You have got to be kidding me!

spunky's Avatar
I would've negotiated. Originally Posted by mojojo213

Mojojo, as a mod you should know better! If you do not take a stand then what keeps them from doing it over and over again. To me a lady that doesn't take the time to present herself well for an appointment is no different than a B&S provider on BP useing someone elses photos. If you go through with the appointment then you are rewarding the bad behavior.
spunky's Avatar
So when are the cloths on long enough to be an issue?????

Put a phone number in your ad, have your pictures be accurate, pick up the phone, schedule the appointment and show up. Do that and you can wear a burlap sack with two different shoe!

Priorities boys... Priorities Originally Posted by Still Looking

Well SL, lets look at it like this, I am a guy that loves a good steak and if you take a $200 koby steak and Emeril Lagasse himself cooks it and you serve it to me on a trash can lid I aint eating it. If you take an ordinary cut of beef and season it well, grill it to perfection and serve it to me on a nice plate with garnish I will eat the hell out of that steak.

In my business if I do not provide my customers with the quality product they desire in the manner they desire they will find someone who will, same goes for this thing of ours.
gearslut's Avatar
You know thinking back I'm not sure I've ever been asked by any girl if I had a preference as to what she wore. I'm sure most of them would have been happy to comply but of lot of them just showed up in casual dress which seemed fine. It would be nice to be asked though. For three bills I would expect something more than sweats and flip flops. Hope you said why you were leaving.
I'm guilty of wearing sweats over jeans to an appointmet when it was FREEEEEEZING cold. I'm guilty of not wearing make-up as well. I never wear make-up, just not my thing. It bothers my eyes and makes them runny. I can understand the want to have a lady looking sexy clothes wise, and with no less than perfect hygiene. I think make-up is only to be expected if that's what the provider's pictures previews to the client.
LexusLover's Avatar
My 2 cents on attire:

In call = any thing seductively appropriate goes that the guest would enjoy.
Out call = look inviting, but appropriate for the time of day and the location.
Out call = Blend in. (Unless, of course, you had special request.}
sharkie's Avatar
Spunky, that was some description. For $300 you're going to pop out dressed like a Walmart shopper? Spunky, did you check earlier reviews? What were her showcase picture like?
This is what I read....

1. He did his research and passed all her screening criteria. (A gold star for him)
2. He was fine with her donation range & services. (Two gold stars for him)
3. He requested her to dress and look a certain way. (The guy is a classy guy! He likes quality & presentation, why not?)
4. He came freshly showered and dressed well. (three gold stars)


1. The lady was showered and wet hair and all (still considered a good sign)
2. She had a pony tail on (maybe that was her way of showing she had her game face on)
3. No make-up and sweat pants (a no no for some, others don't care) But, she could have asked him to delay a bit, so she can get make-up, clothes and hair done (a major negative point for her if she took the gentleman's needs, requests and time, for a joke)

So, I think he fulfilled his side of the bargain....she didn't fulfill hers.

But for the sake of having a good time....a second date has to be in order. SPUNKY.....give her a call again. And put it gently to her, and report back with a detailed recon report.

My two cents.

PS: Man, I have a hunch this chick was game-face ready to fcuk your brains into goo. That sweat pants thing is like code-word for....this is going to be a serious workout!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think he should call her again and if she has her hair in a pony tail this time then grab a handful while they are goin' at it and have some fun
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 05-10-2011, 07:24 AM
I'm guilty of not wearing make-up as well. I never wear make-up, just not my thing. Originally Posted by Naughty Nali
This is what I read....

1. He did his research and passed all her screening criteria. (A gold star for him)
2. He was fine with her donation range & services. (Two gold stars for him)
3. He requested her to dress and look a certain way. (The guy is a classy guy! He likes quality & presentation, why not?)
4. He came freshly showered and dressed well. (three gold stars)


1. The lady was showered and wet hair and all (still considered a good sign)
2. She had a pony tail on (maybe that was her way of showing she had her game face on)
3. No make-up and sweat pants (a no no for some, others don't care) But, she could have asked him to delay a bit, so she can get make-up, clothes and hair done (a major negative point for her if she took the gentleman's needs, requests and time, for a joke)

So, I think he fulfilled his side of the bargain....she didn't fulfill hers.

But for the sake of having a good time....a second date has to be in order. SPUNKY.....give her a call again. And put it gently to her, and report back with a detailed recon report.

My two cents.

PS: Man, I have a hunch this chick was game-face ready to fcuk your brains into goo. That sweat pants thing is like code-word for....this is going to be a serious workout! Originally Posted by Max-Max-Max
Would like to ADD that he asked and if she agreed to then did not well thats not good.
If she did not say she would or had she said "its extra" then he has the option to accept or move on.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Cut the crap! Give us a NAME!! That way we know what mods to bash (you know where)


Ruby there's nothing wrong with not dressing up as long as it is communicated up front. Here he expressed what he wanted and she didn't comply, at least that's how I read it.

Personally that stuff doesn't really bother me. That's just me though. Now bad hygiene, smelly, dirty clothes is a different story. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
yeah i know i would never show up to an appointment dirty! thats a big no no!!! but i always try to look good

oh Ruby, you could show up in overalls after working a 12 hour shift in a coal mine... Originally Posted by markeymark
thanks sweetie!
Mojojo's Avatar
Mojojo, as a mod you should know better! If you do not take a stand then what keeps them from doing it over and over again. To me a lady that doesn't take the time to present herself well for an appointment is no different than a B&S provider on BP useing someone elses photos. If you go through with the appointment then you are rewarding the bad behavior. Originally Posted by spunky
Actually spunky now that we've got this one back on track. I think you did the right thing. The only difference I think I would've done is told her what was wrong. So I dont see you doing anything wrong by walking away. Do you think this kills giving her a second chance?
junglemonkey's Avatar
Me not happy when:

No sexy make up even though it was requested.
Error in not wearing HEELS when requested. I stress that I have a Heel Fetish.
XXX Clothing (Fishnets, corset, etc..) not worn when requested.
The Wet Hair.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 05-10-2011, 05:18 PM
Wet hair, to me, is more than okay. I've seen two different ladies in the past few months that had wet hair when we met-up and I gotta admit, I found it kinda sexy. Just my .02 cents worth.