Bill O'Reilly Strikes Back At Motherjones

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets just say that I DIDN'T vote for Reese Witherspoon. Something about her chin bothers me.
Caught in a lie again. You're three for three government worker. If you knew just a little about conservatives you would know that they predate Obama and his brand of Muslim socialism. We opposed Al Gore Jr. and John Kerry. We also opposed Bush's proposed amnesty and his nomination of Harriet Miers. We have been against Hillary and the Clinton slime machine. We even opposed the feckless Carter and his weak kneed attempt to deal with Iran.

It is not about race, sex, or party. It about philosophy and competence. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I voted for Bush the first time. Al Gore is a joke. Not the first time I've said that on here. I'm well aware of what conservatives are for and against. After seeing the hatred for Obama, it turned me off. We went against Clinton but there's an edge to the Obama hatred that wasn't there with Clinton. The problem for me is that my philosophy lies somewhere in between the two parties. I can't get with republicans on most social issues. I don't agree that the govt should have control over women's bodies, for one. Carter is the worst president of the twentieth century, no argument there. I was for Bush's amnesty program and I'm for Obama's. Rounding up 13 million plus people is not realistic. We need to deal with it in a real way that affects lasting change.
Lets just say that I DIDN'T vote for Reese Witherspoon. Something about her chin bothers me. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Maybe the fact that it's not resting on your balls?
I voted for Bush the first time. Al Gore is a joke. Not the first time I've said that on here. I'm well aware of what conservatives are for and against. After seeing the hatred for Obama, it turned me off. We went against Clinton but there's an edge to the Obama hatred that wasn't there with Clinton. The problem for me is that my philosophy lies somewhere in between the two parties. I can't get with republicans on most social issues. I don't agree that the govt should have control over women's bodies, for one. Carter is the worst president of the twentieth century, no argument there. I was for Bush's amnesty program and I'm for Obama's. Rounding up 13 million plus people is not realistic. We need to deal with it in a real way that affects lasting change. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I could go for a general amnesty too. Right after we close the border.
I could go for a general amnesty too. Right after we close the border. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I agree. It needs to be done in conjunction with tighter border control.
LexusLover's Avatar
I could go for a general amnesty too. Originally Posted by Jackie S
A "general amnesty" for what?

I "hope" that who ever wants a "general amnesty" for illegal aliens, whether they overstayed their paper or snuck into the country, confers with the rank-in-file population in the Latin American countries from which most of them have arrived to see if THEY want them back in their respective countries.

Or just ask the "President" of each of their countries? If they want them back.

After you get their HONEST ANSWER, then ask yourself .......

... If they don't want them back, why do we want them?

Do you guys read reviews posted on this board? Let me guess....

... You all ALWAYS select the providers to take your money with "NO" reviews?
LexusLover's Avatar
Back on topic ...

CBS released the footage recorded by O"Reilly's team "back when" ... WITH SOUND!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Who really said anything about deporting 13 million (is that the new number?) illegal aliens? Just deny them any chance of government benefits or access to jobs and they will deport themselves.

Just tell them that if they are illegal then;
there will be no green cards
there will be no anchor babies
there will be no welfare benefits
there will be no amnesty
there will be no healthcare beyond stablization
there will be no lottery winnings
there will be instant deportation for any arrest
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-24-2015, 12:30 PM
and they will deport themselves.

st Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Me thinks Mitt ran and lost on that platform
  • DSK
  • 02-24-2015, 12:37 PM
Who really said anything about deporting 13 million (is that the new number?) illegal aliens? Just deny them any chance of government benefits or access to jobs and they will deport themselves.

Just tell them that if they are illegal then;
there will be no green cards
there will be no anchor babies
there will be no welfare benefits
there will be no amnesty
there will be no healthcare beyond stablization
there will be no lottery winnings
there will be instant deportation for any arrest Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think they should be able to cash in their lottery tickets - as long as they pay taxes!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
I think they should be able to cash in their lottery tickets - as long as they pay taxes!!! Originally Posted by DSK
And spend the money in the U.S.
Who really said anything about deporting 13 million (is that the new number?) illegal aliens? Just deny them any chance of government benefits or access to jobs and they will deport themselves.

Just tell them that if they are illegal then;
there will be no green cards
there will be no anchor babies
there will be no welfare benefits
there will be no amnesty
there will be no healthcare beyond stablization
there will be no lottery winnings
there will be instant deportation for any arrest Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You really have no fucking clue.
boardman's Avatar
At least O'Reilly doesn't do those stupid Fox Breaking News Alerts.
At least O'Reilly doesn't do those stupid Fox Breaking News Alerts. Originally Posted by boardman
BREAKING NEWS!!! there's a high-speed chase on the freeway in LA

They're so tabloid it's ridiculous. They're almost like a news station in some alternate universe where we lost WW2 or something. They're that out there in shilling for the cause.
I could go for a general amnesty too. Right after we close the border. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Well, your man Dan Patrick (aka Dannie Goeb before he changed that name...wonder why?) is on it! He'll have that border secured in no time.

Same stupid statements, same end result. If the yahoo's wanted the border secured, they'd start enforcing the ban on businesses hiring undocumented workers....but....but....but.. ...that would be un-Republican.