The Results of the Usual Suspects Poker Tournament

Great time, as usual. Thanks for putting it together BL!

I'm gonna have to remember to bring TWO bottles next time! Lol Originally Posted by KinkyNasty
So you can double fist it? You know you can double fist with just 1 bottle right? You will be just drinking from one bottle, the other fist will be in....
BigLouie's Avatar
Lol i couldn't help it..

Anyways i had a great time!!! Im so glad i went!

Originally Posted by rubyred
And I am glad you attended. I thought you looked very chic in that outfit. Liked it a lot.
Great to get to know you. You were awesome. Doubles with Mandy a definite possibility Originally Posted by proper

and thank you btw

And I am glad you attended. I thought you looked very chic in that outfit. Liked it a lot. Originally Posted by BigLouie
awww you are sweet! thanks!
April_Showers's Avatar
Thanx for the event, my first Poker tournament to go to AND first event through this site. You guys had a great setup and the drink girls were hot esp that one ahhh.... lol I had a great time, lots of nice Guys and some nice Girls . Glad Stickitinyou invited me
Who was the other drink girl Louie? Sorry I couldn't make it to the tourney... the after-tourney drinking did me in...I completely have no recollection of anything from 145am to 4am
jhndsi's Avatar
Thanks for the invite BigLouie! It was my first social and though I was playing poker and didn't really get to socialize, I had a blast. It was good to overhear people's handles and pit faces to names. Next time I'm going to make a point of making introductions. All the ladies looked hot as well. Can't wait for the next one!
BigLouie's Avatar
Who was the other drink girl Louie? Sorry I couldn't make it to the tourney... the after-tourney drinking did me in...I completely have no recollection of anything from 145am to 4am Originally Posted by bashful1
One question, is Patron still coming out of your nose, hahaha....

The other game girl? The one with the wicked right jab? I'll send you a PM.
Thanks Big Louie, I had a greqt time..sorry I had to leave so early, next time maybe I can go to the after party...I always miss out on the fun.. lol !!!