, provide a link that backs up what you say. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You're not questioning anything. I am because this Pandemic was highly politicized. They were even showing politicians and celebrities being vaccinated on Television. That's a big red flag in my opinion. These numbers presented are nothing but questionable.
adav8s28's Avatar
You're not questioning anything. I am because this Pandemic was highly politicized. They were even showing politicians and celebrities being vaccinated on Television. Originally Posted by adav8s28
It was former President Donald Trump (Republican) who put in WARP Speed so that the approval process would be more efficient. Presidents Trump and Biden urged people to get the shot.

Just about 2/3 (230 million) of the population got the shots. 1/3 (100 million) of the population did not get the shot.

Hospitals were making temporary morgues in their parking lots in 2020 from CoVid deaths.

Again, you have no link to backup what you say.
texassapper's Avatar
Presidents Trump and Biden urged people to get the shot. Originally Posted by adav8s28
False. Trump urged people to take the jab, Biden MANDATED it.

you understand the difference right? Urging me to take an experimental drug is one thing... MANDATING that I take it as a defense contractor is over the line.

SCOTUS even declared that mandate UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Lucky for me my company delayed implementation long enough that I was n't forced out of my job because I didn't want to join the experiment.

But I will say it again... the MANDATE was UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

It was former President Donald Trump (Republican) who put in WARP Speed so that the approval process would be more efficient. Presidents Trump and Biden urged people to get the shot.

Just about 2/3 (230 million) of the population got the shots. 1/3 (100 million) of the population did not get the shot.

Hospitals were making temporary morgues in their parking lots in 2020 from CoVid deaths.

Again, you have no link to backup what you say. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I'll do better than a link. Here's a video of your goofy President supposedly receiving a Covid injection.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Uhhhh, Biden’s mandate covered federal employees.

Your comment is an exaggeration at very best.

It isn’t fooling anybody.
adav8s28's Avatar
I'll do better than a link. Here's a video of your goofy President supposedly receiving a Covid injection. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Just because a video was made of Biden getting the shot does it make it political. There were plenty of republicans who supported getting the shot, including Trump.

Obamacare is a better example of something being political. There were very few republicans who supported Obamacare. Only three states in the south (KY, ARK & La) took the expanded medicaid. It's the southern states that needed it the most.
eyecu2's Avatar
You're not questioning anything. I am because this Pandemic was highly politicized. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Shouldn't have been ... conservative news made it that way due to their conspiracy spin teams and alternative facts teams. Ppl who were science adverse, uneducated and flat earthers felt that it was 'insane' that a disease could hurt them. Blind ignorance and absolute faith in news organizations that presented nothing but ivermectin horse dewormers, etc, since they were told that the shot was bad.

When Fox News, or Breitbart tells me to do something I know I should be doing exactly the opposite.
texassapper's Avatar
Shouldn't have been ... conservative news made it that way due to their conspiracy spin teams and alternative facts teams. Ppl who were science adverse, uneducated and flat earthers felt that it was 'insane' that a disease could hurt them. Blind ignorance and absolute faith in news organizations that presented nothing but ivermectin horse dewormers, etc, since they were told that the shot was bad.

When Fox News, or Breitbart tells me to do something I know I should be doing exactly the opposite. Originally Posted by eyecu2
LOL. what a load of horsehsit. It was the Biden MANDATE that made the vaxx jab political.

without the mandate, no conservatives would give a shit that you decided to take part in the experiment.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LOL. what a load of horsehsit. It was the Biden MANDATE that made the vaxx jab political.

without the mandate, no conservatives would give a shit that you decided to take part in the experiment. Originally Posted by texassapper
I see your horseshit and raise you bullshit.

You’re wrong on both counts.

The “jab” as you antivaxxers so jingoistically like to call it, became political when Trump bungled the response. The mandate, which frankly sounds like a topic for Another Realm knowing some of y’all, did not affect the general public, and you know it.

What is your preferred bleach?

Shouldn't have been ... conservative news made it that way due to their conspiracy spin teams and alternative facts teams. Ppl who were science adverse, uneducated and flat earthers felt that it was 'insane' that a disease could hurt them. Blind ignorance and absolute faith in news organizations that presented nothing but ivermectin horse dewormers, etc, since they were told that the shot was bad.

When Fox News, or Breitbart tells me to do something I know I should be doing exactly the opposite. Originally Posted by Levianon17
True, The Pandemic shouldn't have been politicized but it was. The reason primarily was to instill fear and it worked and they'll do it again you can bet on it. In fact a new Pandemic is in the works.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
True, The Pandemic shouldn't have been politicized but it was. The reason primarily was to instill fear and it worked and they'll do it again you can bet on it. In fact a new Pandemic is in the works. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Then you’d better stock up!

eyecu2's Avatar
LOL. what a load of horsehsit. It was the Biden MANDATE that made the vaxx jab political.

without the mandate, no conservatives would give a shit that you decided to take part in the experiment. Originally Posted by texassapper
The vaxx response to a pandemic that conservatives both then, and EVEN NOW, believe that none is needed. That their body will create a response despite the facts that show unvaxxed ppl died at much higher rates than vaxxed folks.

