sixxbach's Avatar
You boys fight like school girls. Pull hair. Throw rocks. Tell each other bad names. Cry like bithes. Then you beat up on the little kid in the street. I am learning much from you. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
I like that statement. I liken all this to a UFC fight, you beat the shit out of each other but at the end of the fight, you hug each other and laugh.....

At least noone is suggesting you are like that dude Whispers.... That would really be insulting Originally Posted by Whispers
I do not believe he said any bodies name at all...
And PLEASE BELIEVE ME.. I have met Sixx and our time together was not at all what a provider might expect if you just read some of his post. There are not too many guys I offer to cook for if it is not their birthday.
I am NOT ALLOWED TO CALL HIM SWEET however I will just say that he is NOT ABIG OLE MONSTER ready to chew up the next girl and spit her out.
I can not speak for those I have not met. But I am guessing that for hobbiest who enjoy a woman's touch and feel and what ever else probably is not a complete fuckig ass hole in her presence.
This guy is out of his mind and glad he is banned. I find most of the Guys on these forums just fine and enjoy their company when they cum here and see me. Never really ever had any bad experience as of yet in person with anyone and hope not to in the future.




Well alrighty then, this was a nice long thread.
I have had enough with you Johns.

BAN ME, PLEASE! BAN ME FOREVER! I can't stand this hellhole. I can't stand how you johns treat the women. Originally Posted by The_Leopard
sounds like someone had a bad session.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I'd love to take the credit.... I wanted to! I was hesitant on pulling the trigger being the new guy.... Originally Posted by CupOfJava
Use the force, Luke. Trust your feelings. Let go.
Sternomancer, I was wondering about that 5.5 billion dollar Lexus too! Lol!

I'm betting the new handle will be "Who_would_Jesus_Do"

And that is one hell of an exit strategy! Out with a bang!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Judge not unless thee be judged. When you start pointing fingers there are three pointing right back at you.....

Ya 5.5 billion dollar Lexus should wipe your ass for you and come with a built in Cat House!
googol^googol's Avatar
I'm a little late but I'm still jumping on the "I agree with MasterMind's post" bandwagon.
Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 08-03-2011, 07:46 AM
Karma is not going to get me. I went back to Christianity. Originally Posted by The_Leopard
Munchmasterman's Avatar
My Opus?

I have had enough with you Johns.

All you do is buy sex and feel like you are something special. All I can do is feel like I'm something special. I'm so broke.............you people just missed your line. I'm so broke I lay on my left hand until it goes to sleep and then give myself a "mystery girl" hand job. These girls my age even asked me to be some football player or some big, scary black man which I have calmly declined several times for their silly advances because they want a nigger Why can he post the "N" word? to take care of them while they whore themselves to you!!!

I am sick and tired of you pathetic pieces of shit, you guys are on your way to extinction.

A night ago, a pervert kept stalking a 32 year old homeless girl and kept asking her to hop in his car. I was walking back from this bar near North Loop and there was the pervert in his $5.5 billion dollar Lexus. He was harassing the girl and I called the police. I got his license plate and gave it to the police. He was stopped by two cops because GOD answered my prayers and the guy deserved what is coming to him. From everything you know about the situation, sounds there were 2 stalkers. It also sounds like you're better at cock-blocking. Typical leopard. Uses the one prayer he will ever get answered on trying to get laid. Trying to get laid. Instead of asking for world peace, he asks that a competing stalker gets busted. So while he's talking to God and the cops, Spydertoezzz sneaks in behind him and picks the chick up. He fucks the chick (and her 3 sisters who like pick-up trucks but not Lexususususss or bikes) for the rest of the night for $7.00. Sometime during the action, one of the sisters loses 1 of her 3 remaining teeth. By sheer luck it is the one with the gold crown bought in better times. Spyder get his $7.00 back plus $1339.Leopard is metaphorically punched in the nuts again, remembers he has fagitis, and goes and blows 4 guys. The first 3 wouldn’t give him the $3 he had asked for.

So, you johns can't stand your chance against a snitch that can actually ruin you all forever. So it's your fault I have a nice house and 3 Corvettes. You bastard! Ty Steel is cool. Honestly, I have never met Ty Steel and he is becoming my favorite person in the whole wide world.

You want to PIMP these WOMEN!!! You are not pimps. You vile fuckers are useless, damage goods in these young women's eyes. You rather pay for sex than to get a "real" girlfriend. I 've got news for you. Paying for sex is a hell of a lot cheaper than having a girlfriend, "real" or "fake".

To be honest, I do not think that any of you guys could actually score a marriage. You are too busy with your miserable white collared and blue collared jobs Key words are having a job trying to be the special blend in the morning, I only feel like the special blend plus you jack off to 70's, 80's, 90's and this era's porn movies, I'll jack off to the Parade magazine if that's all I've got then the final motion comes in when you beg for a top notch beauty to come into your arms so you can get your dirty sexual needs and pay her only $100.00 BECAUSE YOU ARE CHEAP HAS-BEENS WITH A CROOKED AGENDA, Sounds like projection to me and finally, you guys go to strip clubs thinking a few of those mild mannered girls are going to take you to the back and yet, you will never accomplish that on most of you guys while you beg these ladies to hell for a fucking BBBJ and ass pumping sex. A level of eloquence seldom seen

You know what, I can continue. I don't care how big this post is because your stupid little bandwidth fucking sucks. You’re starting to bore me

Most of you johns are scared of reality. You play this fantasy world just because you are sex deprived fucks with no life, no future, no gain for yourselves, and then you hate women. Your women hating lead you to play yourselves like pimps. You’re losing me. Quick! Say something really stupid.

