Do you know anybody who is at a "Women's March"?

  • jma9
  • 01-23-2017, 09:35 AM
Ah yes, The classic maneuver of using someone's weight as a response when you've run out of real replies. This, coming from a man who is hiding anonymously behind a screen. The irony is not lost. Originally Posted by GemmaFox
Are you saying my statement is not true? Didn't thousands of women get out and move their legs back and forth shifting their momentum as such to move forward? I watched the news; I saw the overweight women walking. Did Michelle Obama ever motivate that many women to do that?!
Gemmafox, answer LL.

Are you concerned Trump is going to take away ALL the progress Obama made on the issues you listed?

If all these issues were so important to you and the other useless idiots, where the fuck were you the last 8 years.

Could you in 2009? 2010? 2011? 2012? 2013? 2014? 2015? 2016?

Yes, but you didn't!

All those years you let those who can't suffer! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I would like a list of jobs, that are held by both men and women, where the men get paid more based on gender.

I can only attest to jobs that I have personal knowledge of.
Truck Drivers, same pay.
Nurses, same pay
Welders and fitters, same pay
Plumbers. Same pay
Electricians, same pay
Vessel Captains,.same pay
Locomotive Engineers,same pay
Teachers, same pay.
Construction workers, same pay
General retail, same pay

Those are occupations that I know personally that have equal pay for both genders.What are the ones that do not?
LexusLover's Avatar
...where the fuck were you the last 8 years. Originally Posted by tonyvicksa
At the buffet.
I don't know "all thugs"! And neither do you, BTW. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Mind reading again little democrat?

What % of thugs are democrat then?
Poor little eehhhbuhhrrrr?

] Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You should get some therapy for your speech impediment.

Or are you a screech owl?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I guess you were sucking cock when Trump repeatedly insulted women? If your old dead mom were alive I am pretty sure she would be marching. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Of course no one can as nice to women as you right?

You're a pathetic fat fuck loser Lube. When are you going to leave again?
  • Luxie
  • 01-23-2017, 01:10 PM
This is entertaining. I've never seen so many #triggered old men before. Keep insulting my weight though. Only one of us is getting paid because of our appearance though and spoiler alert: it ain't you.

Off to make money. Tata!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
"I didn’t march because I personally feel marginalized. I marched because I can. I marched because a lot of women can’t, even if you don’t see them. I marched for women of privilege, women who don’t have shit, women who are raising awesome children with their same-sex partner who has to legally adopt the child that is biologically hers, and might find herself spontaneously unmarried in the eyes of the Supreme Court. I marched for women who need reproductive healthcare of any kind. I marched for the 17-year old pregnant girl who dropped out of school to sort my clothes at the dry cleaners for $7.25/hour. She has to quit when the baby comes because she doesn’t get any time off, paid or otherwise. Her next job will be minimum wage, too, because she hasn’t gotten her GED yet and doesn’t know if she can get in the night school program because she’ll need someone to stay with her newborn. I marched for the woman who was raped in college and still hasn’t even told her best friend, after all these years.
I even marched for you, Christy. Even if you don’t feel like you need anyone to march for you."

To Christy on Facebook who doesn't need the womens march.

I have the ability to see that just because I am able to do acoomplish something, doesn't mean that the woman next to me is able to. To see past my own privileges.

Oh, and just because I'm not being beheaded in Palestine at this very moment does NOT mean we should throw our hands up and call it good. There are still a LOT of womens issues that need to be worked on. Trans women, women of color, lesbians, women with disabilities, mental health issues or other medical issues, WOMEN WHO ARE SEX WORKERS, poor women, etc.

I marched because I'm not a bitch who lacks empathy. Originally Posted by GemmaFox

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Madonna can expect a visit from the Secret Service shortly...

They don't take threats very well. Originally Posted by gfejunkie's a woman who wants all other women to act like whores but gets upset over a vulgar statement made 12 years ago.

Really Madonna?
LexusLover's Avatar
Only one of us is getting paid because of our appearance though and spoiler alert: it ain't you. Originally Posted by GemmaFox
You're correct! I've never charged by the pound. Plus the older I get the more I can charge for my time! How about you?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Several points 1) protesting things that have not happened ,2) diverse views welcome except other peoples
3) Madonna and other Stars are so far removed from the real world lives of most women - who cares 4) There are real women who have great actual accomplishments / which they never talk about ? WTF
just saying
LexusLover's Avatar
...4) There are real PEOPLE who have great actual accomplishments / which they never talk about ? WTF
just saying Originally Posted by rexdutchman
... hope you have no objection to my fixing it for you ....
goodman0422's Avatar
The enequal pay arguement has always been based on lifetime earnings. Men make more over their lifetimes. Liberals create an hourly wage based on lifetime earnings and a 40 hour work week. (Because none of us ever work more than 40 hours per week, right?)

A woman's lifetime earnings are often lower because they often take time off to have and raise children. Gerda Lerner, A pioneer women's equality historian said stay at home moms do their job (of being a mom) 15.5 hours per day at zero pay. A woman's lifetime earnings are decreased while her "working hours" skyrocket.

This is how libs get their phony unequal pay statistics.

I would love to see an accurrate and unbiased study comparing salary of male and female workers in the same job (and probably company) with similar education and experience. I would not be surprised to find some companies taking advantage but the risk of a lawsuit would be too great for most companies to even consider the risk.

Libs would not want this study because it would devalidate the Republican war on women. Especially when someone like Hillary actually pays women less than men.
rexdutchman's Avatar
my bad