Biden tried to encourage people in the fastest way possible to be vaccinated to create herd immunity - and of course our friends on the right only saw that is taking away your rights. Despite his mandate being to protect every US person versus just conservatives, or Democrats.

Any other negative comments are a production of either Fox News, Breitbart or OAN networks about vaccine boogeyman, Bill Gates implants, or DNA mutations - all the things that have been proven to be incorrect. (Even the suggested effectiveness of alternative treatments as suggested by Trump and the marching minions of the mindless, have shown nothing more than hogwash.).

I hope no conservatives ever take another vaccine for the rest of their lives since they seem to need to learn things the hard way, along with the total gaslighting they receive daily from their news that refers to any other non conservative ideology as "the leftist media mob". Sadly you'll all figure it out one day and how you were manipulated all along. Red pill or blue pill??

Just because a video was made of Biden getting the shot does it make it political. There were plenty of republicans who supported getting the shot, including Trump.

Obamacare is a better example of something being political. There were very few republicans who supported Obamacare. Only three states in the south (KY, ARK & La) took the expanded medicaid. It's the southern states that needed it the most. Originally Posted by Levianon17
What is the point in Televising it?
texassapper's Avatar
Biden tried to encourage people in the fastest way possible to be vaccinated to create herd immunity Originally Posted by eyecu2
You must not understand what mandate vs. encourage means.

- and of course our friends on the right only saw that is taking away your rights. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Why would you think that the Government has the Right to force you to take an experimental drug? If that's not something the government is constrained from then they can essentially do anything they please.

Despite his mandate being to protect every US person versus just conservatives, or Democrats. Originally Posted by eyecu2
I don't give a shit what his intentions were. The govt. that can demand you inject experimental drugs is tyrannical and guess what... SCOTUS agreed with that opinion.

Sadly you'll all figure it out one day and how you were manipulated all along. Red pill or blue pill?? Originally Posted by eyecu2
Lol.. really? It's not the unvaxxed whose cancer rates are on the rise. But you worry about you and I'll worry about me.
Better than a link? No surprise you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
That's exactly what you did. You didn't post something better than a link. You posted a link. You included a link to a video showing our country's leader leading by example. If the president won't take the vaccine, why would other people take it?

Think about it. Trump didn't get the vaccine publicly or endorse it until after the election because it was unpopular to the base. He got the vax.
Biden was showing people it was safe to be vaccinated. Trump admitted he got the vaccine and a booster after Bill Orally asked him when they were doing an event together almost a year after he got it. The crowd (many of the crowd booed) when he said he had gotten both.

Why didn't you admit you didn't know what a "link" is? That would have saved everyone a lot of time and effort.
Another large gap in the knowledge base of a person who pretends to know more than the scientists at CDC or anywhere else.
They're not right 100% of the time but they correct themselves when they find out they're wrong.
It's like social distancing. It makes sense not to pack people like sardines. 6 feet is as close as I want to be to unvaccinated people who don't give a shit about anybody else.

From Dec. 2031
"NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump revealed he received a booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, drawing boos from a crowd in Dallas.

Trump made the disclosure Sunday night during the final stop of “The History Tour,” a live interview show he has been doing with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly.

“Both the president and I are vaxxed,” O’Reilly said at the American Airlines Center, drawing some jeers from the audience, according to video shared online by O’Reilly’s “No Spin News.”
“Did you get the booster?” he asked the former president. “Yes,” Trump responded. “I got it, too,” O’Reilly said, eliciting more hectoring.

“Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! Don’t!” Trump told the crowd, waving off their reaction with his hand.

While Trump has expressed opposition to vaccine mandates, he has long taken credit for the vaccines developed on his watch. At the same time, he has refused to urge his supporters to take them, even though Republicans remain far less likely than Democrats to be protected.

For instance, while other world leaders, including former Vice President Mike Pence, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, received their doses publicly to promote the lifesaving medicine, Trump chose to receive his in private — an acknowledgement of the unpopularity of the vaccine with large
swaths of his base. And while he has blamed the Biden administration for high levels of vaccine skepticism, he repeatedly undermined public health recommendations while in office, encouraging the use of unproven treatments and playing down the threat the virus posed as he tried to prioritize economic recovery and secure a second term.

Trump had told the Wall Street Journal in a September interview that he “probably” wouldn’t get a booster shot. 10 months after he had already received the booster. He tells you to do one thing and then does something else to protect himself.

PS This is all off topic. Start your own thread.

I'll do better than a link. Here's a video of your goofy President supposedly receiving a Covid injection. Originally Posted by Levianon17;1063400076"