You talk shit about fat women all the damn time in the Locker Room.

Oh, and about Marley, it was me who leaked the locker room stuff in ASPD. I was the one who did that. That was the only time I did that. You can bet your life that I had fun fucking with you dudes after all, you are ALL LAME!!! Thank you

You talk shit about Ariel from Dallas because she is fat. You guys even stated stuff about her stealing someone's iPod when all you guys do is bitch about how much money the girl is spending on you.

How about Victoria Lynn. You called her out about her moving and bitched. You thought she was over 300lbs and called her chubby several times. An obvious lie. Someone over 300 lbs is not chubby.

Oh, and let's not forget about how expensive Lara is. You can't even pay $300 for a really good looking red head because you are CHEAP!!! The girl from Dr. Zhivago? Julie Christy? Did I nod out and miss something?

I can go on for days.

Oh, I copied all the locker room threads from some of the ones you talk shit and sent it to Kelly Kelly and Robyn. Oh, they had fun reading your bullshit about how flaky they are. You don’t think they realize they NCNS? How do you know they had fun? Stalking again?

Remember Maddie the Co-Ed? She got tired of your bullshit and left. This is why you can't have a UT Co-Ed anymore. We lost the 1 out of 25000 co-ed? Who gives a shit? I’d rather have an Aggie anyways. They only charge an extra $5 to pretend they are from UT. But you knew that.

UTR ehh? Well, let's talk about Katrina.Katrina? The storm? Did I nod out again? She was scared of your losers who kept trying to get to comfort with her. Then, your friend "Mr. Pee-Wee Dick" tried to stalk her. You are totally desperate. Then, you got mad at the fact that she decided to go UTR because of bastards like you.

Oh, then 78704 and his harassment against darling Marley Monroe.

Your rude comments towards the ex-porn star name Haley Lynn.

The way you people have disrespect girls like for example Ariele Monde. You guys made her seem like she was a monster. She can't help having a mustache or whatever you guys call it. You already covered her.

I think all of you guys bitch and complain in the locker room just because you are afraid of the provider black listing you from her services while in order to pretend that you guys are nice to her, you make a locker room.

But, the providers bitched and complained about the men having a locker room. So the women have a locker room. That's why the locker rooms were actually leaked. I did that too. So now you’re pre-operative? Make up your fucking mind. The only leaking you do is from eating too much olestra.

See, I love this. You guys talk shit about the women in here and you never know who comes from behind and stabs you in the back. What else would a bitch do?

So, you want macho ehh, well you got macho. You got a "keyboard warrior" trying to bury you johns because of the political bullshit you guys play. You want to bury some women because of their differences and her price range. You want to bury newbies who see Backpage girls? You want to be "semi-pimps" for girls who you keep STALKING!!! You are going to get slapped by reality from ME! What else would a bitch do?

Karma is not going to get me. I went back to Christianity. So you will never see me buying sex anymore because my faith for the lord is stronger than ever. Good bye to most of you. Karma already got you. Sounds like it got Christianity too. Because you are going back to continue your career as a priest.

(Yes, I am trying to stop using profanity as well which is hard)

BAN ME, PLEASE! BAN ME FOREVER! I can't stand this hellhole. I can't stand how you johns treat the women. Originally Posted by The_Leopard
I thought he was banned. Maybe he was only speed sticked.
Wait. I can’t go out like he did. I know. A song!

Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to
leave because I'd go berserk?? Well...
You left me anyhow and then the days got worse and worse and now you see
I've gone completely out of my mind.. And..

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa
To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be
happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!!!

You thought it was a joke and so you laughed, you laughed when I had said
that loosing you would make me flip my lid.. RIGHT???
I know you laughed, I heard you laugh, you laughed you laughed and
laughed and then you left, but now you know I'm utterly mad... And..

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa,
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.
To the happy home. With trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket
weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!

I cooked your food, I cleaned your house, and this is how you pay me back
for all my kind unselfish loving deeds.. Huh??
Well you just wait, they'll find you yet and when they do they'll put you
in the ASPCA, you mangy mutt!!! And...

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy
to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming
to take me away, ha-haaa!!!

To the happy home, with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket
weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haa!!!
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time... (fade out)
Gushing Geyser's Avatar
Can someone sum up whats going on in this thread? I cant bear to read all of it.
First off, holy shit! This thread is full of win and might I say that even though I am brand damn new here I can see already that I have come to exactly the right place. So the OP flipped shit and is apparently starting a new career licking windows in the church. No surprise, I have many an epiphany while leaving a bar, hell that's the reason I go to bars.

Really though after reading all of this I know I'm right where I belong. I don't know any of you but so far you're all fanfuckintastic. I especially love the "bets on his new screen name". Put me down for $200.00 with Maxeen for "Who_Would_Jesus_Do".
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Can someone sum up whats going on in this thread? I cant bear to read all of it. Originally Posted by Gushing Geyser
Leopard is someone who locked eyes with the "Bear of Life" and got mauled...several times. He then emerged from the forest, clutching nuts, forearms, and other body parts. He then made what might be even a bigger mistake than the eye contact with the bear thing.

He asked us for help and advice.

If I had hand written the statement directly proceeding this one, you would have been able to tell where I burst out laughing as I typed.


The longer threads are some of the better ones. You may see "humans" so pathetic you will feel it is your duty to jump in while wearing steel toed boots so you can help put him out of his misery. Which seldom works but is fun to do.

If Uncle Billy Bob made you play "wheelbarrow" with him when you were 5 yo, and you have never really come to terms with it, seek professional help.

Not ours.

Because we still like to play wheelbarrow. With providers of course